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Opinions of Sunday, 28 December 2008

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

Setting the Records Straight on Akufo-Addo’s Presidency.

I would like to use this opportunity to set the records straight on some misconceptions, distortions and blatant lies which had been fed the Ghanaian public by the National Democratic Party, herein referred to as the Nefarious Destructive Cancer.

Many NDC supporters have called and threatened me both on phone and my e-mail. Others have called me unpatriotic, but I remain unperturbed. I am an NPP member to the core and so, they should not expect me to sing the praises of the NDC. But one thing they should be sure of is that, I have made a vow to my God and maker that I will never condescend to the level where I shall make any unfounded allegations against my fellow human being. Thus, any impartial observer would realize that what I always do is to use logical argument to debunk any misconception or mischievous allegations against the NPP and then highlight the achievement of the New Patriotic Party. This much, I shall do, and as long as the Good Lord gives me breath, I shall not renege on this promise.

I would also like to state that I do not force anyone to read my column and that if any of my write-ups seems distasteful to someone, the one should not bother to read or even glance at it. However, if in the process of doing what I know best, and do not come across such chauvinists who, like Boxer in “Animal Farm” think and believe that their leader, “ is always right”, I would not miss anyone or thing of value. I’ve had enough of others calling and referring to me as ‘stupid goat’, ‘idiot’, ‘fool’, ‘dumb’ and many obscene names. Enough is enough!

Communist Propaganda Tactics by the NDC. Ghanaians, you’ve got to open your eyes very well. You are being indoctrinated and those who are doing it are not your friends. They are your enemies who are well versed in the art of manipulation. Now, who is deceiving who? The NPP or the NDC?

Fire at Anyaa Warehouse: Who came up with the hoax story that the fire which gutted the warehouse at Anyaa in which seven full blooded Ghanaian died was the handwork of the NPP? It was the NDC. Its propaganda machinery took over and quickly called a press conference where they presented what they termed spent/burnt cartages which were taken from the scene of the fire. When an in-depth investigation was conducted and the NDC was asked by the police to present their so-called evidence for forensic check, the party claimed it had given them back to those who brought them to the NDC. But since, our God is Alive, it turned out that the woman who imported those fire-crackers or the so-called ‘ammunition’ is a member of the NDC. You see how nature works.

Bloated Voters Register [CD-Rom]. The NDC alleged that a CD-Rom given to it by the Electoral Commission contained bloated register of some constituencies in Ashanti Region. When the party was asked to produce it for verification, it could not do so. The party had promised to take the CD-Rom to the IPAC meeting with INEC. But on the‘d’ day, it could not produce it.

Ayawaso Central Constituency Parliamentary Result: The NDC claimed it won the Ayawaso Central Constituency Seat and that Sheik I.C.Quaye had lost and asked for a recount and that on each occasion he lost. According to their account, the recount was done five times and it was only on the fifth count that Sheik won. I have explained what happened there in my previous write-up, and would do it here one more time. Let me re-iterate that it is only people with robotized minds that will swallow such lies line, hook and sinker without asking questions. There was no recount. Only re-collation was done and on each occasion, Sheik won and the NDC candidate asked for the re-collation five good times.

Warning to the E.C. When results from only six constituencies had been collated, these communist desperados called a press conference at such an ungodly hour at 2.00 am to announce to gullible Ghanaians that it had won the presidential elections and warned the EC not to do anything stupid as it had information that the EC wanted to rig the elections in favour of the ruling party and that the NDC would take no such nonsense. The party was later to compliment the EC for doing a good job.

Voting by Minors during the Special Voting in Ashanti Region. Again the communist tactics came in handy. After bussing many members of the party to the EC headquarters to lay its complaint, a hurriedly -organized press conference was held. The party complained about what it termed the ‘irregularities and malpractices" that had taken place during the special voting held on Tuesday. The party alleged that minors and the aged had taken part in the exercise. When asked to provide evidence, it could not. What they said was that their men had just come down from the Ashanti Region and that it needed time to compile all the evidence before submitting to the electoral commission.

