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Opinions of Sunday, 23 December 2007

Columnist: Laryea, Samuel

Scancem Affair: An Indictment on our president

As an abiding and loyal citizen of our noble Nation, Ghana, we need to defend and uphold the emblem which is the Cote of Arm that embodies us as a country with regards to the Presidency, Citizens or an individual wherever he or she may be.

In our quest to fight this noble cause, I believe that, the Presidency as well as our Citizens in the person of the Ex-President under the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) regime, the former first lady in the person of Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings and Mr. P.V Obeng (the former top Advisor to His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings.

Since the issue of the bribery case begun in the Norwegian Cement giant, SCANCEM, at a Norwegian court regarding the embezzlement of funds. The supposed personalities involved came out to deny on various airwaves with regards to the allegations but something beats my imagination as of now.

Analyst should bear in mind that, the issue of the bribery allegation against the Honourable gentlemen and lady of our dear Land unfolded in Norway when Mr. Tor Kjelsaas and his former employers appeared in court to testify in embezzlement case that has engulfed the Company.

One thing that l know it pervades in the law court is that, one can file Certiorari Motion against a defendant who made an allegation to either deny or prove otherwise. As a Ghanaian who does not want the name of the Presidency to be brought into disrepute, l will urge the Ex-President J.J Rawlings and his associates who have been mentioned in the bribery case to take this bold step in order to bring the matter to rest besides restore dignity to the Presidency.

Looking at the issue raised by Mr. P.V Obeng as a defence since this issue erupted, to me I see it as very surprising since he seem to contradict himself for the fact that, per our constitution in Ghana, a public officer is supposed to disengaged himself from doing any work as a means of livelihood apart from his office. This I see to be contrary since Mr. P.V Obeng left public office in 2000 as against December 1996 as he claims from his London base.

I believe by now, the public might have a lot of questions for Mr. Obeng and his allied as each and everyone of us want to redeem the image of our dear Nation from the bad state to the best. In one of his statements, he said, and I quote from the Daily Graphic “I wish to state here and now quite categorically that I have never made any admissions or any statements, to any person in whatever shape or form which can even be remotely interpreted as an admission of receipts of any sums of money as consultancy payments from SCANCEM whilst in public office”.

The Newspapers who broke the story should come out with their version, to lay bare the truth. It is the style of most politicians to deny when the weight of evidence is so damning.

I will end by saying that, those who have eyes and ears must listen and draw lesson. After all, we make the country Ghana, and must protect the sovereignty and dignity of the state.

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