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Opinions of Saturday, 11 September 2004

Columnist: Alhassan, Noble Osman

Shut Up Mister Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama

His Excellency The Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama has now discovered his lost voice for almost two and half years or has now woken from his two and half years slumber.I am saying this because where was he when the Late Ya ? Na was under attack for three consecutive days. The Late King sent SOS messages to the District Security Committee (DISEC) headed by Mohammed Habib Tijani and the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) also then headed by Iddrisu Adam Yogu the Tamale Municipal Chief Executive. All these persons who are sons of Dagbon turned down the Late Ya- Na?s request for reasons only known to Alhaji Aliu Mahama and all sons of Dagbon serving in the government of the NPP.

Has H.E. the Vice President forgotten that he is the second commander in chief of the Ghana Armed Forces and tor that matter commands control of all the nations security forces. When JOY Radio station was on air telling all Ghanaians and the world at large that Yendi your own birth place was burning and the situation needed to be brought immediately under control by a caring,responsible ,and a government that practices rule of law.; where were you Mr Vice President. Asleep or out of the country I suppose. When the situation was getting out of hand and your colleague partner in crime Alhaji Alhassan Malik Yakubu who was the Minister of Interior and Member of Parliamaent for Yendi was deceiving Ghanaians that all was calm I believe all this time you fell into a trance.

Mr Vice President, the long silence you kept which according to reliable sources was on the advice of the national security bolstered your image people still doubted of your involvement in the massacre. Having decided to break your silence, you have now opened the Pandora box for peple who knew you long before you even dreamt of becoming a Vice President to bring out the skeletons in your wardrobe.

Mr Vice President swearing by your deceased father?s white cloth in far away Tarkwa and meeting various Zongo communities and exonerating yourself and the entire NPP administration is neither here nor there. What we the good people of Dagbon would expect from you is to muster courage as a man and true son of Dagbon and pay a visit home (Yendi). Whilst in Yendi call on the Kuga ? Na and his elders (the Kuga ? Na is the grandpa of all true Dagbambas). The Kuga ? Na would grant you permission to go to the Yendi hospital mortuary where the mutilated body of the Late King whom you and President Kuffour claim was your best friend is kept. Unfortunately Mr Vice President both you and your boss Mr John Agyekum Kuffour abandoned your supposed friend to his fate and hastened his cruel murder at a time he needed you most. What are friends for Mr Vice President? Both you and the entire government of the NPP had the capacity for nibbing in the bud what happened on March 27 2002 and to prevent the tragedy from happening. Mr Vice President the entire government looked on heartlessly for three consecutive days and the worst in the annals of the history of Dagbon happeed and yet you say we should not point accusing fingers at you nor your government Mr Vice President. Mr Vice President whilst at the Yendi hospital let them open the fridge in which the body of your supposed late friend is kept and you muster the courage and place your hands on the corpse and swear by the Great Gbewa that even if you are remotely connected with the death of the King then disater should strike you and your family. Mr Vice President if you do this we shall stop pointing fingers at you.

Mr vice president some of us are not surprised that you have at the wrong time decided to break your silence not for security reasons this time but because you feel you want to redeem your battered image and secure your position as the number two man in President Kuffour?s administration. Now that your position is being seriously threatened, you now have the guts to talk. Please Mr Vice President can you answer the following questions:

(1) Between March 25 2002 to March 27 2002, where were you?

(2) When Mr Jake Obetsebi- Lamptey (the man without any known educational qualification) announced the untimely death of the King which broke the hearts of all true sons of Dagbon where were you?

(3) Didn?t you and the entire Kuffour led cabinet know that such callous announcement was against Dagbon custom and traditions.?

(4) Didn?t you know that such blatant disregard for Dagbon custom and traditions was an insult to all true sons of Dagbon?.

(5) As second in command of the Ghana Armed Forces for three solid consecutive days and a part of Ghana was under intense fire and which incidentally is your own birth place; you still did not find it necessary to intervene to prevent the then looming crisis, Mr Vice President.

(6) Mr Vice President when Mr Idris Iddi Ex- Zalinkolana alias Gagyegu told a team of government delegation led by the senile octonegerian Senior Minister J.H. Mensah that they had killed the King. The reason being that for twenty-eight years during the King?s reign they have known no peace. This was telecast on national television . I believe you did not hear him.

(7) When the so called Bolin Lana the eldest son of former Ya ? Na Mahamadu Abdulai appeared before the Wuaka Commission he said it loud and clear that the NPP whilst in opposition promised that they would assist him perform his late father?s funeral if he and his supporters the Abudus voted for them. So what happened was in fulfillment of a campaign promise. Mr Vice President you did not hear this too.

(8) Mr VEEP where were you when the disgraced and arrogant former Minister for Media Relations Miss Elizabeth Ohene said on a Radio Gold programme on March 29 2002 that the NPP on its campaign trail promised the Abudus that when they were voted into power they would also assist them to perform the funeral of former Ya- Na Mahamadu Abdulai.That the agreement included the forcible removal of the Ya ? Na from the Gbewa palace.