But the question is: on what grounds then were they basing their arguments? Couldn’t the party have shown us at least some pictures of some of the supposed children who took part in that exercise? At, those who came from Kumasi could have taken some shot of such minors and presented to those discerning Ghanaians, This, they woefully failed to do.

But when are they coming up with their evidence? After the elections have been ‘fought’ and won? But was it necessary to buss their supporters to the office of the Electoral Commission? What was their mission? To intimidate them, of course!

Solution: I will at this juncture call on Ohene Agyekum to use ‘ohene Agyekums’, schnapps and invoke his deities to deal with those minors and the aged who wanted to humiliate the NDC during the special voting. Very simple!

The ugly incident at Manhyia. The statement which emanated from the office of the ex-president makes me weep for this country we all claim to love and cherish. It was 360 degree of what actually transpired at the place.. One statement claimed the body guard was framed and that it was the security detail at the place that pushed the pistol into the body guard’s hands. But this contravenes another statement from the same office. There was an argument which the body guard himself was alleged to have asked the question, “What was he to hold as a bodyguard? A catapult?’

Another statement alleged that in the process of going to greet the dignitaries assembled at the palace, one of President Kufuor’s security details deliberately bumped into the ex-president’s wife, whereupon, the wife, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings wanted to leave the husband’s entourage, but she was urged on by the husband. This time, another member of the security details purposely kicked Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings. Please, if they want to tell a lie, they should tell an intelligent one. What was the reaction of Rawlings and his wife? At least we learnt something about reflect action at school some years back. Did Nana Konadu shout, or grimace in pain. What was the expression on her face?

And knowing the way the Rawlingses hate Kufuor and members of his government, they would have capitalized on this to paint Kufuor and his government in a very bad light.. But they never did any such thing until the story came out that the ex-president’s body guard had pulled out a pistol at Manhyia Palace. Another question. Was this done on the blind side of the Asantehene who had invited such dignitaries to the festival? And Kufuor being an Ashanti has much respect for the Asantehene and would not encourage any such act which would have led to the abrupt end of the festival.

West Akim District Chief Executive voting twice:. I now understand what Sillas Mensah, current NDC Mp for Lower West Akim uses his position for - to victimize his political opponents. NDC desperados should learn to tell intelligent lies. And that is why we should all vote for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo so that we all have free, better and qualitative education at the Senior High School Level. Otherwise, I don’t understand why people should swallow such an ‘Ananias” lie like what was put in the public domain by a person who is a member of the law-making body of the country and Chairman of a no mean committee than the Public Accounts Committee. I now understand what the NDC members are saying about the Auditor General’s report for the year 2007 which has not yet been laid before parliament.

How could such a wild allegation that the DCE had voted twice, - one at Asamankese and the other at Adeiso - come from Silas Mensah, Chairman of Public Accounts Committee of Ghana’s Parliament?

And as soon as the allegations were made on air, many people believed it. At least, they should credit such an appointee with a certain degree of intelligence. Maybe, it is one of their own appointees who might be stupid enough to indulge in such a scandalous act as was being alleged. At least we have not forgotten the orders that we should sell or buy roasted or boiled plantain or corn. Such a thing could have happened during their time but not our own. Would the DCE be so naïve to openly vote at two polling stations knowing very well that his every act was being monitored, and also realizing the fate that befell an aspiring member of parliament who engaged in double registration.

Where are we heading to? The NDC always make very wild and spurious allegations and they stick, but when the NPP comes up with something concrete and with evidence,, people say no. We will soon come out with the name of a Constituency Chairman of the NDC who stuffed cocaine in yams and was busted in the United States. When he was deported to Ghana, after serving some sentence in the US. He changed his name. Just keep your fingers crossed and you will have the name, the constituency and relevant facts about the case.

De-confiscation of Raymond Amankwaah’s Assets. The facts of the case are as follow: The NDC confiscated the assets alright. But shareholders of his company protested and appealed against the confiscation. The courts upheld the appeal. For the information of all and sundry who care to know, those assets were not released to Raymond Amankwa. They were given back to the shareholders of the company.

