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Opinions of Saturday, 5 April 2014

Columnist: Goka, Frank

Searching Flight MH370: How Could Africa Help?

“Can our Spiritualists lead the search?”

Immersing my feet deeply in the shoes of the families of Malaysian Airline MH370 which suddenly disappeared on March 8, 2014 under bizarre and unprecedented circumstances, I always say a word of prayer for the victims and their relatives that God should protect their flesh/souls wherever they are and soothe the hearts of the relatives respectively ashore.
As Nations join forces to help locate the “final destination” of the sublimed flight by way of providing technological capabilities, one question that keeps pulsating in my mind is as simple as: What assistance could Africa offer in the search of the missing flight? An African adage rightly said “If you are not part of a solution, then you are part of the problem”, and the world being a Global Village nowadays where international collectivism is the order of the day, I strongly would seek the indulgence of Africa in this effort. But again…how!?
Glancing through a satirical picture message (via “Whatsapp” mobile platform) depicting jokingly that the missing flight made a “safe stop” at part of Volta Region in Ghana, I couldn’t resist the laughter the image sought to induce. But that picture gave me an idea of how Africa could contribute their widow’s mite to aid the search. Certainly, neither do we have the advance Marine Aviation technological muscles to flex, nor offer material support to Malaysia and China. But I do believe Africa could offer unflinching Spiritual guidance. Yes! The involvement of our seasoned Pastors, Prophets, Malams and Occultists, etc could be of help. These “Powerful” Men and Women (of their beliefs) see visions and possessed the ability to predict the unforeseen. In Ghana, we have Rev. Owusu Bempah, Pastor Otabil, A/B Duncan William, Prophet Jacob Ampomah, Prophet “One”, Evans Frimpong (Italy-based, who predicted massive win for Black Star against Egypt—Ghanasoccernet); and a host of Malams and Traditionalists with mystical marine dwarfs should consult their Supreme Beings for exact location of the flight.
Then in Nigeria, the well known T.B Joshua (whom I revered much for his prediction of U.S Military Barracks shooting incidence from Africa that came to pass in June, 2012); together with David Oyedepo, Matthew Ashimolowo and other great Spiritualists across Africa should consult their Gods. As I write, we have approximately 3 days for the battery powering the Blackbox to die (if not already dead), and Australia’s “Ocean Shield” Vessel which is believed to be the “Finder” judging from her sophisticated marine accoutrements is due to arrive at the region, but “its mission would only be successful when the search area could be narrowed” CNN Reporter.
Therefore, with Africa as the “Supernatural Intelligence Center” equipped with our Men of Gods, we can be the “Pathfinders” if our Spiritualists would offer to be taken aboard those Aircrafts and Ships as the “Navigators” to lead the way for the U.S, Britain, China, Australia, New Zealand, etc; or be directing affairs from the ground as directed by their Gods. I know Africa has a lot to offer the world and this could be one. The stones that builders reject could become the corner stone that will provide firmness to a building. I wish all searchers GOOD LUCK!!
As suggested by:
Frank Goka
([email protected])