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Opinions of Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Columnist: Fadi Dabbousi Samih

Settling old scores online exposes Okoampa Ahoofe to public ridicule

Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko

I had a good laugh when Okoampa Ahoofe Jr (PhD) debuted his comic piece on Gabby Otchere-Darko. In fact, messages were popping up everywhere about the rust that had virally taken over the faculty of an otherwise fine gentleman as the former.

It seemed to me more like comic relief worth a giggle, but his pronouncements soon transcended the limits of sane observations to actual derogatory attacks on a person, who, thus far, has exhibited an appreciable measure of selflessness.

I am not defending Gabby Otchere-Darko for any reason whatsoever. What I seek to achieve from the couple of articles I have written on the Okoampa banter is to drum home into his mind the fact that it is hardly a pragmatic and sensible idea to wash our clothes in public.

Hatred of personalities must not translate into insalubrious write-ups that would only serve to muddy the clear waters that His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo has managed to purify.

Sometimes, history must be accorded the space to self-vindicate or vilify its characters, and the laws of Karma most often play out in such instances. I am being very tolerant, and the burner can be turned on as much as needed, but that is really not what we want to do. After all, almost everyone has skeletons in their wardrobes, and Okoampa Ahoofe is no exception.

You see, Cantankerous Ahoofe Jr (PhD) was a member of the governing body of Danquah Institute. He wrote a series of inflammatory, unacceptable, and clearly tribalistic articles that incurred the ire of his peeps. That led Gabby Otchere-Darko to cause his dismissal.

In fact, he was sacked over derogatory remarks that insulted the ideals of DI. What happened to him at Danquah Institute was almost exactly that that happened to Paul Afoko in the NPP. You betray your fraternity, you get fired. Simplicita!

Besides, the Danquah Institute is a Think Tank of diverse profiles. It seeks to assist in formulating policies, hatch ideas, criticise constructively the works of government, and create conditions for the consolidation of unity. How can that be achieved when there are characters that simply breed hatred for people and fan tribal sentiments?

The worst thing that can happen to an organisation is to have a racist, tribalistic talkative, debating issues of national importance, and the worst thing that can happen to a country is to have a Think Tank that harbours such unpatriotic characters. I have nothing against Okoampa except that I least expected him to stoop this low.

On that score, I wish to end with an advice to Okoampa Ahoofe Jr (PhD): “Seek ye redemption from the rivers of wisdom, for the wise never admit to be the wisest. Thy faculty is but a dark speck of dust yet with positive energy ye shall shine forever in infinite space. So therefore space lightens up with myriads of glorious faculties well utilised for the sake of humanity. Stop your invectives and vindictiveness!”