Killing of Ghanaians in the Gambia: Yes, Ghanaian nationals were murdered in the Gambia. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo as the then Foreign Minister did all he could to ensure that the perpetrators of that heinous crime were brought to book and that the dead Ghanaians got justice. But the authorities in the Gambia were not co-operating. He did the right thing by reporting the mater to the international community. Today, under the auspices of the United National and the African Union, both countries are discussing the issue to ensure that the dead Ghanaians get the justice they deserved and which had eluded them for long.

But what did the NDC want Nana Akufo Addo NA President Kufuor to do? Invade the Gambia? That is the last resort or option open to the Ghanaian authorities. Did they want Kufuor to DO what Bush did by sending US troops to Iraq? Nana did his best under those circumstances and today his efforts have yielded positive dividends.

By the way, what did Mills and Rawlings do when Ghanaians were massacred in Cote d’Ivoire after a football match between Asante Kotoko and Assec Mimosa? Nothing!

Again what did Mills and Rawlings do when Ghanaian nationals who were massacred in Liberia? Those Ghanaians had taken refuge in a church and the rebels set fire to the building. Have there even been any mention of an apology not to talk of even compensation for those Ghanaians. How many Ghanaian soldiers lost their lives during the ECOMOG misadventure in Liberia? And why did we get involved in the first place? You see what war could do to people. People are not talking about all these. They have swept them under the carpet. But they are all mentioning that of the Gambia, which however, has yielded positive results. But when I make reference to what happened in their time, these NDC apologists call me unpatriotic. If we were not to talk about what happened during their time, then what is the purpose of studying history? You see those who line in glass houses should not throw stones.

NPP Apology to Ghanaians: The issue as to whether or not the New Patriotic Party has been begging Ghanaians has been over flogged by the NDC. Were they not the very people who have been insinuating that the NPP, as a party is arrogant? Could an arrogant party of men and women go on their knee to beg those they are alleged to have offended? If one does something and realizes ones fault, I don’t think there is anything wrong if he/she asks for forgiveness. The party is appealing to its support base which is the foot soldiers for not being able to fulfill its promise of taking adequate care of them. This is because, the party did not discriminate against people of other political opinions. And this went to the detriment of the party support base. The party is asking Ghanaians to forgive it for any act of commission or omission. The knotty problems left behind by the NDC did not leave the NPP Government enough time to tackle personal problems of individual Ghanaians. And these are what the party is appealing to Ghanaians to forgive. And for all these, we are saying,” we are sorry. Please forgive us”

The apology might have come a bit late but it is better to do it than not showing any sign of morose. One of the two criminals crucified with our Lord Jesus Christ appealed to Jesus to remember him in his kingdom. Jesus told him that he, the criminal would be with him in paradise at that very moment.

This is at variance with the unrepentant attitude of the top hierarchy of the [P] NDC led by the stubborn and arrogant Professor John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills. Mills has been a silent observer of many atrocities perpetrated by his party as he looks on with glee as he secretly or tacitly gives approval. When will our learned Professor learn to be humble by going to the electorates to plead for forgiveness? Well, time will tell.

Brigadier Nunoo Mensah and Tony Aidoo. Can Nunoo Mensah work with Tony Aidoo? When the former returned from his self imposed exile and announced that he had joined the NPP, the latter took him on in a televised debate/discussion. In that encounter, Tony Aidoo alleged that much against the protestations by members of the AFRC, Nunoo Mensa insisted that Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa’s name should be included on the list of those to be executed and that’s how he came to be executed - all thanks to Brigadier Nunoo Mensah.

Now that he has gone back to those who always yearn for the blood of hardworking Ghanaians, can he insinuate that Nunoo Mensah has gone back to his roots? I am sure that he will find a very happy welcome in their midst. But he should not forget what happened to the equivocator and the farmer who was expecting a better harvest in the year and end up hanging himself when his expectations were not met during the “Porter’s Speech in Macbeth. The question is, how is he going to relate with Tony Aidoo? Is it true that Brigadier Nunoo Mensah was indeed responsible for the death of Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifah? By the way, why did he run away before handing over his letter of resignation? If he is a man he wants us to believe he is now, why did he not stay behind and hand over his letter. And if I may ask, where are the following: Chris Atim, Kwasi Adu, Mensah Poku, Aloga Akata Pore , Alan Cash and a host of others?

