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Opinions of Sunday, 23 April 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Setting records straight about Kan Dapaa’s involvement in Kumawu Chieftaincy dispute

Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa,National security minister Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa,National security minister

It has been brought to my attention by those commenting on my publications implicating the Minister for National Security, Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa, on how and why I have been associating him with the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. They have been querying my rationale behind such an association since the case started about ten years ago but Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa has been in power barely three months ago. What has it got to do with him, they question?

To answer my critics, I shall fall on my God-gifted overflowing fountain of wisdom by citing a self-explanatory analogy in case that would be sufficient to kill their curiosity. Is there not a saying in our Akan parlance that goes as, “Paul a waama ntem, oseni adikanfo?” This is literally translated into, “Apostle Paul was the later disciple yet, he performed wonderfully much better than his predecessors”. Similarly, Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa has barely been in power as Minister for National Security but he has collusively criminally involved himself in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute more or worse than the actions of many of his predecessors put together.

I shall advise interested and the doubting-Thomases to approach him to find out if Kumawuhemaa Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah did not approach him in Accra with a request for his assistance in relation to the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute? After their consultation, what did he Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa do? I do not want to say it but let him tell Ghanaians what he did; being honest to himself, to Ghanaians and to God?

It was what he said and did that resulted in the police and soldiers storming Kumawu Bodomase on Thursday, 16 February 2017, to assault innocent mourners attending the late Kumawu Akyempemhene Nana Okyere Krapa II’s funeral. It was following what he did and said that the Ashanti Effiduase Divisional Police Commander issued that bold but completely stupid order to shoot and kill Barima Tweneboa Kodua V, claiming his order to kill him to be an order from above. Who then was the order from above? Was it Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa?

At the appropriate time, I shall tell exactly what Mr Dapaa did. However, his expectations have failed and will continue to fail.

Kumawuhemaa went to America and confided in her friends that she had been to all known and unknown powerful fetishes, fetish shrines etc. but she has not been able to use spiritual means to eliminate Barima Tweneboa Kodua V hence she was going to use the police. Yes, Kan Dapaa helped her use the police on 16 February 2017 but they both failed to achieve their criminal objective. Who knows if they will resort to a further plot to have him physically exterminated but this time around without using the government security agents?

Whatever method they employ, it will not materialise because the hand of God is upon Barima Tweneboa Kodua V and his purpose for him will come to pass regardless of the evil machinations by whomever.

The Asante Overlord has been visiting some Supreme Court judges and the Chief Justice assiduously begging them to come to his aid by helping twist justice in his favour when the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute does escalate to the Supreme Court. However, as long as the battle is the Lord’s with God Himself in the driver’s seat taking control of the situation, he Asantehene will fail miserably same as all his accomplices with him and before him.

He had better give back the huge sum of money he has taken from the Norwegians for the fraudulent sale of some hundreds of thousands of hectares of Kumawu Afram Plains’ stool lands to them. He deceitfully took the money from them; claiming the lands to be his bona-fide property from God for being the Ashanti Overlord.

The fear of the Norwegians discovering that he is not the owner of the land, with the possibility of reclaiming their money from him if things turned otherwise is the main motivating factor compelling Asantehene to impose, and to back Dr Yaw Sarfo, a Yes Sir, Master puppet, to the hilt as Kumawuhene who will be ever ready to do the Asantehene’s bidding any day and time.

The Norwegians are already in the know about the lands not belonging to Asantehene when the late Mr Osei Kofi of blessed memory took them and the Kumawu Traditional Council to court at which time there was nobody either genuinely or dubiously enthroned as Kumawuhene on demise of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, the Kumawuhene.

For how long will Asantehene and Kumawuhemaa use the organs of government to perpetuate their criminal objectives to the detriment of the innocent Kumawuman subjects? Let them keep on trying; God will finally teach them the lesson they will never forget for the rest of their days on earth for continually undermining or defying him.

I shall advise Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa to go back and read about both the Ashanti and Kumawu history in relation to the selection and election of a candidate to become a chief-elect. He has to read that history in conjunction with all the relevant conventions and documented regulatory laws of which I have talked extensively about in my previously published articles.

If this publication does not satisfy the curiosity of those questioning about why Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa has become a target for chastisement in my recent publications, then I do not know what else shall quench their thirst for an answer.

I believe in justice for all, whether one is poor or rich but not the situation where the rich will always have the laws bent in their favour as Asantehene and his accomplices are shamefully doing.