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Opinions of Friday, 22 July 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Shed no tears for John Boadu

Former General secretary of the Npp, John Boadu Former General secretary of the Npp, John Boadu

The writer will be the last soul walking on the surface of the earth to shed tears for John Boadu, the recent past General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He will rather celebrate his defeat in the elections for choosing national executives for the party for the next four years than feel any sorrow for him.

I am not the type to get pleasure out of others’ pain but on this occasion of John Boadu’s defeat, I am more than happy. I hold no grudge against him. However, I was not enthused over his pomposity to talk anyhow to certain of the NPP foot soldiers who helped the party win a constituency in the Western region.

The foot soldiers had vehemently openly expressed their disagreement with the president nominating a certain particular candidate for the post of Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for their municipality on the grounds that the individual had not actively participated in NPP winning that constituency but the one they preferred.

John Boadu seemingly lacking knowledge in political strategy, decorum and diplomacy, insulted their intelligence by telling them thus, “What can you do if the president kept presenting the same candidate for the number of times that you vote to reject him? The president’s choice of the nominee will surely stand regardless of whatever you do. If you are not happy, do whatever you want, who cares.”

Is it how an astute politician talks to the very people by whom he has gained political power, knowing how NPP had just suffered a bruising in election 2020?

There are other occasions that John Boadu proved himself unfit for his position by his unfortunate actions and inactions. Subsequently, I had to publish about three articles to take him on, if not to castigate him for his unprofessional behavior.

I have learned he was not even available at the party headquarters most of the time. How can a person of such despicable attitude continue to be the party’s General Secretary, one who has absolutely no respect for the ordinary people by whose sweat and toil he had been elevated to that position of command, authority, and dignity?

It serves him right! It must serve as a lesson to all those that have newly been elected, and especially, all Ghanaian politicians who as soon as they are elected, begin to lord themselves over the people instead of coming to serve them. They see ordinary people as nobodies. They see them as unworthy to talk to and shun them once they gain political positions which are not permanent but temporary.

This same fate of John Boadu, that soft-talking guy from Assin Fosu, may go to Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong, the member of parliament for Mampong Constituency who doubles as the Deputy Foreign Minister. He is as bad as John Boadu.

Good riddance for John Boadu who thought he was such a powerful tower in NPP hence he had the right to do whatever he wanted.

When we contribute our widow’s mite to ensure the election of some people in the hope that they would come to serve the nation, they rather choose to come to disrespect the people, if not come to rob them in the broad daylight by their intrinsic infatuation with corruption and the syndromic quest for a quick buck.

Anyway, I have no pity for John Boadu and his likes who in many ways contribute to the impoverishment and denigration of black people.