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Opinions of Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Shame on Agyekum Kufuor and Addo Kufuor!

I will give them straight talks… Whether they like it or not….

The selfishness of John Agyekum and his Brother Addo Kufuor’s use of their ethnicity in politics to enrich themselves was more important to them than helping those who put them there.

The Minister of Defence, who is also a member of parliament for my constituency at Menhyia as a legislator for almost 16 years has done nothing to assist people who sent him there. Now this aforementioned individual wanted to become president for our dear nation. On what a record does he want to be recommended? He should demonstrate his 16 years achievements as legislators to the public to determine who he is. Democracy is about intensity, not just street talks. If Akwasi Agyeman now realizes he wants to share his personal worth that was left behind for him by his uncle, has able to use some to provide educational facility for the people in his area. Addo Kufuor and his brother John Agyekum Kufuor do not give a damn to the people from the same area. They now want to use Akwasi Agyeman’s benevolence to these people to claim a political developments victory. They think they are kings who are untouchable; they have the audacity to go to their consistency and lie in the faces of these people without any consequences.

Since, Addo Kufuor and his brother John Agyakum Kufuor held their various positions they have become more affluent than before. Why can’t they use some of their resource to build a public library, or to assist the Menhyia place to build a museum for his constituency? If an individual like Akwasi Agyeman has spend his own $17,000 to build a library for his community these Kufuor’s wanted to use it for photo opportunity shame on you! Akwasi Agyeman is 100% right to refuse to give the keys to Addo Kufuor. After spending all this money to build this facility how much for a computer which he cannot afford to buy to finish up the projects? The essence of Akwasi Agyeman’s behavior signifies how disappointed they have been with them. The treatment these presumptuous have given them. It will be a preposterous for Akwasi Agyeman to allow John Agyekum Kufuor who had no sense of humor for these people to come to Kumasi and commission the project.

These Kufuor always want the public to acknowledge their presence while doing nothing for them when ever they go to Kumasi. There have been some strong discussions going on at Menhyia constituency to recruit a parliamentarian candidate who will run as independent in up coming 2008 election. The constituency needs a face lift. The area needs to be developed for the nation; it is tourist attractions which stand for a major part of history to our dear nation. The Menhyia clinics that save the whole constituency have been destroyed for a very long time, why can Addo Kufuor use the money he had to run his presidential campaign to help rebuild the clinic? This will give him political platform he desperately needed to prove something. The same thing his brother John Agyekum Kufuor did by appoints Akwasi Yeboah, as a Chief Executive of Kwabre (Mamponteng).This individual who is corrupt, no better education , he doesn’t know what the is doing, has destroyed Mamponteng Markets where people from that constituency do their daily business, since NPP came to power. My uncle who was Chief at Mamponteng had supported John Agyekum Kufuor presidential bid from 1996-2000 with its resource before passing away. Kufuor never has been an objective but has been forgetting what my uncle did for him by rewarding him with an imbecile chief executive who is a carpet beggar has come and destroy the market that was built by our ancestor. The millions that the citizens of Mamponteng paid for the projects were never refunded. Since this individual was appointed as a chief executive he has use his position to marry two additional wives, while others are suffering. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “I have earnestly opposed violent tension but there is a type of constrictive nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth, just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to crate a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from bondage” The actions of Nana Akwasi Agyeman should send a clear message to these egocentrics; Addo Kufuor and his brother John Agyekum Kufuor that they are all fed up with their nonsense.

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