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Opinions of Thursday, 26 October 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Shame on the NPP leadership for embarking on a tactical rigging of their flag bearer election of 4 November 2023

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Wielding a sharpened double-sided dagger that cuts both sides, thus, left and right, in my hand and being a proud, no-nonsense and fearless son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil, I find the infantile ploy by the NPP leadership to rig the upcoming 4 November 2023, flag bearer election in favor of Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, too nonsensical, malicious, corrupt and absurd to let go without expressing my candid view on it.

It is all over the place on social media the alleged removal of some names of NPP delegates that support Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.) from the NPP Album. The Album is the internal voter register for the NPP delegates going into the 4 November 2023 election.

If your name is not in the Album, you cannot partake in the election. Why then are known and qualified delegates’ names being deleted from the Album because of their declared support for Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.)?

I am ashamed of those idiotic members of parliament, constituency chairmen and whoever they are, that are behind such removal of names from the Album. This act is without question, a rigging of the election long before it is held.

Should that be the case to deny the NPP delegates and the nation a fair and transparent election, then I shall in any day and time support Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.) should he decide to break away from NPP to form his own political party, but not to stand as an independent presidential candidate as Alan Cash has done.

Ghanaians must bear in mind that when the current French president, Emmanuel Macron, resigned from the Socialist party and government of François Hollande, as Minister of Economics, Industry and Digital Affairs in August 2016, he formed his own political party, La République En Marche (LREM), only to win a landslide victory on 7 May 2017 with 66.1% of the valid votes cast. His party won the majority seats in the legislative elections in June 2017.

He is in his second term of office as I write.

Mr Macron was although the Deputy Secretary-General to the President François Hollande from 2012 to 2014 in addition to his ministerial post mentioned above, he was able to win the presidential election because the French were fed up with the two main political parties and needed a change.

Look how the change came about, a political party formed in August 2016 and in less than a year, was able to win a landslide victory.

Now that Ghanaians are calling for a change, Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.) can follow the lead taken by Emmanuel Macron to win the 2024 general election should NPP leadership in their parochial mindedness decide to outsmart him by resorting to advance rigging of the election as reported above.

They are doing all this nonsense in addition to the rumoured bribing of the delegates.

Where from the money that is being used to bribe the delegates? Shame on the perpetrators of these heinous crimes.

As a no-nonsense man, I shall solidly throw my weight behind Kennedy all the time should NPP leaders who think they are wiser and more intelligent than anyone, resort to the reported shameful rigging tactics.

Why don’t they allow Dr Bawumia to win on his track record and that of President Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP government but decide on that criminal path as told above?

As a strong supporter and member of NPP as I am, I cannot continue to stomach the crimes in perpetration and perpetuation by the NPP leadership as are reported in this publication. They make my stomach churn and I feel like going to puke.

I am highly flabbergasted at this deplorable attitude by those leaders involved in the silly and criminal actions reported in this publication.

This is a perfect recipe for the disintegration of NPP and if the leaders who are alleged to have lined their dirty pockets with money want it, they will have it in abundance.

In the absence of fair and transparent election, I shall call for Kennedy splitting from NPP to form his own political party and like Emmanuel Macron, he can pull a surprise by winning the 2024 general election.