(9) Mr VEEP where were you when the President invited our eminent chiefs to Accra for consultations on the tragedy.? What prevented you from paying courtesy calls on them to express your condolenve? Was your refusal to visit them a sign of complicity or indifference?

(10) On Saturday March 30 2002 when you were captured by the powerful lens of the national television network together with the President jumping and trotting to give the Olympic torch to each other did that attitude show a sign of remorse Mr VEEP?. Mr VEEP your jumping and trotting that fateful day was described as very disgustful and disgraceful as well as an embarrassment to all who watched television that day. For your boss the President he may be pardoned if he showed any indifference towards the March 27 massacre because he is not a son of Dagbon .Mr VEEP you can?t escape blame unless you are telling the whole world that you are not a son of Dagbon. If the Asantehene had died within that period your boss as a faithful servant of Asanteman would not have been seen in public. He would have been in a state of mourning.

(11) Mr VEEP can you sincerely and honestly tell all Ghanaians why you deliberately picked all those who were indicted by the Wuako Commission for prosecution and secured them tickets for this year?s hajj pilgrimage?.

(12) Can you as well explain to Ghanaians why you are using these same persons in your struggle with Alhaji Malik Alhassan Yakubu the arrogant and shameless former Interior Minister who supervised the mureder of his own King and kinsmen whilst he was the man in charge of the nation?s internal security.

(13) Mr VEEP and Honourable MP for Yendi can both of you tell Ghanaians why the MP told a lie that all was calm in Yendi when there was looming crisis?

(14) When the Ya-Na was alive and you came to Yendi to celeberate your first ever damba festival as a sitting VEEP and the late Ya- Na drew your attention to the conduct of the Abudu faction in Yendi who were also celeberating their Damba in contravention of Dagbon custom as well as underminding the Ya-Na?s authority. What did you do Mr VEEP?

(15) Did you go to participate in the Damba festival of the Abudus or not? Your participation was an endorsement of the indiscipline for which you are wasting the nations scarce resources preaching.

(16) Why has the government of Mr J.A. Kuffour woefully failed to implemnt the White Paper Report of the Wuako Commission? The White Paper is the government own recommendations.

(17) Mr VEEP Major(Retired) Sulemana Abubakari (Regent of the Tolon Skin) told the whole world at the sittings of the Wuako Commission in Sunyani that when one Wofa in Tamale called him to inform him that there was looming trouble in Yendi .He went to the residence of General Joshua Hamidu then in charge of national security to inform him of the news he had from home General Hamidu told him the government was aware.. Mr Veep did you hear this one too or you were still in your trance?

Mr VEEP you must remember and bear in mind that you swore an oath on 7th January 2001 to do justice to all manner of persons. You and your boss Mr President have ultimate responsibility to protect all citizens of Ghana. Your failure to give protection to your so called friend and kinsmen was a serious dereliction of duty for which none of you can escape tomorrow. Mr VEEP my advice to you is to start looking for a good team of lawyers to start preparing your defense. Remember former President Rawlings was dragged to the NRC to explain the murder of the judges.

Mr Vice President Your Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama, posterity would not forgive you, General Joshua Hamidu, Alhaji Malik Alhassan Yakubu, Major (R?td) Sulemana, Dr Majeed Harun Alhaji Mustapha Idris Ali, Mohammed Habib Tijani. Alhaji Iddrisu Adam Yogu ,Prine Imoro Andani and Alhaji Aminu Amadu. All of you collectively helped to bring Dagbon to its knees .Each of you were in various positions to help prevent the carnage. You collectively deliberately refused to act to save the situation.

Remember Mr VEEP your government whilst in opposition capitalized on the murder of the three high court judges Kwabena Agyapong the President ?s Press Secretary rode on the back of his father?s murder to get his present position.. So do not get emotional and irritated when your opponents are also capitalizing on the Dagbon crisis even though it was an unfortunate situation; but Alhaji Aiu that is the game of politics.

Alhaji Aliu you must remember that one day you shall be no more the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana and you would have no home to go because you had used that position to destroy it.

Alhaji Aliu Mahama a lot of us the up and coming ones from Dagbon had high hopes and expectation in you when you became the first ever Dagbon citizen to occupy the Office of theVice President. We looked up to you as a unifying force and role model. We also prayed that you throw away your garment of pride and arrogance.

Unfortunately I am sorry to say that the high office you occupy has rather brought shame, dishonour and embarrassement to all sons and daughters of Dagbon within and without Ghana.We can?t forgive you, until and unless you come out openly admit that you have betrayed and stabbed Mother Dagbon in the back the time your role as Vice President was needed most.

Come again Mr Vice President

Noble Osman Alhassan
Vittin Estates Tamale

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