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Opinions of Saturday, 7 August 2021

Columnist: Doctor Kwadwo Ye-large

Sexual harassment is killing the talents of most rising stars

Some employers demand sexual favors before offering jobs to people Some employers demand sexual favors before offering jobs to people

There is a national canker depriving most people of getting certain job opportunities. It seems that the unqualified are now qualified.

The meaning is that those who are ready to offer their bodies, to be used for sexual gains often get certain job opportunities.

Most women encounter a lot of challenges when they go to seek job recruitment.

Some men also go through these same challenges as well, but comparatively the women encounter them more.

It is high time we condemned this wicked attitude by some employers, who always want to take advantage of these innocent ones whenever they go to seek employment.

There are lots of qualified graduates at home because they are not ready to sacrifice their bodies for sexual exchange for employment.

There are some women too because of financial hardships and difficulties, they are ever ready to offer their bodies in exchange for employment.

I don't know why some employers are not ready to employ people without a sexual barter exchange.

This act is satanic, demonic and barbaric.

Spiritually, there is a side effect, it can dump the spiritual growth of the business, or it is a form of ritual some business owners use to grow their businesses.

Some women say for them to use their bodies for sexual exchange for employment, it will be better for them to enter into prostitution.

Then I can boldly says that sexual harassment, has lured a lot of women into prostitution?

I will plead with those who are going through sexual harassment, not to allow themselves for the sex trade.

Those who always want to have sexual intercourse with some people before offering employment to them should stop because it kills the real talents, not to be seen and known especially those who are not ready for their sexual terms and conditions.
This is a sign to breed and increase unemployment in the country.

Most people who go through it before getting employment, normally don't respect, their colleague workers.

They also do the work anyhow, that's why we have a lot of incompetent people working both in the public and private sector.

The undeserved are now deserving not on meritorious grounds.

When it comes to employment, that's when you realize that life indeed is not fair.

Most people have been taken for granted in the name of employment.