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Opinions of Thursday, 1 November 2012

Columnist: Appiah-Osei, Lawrence

Sir John is a Disgrace to Ghanaian Lawyers

and General Secretaries

I am the General Secretary of a big organization in America. Before the elections to elect the executives of the organization, the former chairman and the General Secretary advised the electorate to elect executives who will speak for the organization; who will be the face of the organization; and finally who will speak with intelligence and wisdom for the organization.

I am sure that the elections that brought Chairman Jake Obetsebi Lamptey and General Secretary Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, (Sir John) had the same counsel from former chairman Peter Mac Manu and General Secretary, Nana Ohene Ntow. I am sure Mr. Mac Manu would have told the delegates that elected Jake and Sir John that they should vote for people who will speak for the NPP; who will be the face of the NPP; and who will speak intelligence and wisdom for the NPP.

Unfortunately, the utterances by the new executives are not something to be proud of. Apart from the fact that Jake just followed up with what his master said, he seems to be fine. His master said this election is an “all die be die” matter and Jake followed it up by saying that the war in Ivory Coast was started by the Ashantis there and so the Ashantis in Ghana should start something similar to that in case the NPP does not win the elections in December 2012.
Let us look at the utterances of Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie – Sir John. It was Sir John who said God was punishing Ghana and the NDC because two years ago, during the Easter Friday, there was no rain in Ghana. He said he went around some parts in Kumasi but did not see any rain and thus concluded that God was punishing Ghana and the NDC. Meanwhile, there was thunderous rain in Accra, most of Ghana and most of Kumasi. Sir John looked around his little surroundings in Kumasi and did not see rain and so there was no rain in Ghana. Sir John is indeed a disgrace to Ghanaian Lawyers and General Secretaries.

Another reason why Sir John is a disgrace to Ghanaian Lawyers is that recently, there was information that large quantities of “wee” had been seized at Heathrow Airport in London. The next day and without any investigation by even the governments of both England and Ghana, Sir John was on air saying that the owner of those “wee” was an NDC man. As a Lawyer and the General Secretary of the largest opposition party in Ghana, I found it very disappointing that Sir John could come on air and without any evidence or truth, made such a wild allegation. What was he thinking?

Finally, when the Electoral Commission disqualified the National Democratic Party (NDP) from contesting this December Presidential elections, the first person to go on air to make another wild claims without evidence and truth was Sir John. He went to Multi TV’s political talk show and claimed that Nana Konadu was serious to contest the elections but because President John Mahama called Dr. Afari Gyan not to accept her forms, she was denied. Sir John went ahead to say that the behavior of both President Mahama and Dr. Gyan was very bad for our democracy. My question to you is which is worse for our democracy? Is it Sir John making such a wild and dangerous statement on air or the Electoral Commission doing its legal duties?
I want to bring the attention of Ghanaians to the kind of leadership the largest opposition party in Ghana has. These are the people who want to be elected to offices to manage the affairs of this great country of ours. Sir John is not an ordinary person in the NPP. He is the General Secretary and a Lawyer. He occupies an important position in the destiny of our country. When the National Executive Council (NEC) of the NPP meets, Sir John’s decisions affect not only the NPP but the country as a whole. Can you imagine yourself leaving the destiny of Ghana in the hands of people like Sir John, Jake and Nana Akuffo Addo and have a comfortable sleep? If these people are taking decisions on your behalf, what do you think those decisions are going to be? These are people when it did not rain in their little surroundings in Kumasi, they claimed that it did not rain in the whole country; these are people who without any evidence or truth, will go on air and make wild and dangerous statements.

Have you slept and thought for a moment what kind of people you would want to control your destiny? On December 7, 2012 the destiny of Ghana will once again be left in the hands of some people to control it for four more years. I would humble encourage you to leave this destiny in the hands of people who have the track record of delivering on their promises; people who are already on the job and have the experience and the ability to deliver; people who you can really trust. Vote for President John Mahama and the NDC. Do not vote for people who are promising free of anything that comes into their minds. Do not vote for people who want to tell Ghanaians what Ghanaians want to hear. Such people are dangerous to our democracy. Dismiss them!
“NPP left a big mess for the NDC. They think the NDC is not cleaning it fast enough and so they want to come back and continue with the same mess.” Ghana is not going back again. Ghana is moving forward.”

Lawrence Appiah-Osei
NDC USA Finance Secretary
[email protected]