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Opinions of Friday, 13 January 2023

Columnist: Fiifi Ofori

Short man’s presidency

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Proverbs 22:6; “Train a child how he/she should go so he/she may not depart from it in adulthood. I wrote ‘Kukrudu and Ghana Black Stars,’ published somewhere on after the NPP’s victory in election 2016 when many Ghanaians were crying for change. The change we got and joy filled the air for many Ghanaians including some members and sympathizers of the NDC who felt then that the government of H.E Mahama was deviating and not fulfilling their promise to Ghanaians.

Fast forward to the second term of H.E Akufo-Addo herein referred to as ‘The Short-Man,’ and the joy felt by many Ghanaians when the NPP won the election 2016 has turned into sadness and wailing with little to no hope of things getting better anytime soon. ‘The Short-Man,’ was apparently a Pharisee disguised as an Apostle whose administration littered with his family members and few close friends are causing severe pain and harm to the citizenry; the type of which would need serious therapy in the form of psychological and emotional counseling to reverse the damage caused.

‘The Short Man,’ his brother the finance minister and de facto leader of Ghana’s Economic Management Team, their other brother and de facto Prime Minister of Our Republic Gabby Otchere- Darko and their other kinfolks spread across varying sectors of the economy and other segments of Ghana’s government have become a nuisance to our dear country, Ghana. They have basically turned into pests akin to the many mice/rats found in the Bronx in New York City.

They seem purposed to destroy our Nation of Ghana before exiting power probably because most of them see themselves as British or Hyphenated-Ghanaians (ex. British-Ghanaians etc.) and could easily move back to wherever they came from or were raised. Like the colonialists and so-called missionaries of old who only came to steal and to destroy the family mainly, their friends and allies to an extent have mismanaged Ghana’s economy and with the help of whoever may be promising the world after government, determined to destroy our culture, value system and norms by trying push all sort of foreign morals disguised as something called human rights.

Except this so-called human rights campaign is to promote a certain agenda where in the short-term other ills in society like misogyny would be used as bait only to end up with their real agenda whatever that is. These so-called missionaries of old came with their own version of what is called the Gospel to be introduced to our ancestors some of whom were acutely naïve and others equally as evil as the missionaries themselves.

‘The Short-Man’ and his family don’t seem to have any good intentions for Ghana in their 2nd term in power; Cloaking themselves as saviors only to end up something close to demons just like the so-called missionaries of old. Where the missionaries intended to steal our resources and conquer, H.E Akufo-Addo and his family are supervising the most unbearable economic situation in Ghana since probably the 1980s and the largest transfer of wealth from the state to one family since the failed attempt by H.E Mahama to give 30% of Nyinahin Bauxite to his brother.

‘The Short-Man’ also seems quite indisciplined and has reduced Ghana’s presidency into a playground like our alma-mater A.I.S, where there was so much in terms of having fun that one did not care to know what was appropriate or not. First came somebody named Serwaa Broni, disturbing our ears and eyes with her rantings on social media which honestly some of us considered no big deal after all she was a grown woman whom no one forced to engage in whatever she was claiming and so needed to bear fully the consequences of her actions and inactions whether pleasant or not.

What was concerning was that this lady, another Hyphenated-Ghanaian was allowed to board the plane with our president and other executives of his government with her phone filming him and his entire traveling entourage. A security situation so severe that only Papavi and his cohorts managing to come all the way to Atimpoku across the Adomi Bridge would supersede this level of ineptitude under this administration.

H.E Nana Akufo-Addo has now turned our country Ghana into one of lawlessness and high indiscipline with himself as the ‘Undisciplined in Chief’. ‘The Short-Man’ has also given us as a people a reason to set an upper limit of presidential age probably at 75 years old for in his 2nd term as president, H.E Akufo-Addo has shown the entire Nation of Ghana including both supporters & sympathizers on one side and opponents and detractors on another side that he is not in control of the affairs of our dear country Ghana.

As to who oversees the affairs of the country including decision-making at the highest level and overall leadership regarding the direction of the country, your guess may be as good as mine.

Again H.E. Akufo-Addo has proven to all of us that old age has caught up with him and the once budding young lawyer with as sharp a tongue as a male porn star giving fellatio to his female partner is no longer available. Together with the likes of Messrs. Bossman, Tsatsu Tsikata and other young lawyers from that era, with the Fearless Sam Okudzeto as President of the Ghana Bar Association, these men would show the way.

Also making waves were journalists/print men from the 80s and early 90s including Kwaku Baako Jnr, Kwasi Pratt Jnr, Kofi Koomson, Haruna Atta, Elizabeth Ohene amongst others. From that era also came the likes of Ben Ephson and Freddy Worsemao Blay who incidentally had one foot in both the legal circles and print media.

All these men and women have left their mark in the annals of Ghana’s history both in legal circles and in journalism/media, teaching us the young kids from that era the Spirit of Fearlessness just like the first line of our National Anthem states for which we shall forever be thankful and very grateful for.

In Honor of our alma mater, Akosombo International School, and in remembrance of our dear brother Maxwell Adam aka Major Maxwell Mahama from House No C.24 in the suburb of Akosombo called Mess in the Eastern Region, who paid the ultimate price of death whiles serving his country. Truth is Our Light and We Rest Not. God Bless Our Homeland Ghana. Truth Stands and We Fear Not, GYE-NYAME!

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