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Opinions of Saturday, 26 March 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Shameless Paul Afoko is still doing his master’s bidding!

The former Chairman of NPP, Mr Paul Afoko, is still hallucinating, seeing himself as the current and ongoing NPP Chairman rather than a disgraced and deposed Chairman. He proved himself beyond all reasonable doubt to be an NDC mole within the NPP when he was the Chairman of the party.
No sooner had he been elected the Chairman of the party by the majority delegates vote than he started showing his true NDC mole colours. Right from the word "GO", he joined hands with my own son, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong (my son by the fact that his biological father was from my Agona clan), with intent to destroy NPP. They embarked on an agenda plotted to defeat Nana Akufo Addo and NPP in the upcoming 7th November 2016 general elections.
When they refused to adhere to common sense and incessant pleadings with them to desist from pursuing their mischievous plan that has the potential to scupper NPP's chance of winning election 2016, they were both subsequently relieved of their posts indefinitely.
While Kwabena Agyei Agyepong has recoiled into his lair licking his wounds in regret, wondering how and why he refused to listen to my published fatherly admonitions to him hence his suffered fate, Paul Afoko is behaving irresponsibly otherwise.
Paul Afoko still thinks he can achieve his nefarious intentions by shuttling between Ghana FM radio stations inflicting maximum character-assassination damage on NPP and particularly, Nana Akufo Addo.
Instead of realising his folly and his failed agenda, to better put a stop to his heinous activities, he has rather decided to up his efforts, thinking he can cause serious irreparable damage to NPP seeing we are close to the general elections. Can his views not only come from one bidding defiance irrespective of having been caught and exposed as a completely unintelligent, malevolent mole who has grown older than his brains?
Yes, he can ply between FM radio stations without ceasing, spewing his balderdash, it will not wash. He is now a political prostitute who although claims to be in NPP as their chairman, he is working assiduously to cost NPP the government and Nana Akufo Addo the presidency, respectively.

His deplorable attitude of moving between radio stations with his shameful assertions all in attempts to turn Ghanaian voters against Nana Addo is similar to a human prostitute who jumps from one man's bed into another man's. He has become like a human butterfly jumping from flower to flower sucking the flower's nectar.
Is it any surprise to anyone to hear Paul Afoko go on air to say, "I am not sure I will vote for Nana Addo? My vote is my secret; it's up to me and my God whom I will vote for," he told UTV, an Accra-based private television station, yesterday. For the full story please check the underlying web link.
Who does not know that this mole will vote NDC and President Mahama? By his actions, ye shall know who he will vote for in advance.
I shall entreat all Ghanaians who desire much better for themselves than the hardships brought to bear upon them by the deliberate acts of corruption, incompetence and cluelessness of President Mahama and his NDC government to rally behind Nana Akufo Addo for a change. Do not feel intimidated by the NDC and their moles. Do not fall for their trickeries.

Treat Paul Afoko with all the contempt he deserves if he is never ready to learn sense as a mature person to amend his ways. Ghanaians are suffering under President Mahama. Ghanaians need a change from a bad government under NDC to a better one under President-in-waiting Nana Akufo Addo from NPP hence anyone who tries to obstruct that dream from materialising is an enemy.
Rockson Adofo