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Opinions of Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Columnist: Prof Dr. Ir. Peter Twumasi

Simple biochemistry of Oxford-Astrazeneca Covid-19 vaccine

Professor Peter Twumasi is a biochemist and the Director-General of the NSA Professor Peter Twumasi is a biochemist and the Director-General of the NSA

Hello Guests, the vaccine is made from one of the proteins of SARS CoV2 virus which causes the COVID-19 disease. This protein is Spike protein (S-protein) which forms the spikes on the virus shell. Gene code (nucleotides ) of this portion was expressed using recombinant DNA like all other vaccines.

Once injected, the body will perceive the protein as a full virus and start making antibodies which will help to fight real viruses of COVID-19 when a vaccinated person becomes infected with the Coronavirus.

Its efficacy is a little over 60% which means that 6 out of 10 people vaccinated by this COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access) vaccine will effectively produce antibodies for protection.

The vaccine protein is safe as it does not induce serious allergies or reactions in people.

Mind you, the real virus does not produce antibodies as high as vaccines although people already infected has some amounts of the antibodies.

Remember only one of 10 persons infected by the virus will develop mild to serious illness even without a vaccine. This vaccine now in Ghana will help reduce illness to near-zero percentage point.