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Opinions of Thursday, 20 March 2014

Columnist: Nimotey, Jacob Nii

Sir John is Not, Not, Not….

Dear Party Delegate,

As we prepare anxiously to hold our next National Delegates Conference in Tamale, I wish to call on all pert faithful to remain resolute and vote massively for true party people who are in the race to work tirelessly for victory 2016.

One position which is fiercely being contested is the position for General Secretary. It is one of the very important positions which we cannot toy with. I dove my heart to past hardworking General Secretaries for their good work.

I am finding it hard to get a grasp and comprehend the likes of Sir John and his quest to become the General Secretary of our party. This letter is not borne out of any personal dislike for Mr. Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie a.k.a. Sir John but real facts.

I chanced on his campaign message pointers and all I can do is to weep for my party, the NPP. Where did we go wrong to have witnessed this huge theater of comical absurdity under Sir John’s Secretaryship?

He touts among others that he is Courageous, Brave, Outspoken, A leader you can Trust and Committed to the course of this party. What spoilt things was his poster with inscription “A Vote for Sir John is A Vote against Atuguba” such impudence and an insult to we the party folks. Is Atuguba our target as a party? Is Sir John’s braveness the kind of wet cat showdown which he displayed in the confines of the Supreme Court and brought the name of our cherished party into disrepute? Do you call this braveness? When the party was languishing in opposition during our formation days in 1991 where was the courageous and brave Sir John to stand against the militancy of Rawlings’ regime? Sir John is a Coward and not courageous as he maliciously want us to believe!

Outspoken? The same good book which Sir John claims to have received inspiration to serve our party admonishes us strongly in Titus 1: 10 CEB “In fact, there are many who are rebellious people, loudmouths, and deceivers……..” to beware of such loudmouths.

At least NDC’s General Mosquito who has been the target and role model for the current crop of leaders of our party including Chairman Jake, unlike Sir John, speaks with some home sense. To the contrary, Lawyer Sir John whose uncouth utterances continues to hurt the party’s unity and caused our party in the last election opens his mouth at the least opportunity to make a mockery of himself. Unfortunately, Sir John has reduced the position of a General Secretary in our party to a comedy fit for a ‘Kumawood’ movie, when his predecessors like Dan Kweku Botwe, Nana Ohene Ntow and others were real men of substance who spoke and always made sense and always taken serious. Sadly, I have no idea which legacy Sir John would leave for this party.

A leader you can Trust? His stewardship for the last four years has been shrouded by poor organizational abilities, personal aggrandizement with a contaminated selfless service to the party. For the first time in the history of this party we have had a General Secretary who feasted on our meager resources as a party to enjoy almost three years on the payroll of the party apart from his monthly salary but a hefty amount of GH¢30,000 to pay for his three years stay at the SSNIT Guest House in Accra. This was at a time when the grassroots and constituencies (which he now claims to love) needed resources to prosecute the party’s agenda for victory. Just because of his selfish intention he, together with other national executives insisted that all the over GH¢550,000 monies received from the parliamentary candidate were all sent to the party headquarters while our party at the constituencies ail in poverty. Do you call this love and commitment to our flag bearer and party? Even ‘peanuts’ for our polling station officers to motivate them, our national executives ‘sat on it’.

After all this, he managed to impress on some of his ilk in the national executive to buy a 5 bedroom plush property in East Legon to accommodate him. I am reliably aware of his plan to change the title ownership of the said property into his name. The process is currently ongoing at the Land Title division. After all this embellishment, huge sum from the campaign budget was hijacked by Sir John to buy brand new V8 cars for him to run a Car Rental business. Even after using party monies, Sir John rents out these cars to party leaders for official duties. I hope you remember that fatal accident that nearly took the life of our President-In-Waiting, Dr. Mahamoud Bawumia when he had rented one of his cars for the tour. Ironically, Sir John rather proclaims that he loves Nana Addo more than he (Sir John) himself. Even after staying in exile before our coming to power in 2001, Sir John who pleaded with former President John Agyekum Kufuor for a position in his government was appointed an enviable position as the Deputy Manager of GNPC. As to the reasons that led to his exit from the GNPC, I leave it to him.

Sir John cannot be trusted!

Our eyes are wildly opened and would not commit any such blunders this time around.

We want power and not comedy. Sir John has failed this party big time.

Apart from Sir John, Yaw Buaben Asamoa and Kwabena Agyepong are fine gentlemen to take up the position of the General Secretary. My bet is on Yaw Buaben Asamoa

Thank you.