Nana versus Mills, NPP vs. NDC: Of late a campaign of lies and calumny has been going on against Nana Akufo Addo by agents of the NDC. They allege that Mills is his own man whereas Nana is not. And they cite the issue of selection of running mates to both candidates as an example. It is this misinformation and distortion that I want to correct.

NDC alleges that Rawlings and his wife wanted Betty Mould to be named Mills running mate, but the later refused and named John Mahama. This, according to them, shows the independent nature of Atta Mills. On the other hand, they allege that Nana himself had said that he had his own preference but had to give in to the pressure being exerted on him to name Bawumia as his running mate which the NDC alleges is an indication of Nana Akufo-Addo not having an independent mind

Nana’s scenario was quite different from that of Mills. In the first place, it was Rawlings and his wife who were attempting to impose Betty Mould on Mills, whereas in the NPP, it was the generality of the party that decided on the choice of Bawumia. And Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo, being a good listener and administrator acceded to the decision of the party caucus.

When we come to the scenario involving Mils we see a different ball game altogether. Mills used guile and deceit to arrive at his choice of running mate. If he was not afraid of Rawlings, why did he give a wrong time to Rawlings so that by the time the later arrived at the scene, he, Mills had already announced his choice and left the place. Why can’t Mills call off the bluff of the Rawlingses? Why is he playing hide and seek with the Rawlingses?

The deceitful nature of Mills and Rawlings. Ghanaian soldiers who served in the Lebanon during Mils and Rawlings presidency were the least paid. Whereas the UN was paying soldiers who served there$140.00 per day, Ghanaian soldiers received a daily allowance of between $10 - $12.00 Where did the rest of the money go?. And yet NDC will tell us Mills is honest

It is an uncontestable fact that the propagandas and lies being spewed on our airwaves emanates from the office of Atta Mills., who has surrounded himself with men like Ato Ahwoi, Fiifi Kwetey, Kobby Acheampong, Elvis Afriyie, Koku Anyidoho and many others to bring out fictitious documents and unsubstantiated allegations about Nana Akufo Addo and President Kufuor. Yet, Mills has not for once, deemed it expedient, in the interest of the nation to call his hawks to order. We must realize that in our efforts to annex the presidency of this nation, we must not side tract the moral issues that go along with it. A house built with spittle and on sand will not stand

Funny Campaign of lies by the NDC against the NDC in the North. Do you know the ploy being used to get the Northerners to vote for the Atta Mills? Well, if you don’t I will tell you. They are telling northerners to vote for the Atta Mills because the man is very sick and will soon die. Then the beneficiary will be the son of the soil - John Mahama, of course! You see the length of desperation people could to plunge to in their quest for power.

A case for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo: Ghana needs somebody who has always been at home, who knows the problems of the people and who will be ready to carry the people along. Nana is the man. He is a man of many parts, a true living legend, an epitome of a great grass root politician, a team player who at the same time is a goal scorer and a rain maker. He is a man who discharges his duties with a fine toothcomb and pays attention to details. He is a polyglot and one of the few detribalized Ghanaian alive today. He is not in politics to make money for him, but to make positive impact in the lives of the people. He was able to bring together people of different political lineage like Afrifah, Jantua, Gbedemah, Obed Asamoah, Dr Agama, P.K. Quainoo and many others to organise a resistance movement against Kutu Acheampong when the liberties of Ghanaians were being trampled upon.

He was the lead lawyer of the court case instituted against the Govt when the Liman administration wanted to remove the Chief Justice, Apaloo. He is a family man with children and so has gone endured the pains and toils parent go through..

We will have ourselves to blame if we let go such a golden opportunity to elect a person as selfless and dedicated as Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo. He has compassion for all, irrespective of one’s social status. Vote for him and every other thing would be added unto you. Nana is my man. What about you?

Daniel Danquah Damptey [email protected] 0243715297.