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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Columnist: AFAG

Smarty rebranding stinks: Parliament must step in

Once again, the MAHAMA -Arthur Amissah government is embroiled again in another scandal. Ghanaians needs better from this incompetent President MAHAMA administration.

AFAG urges parliament to exercise its investigative powers to investigate the payment of GHC3,60,0000 by President Mahama's government to Smarty Management.

AFAG questions the objective of the branding of the buses. Is this what the nation needs at this time? Does this expenditure contributes in any meaningful direct way to the socio-economic development of the nation in these trying economic times?

AFAG believes that, the size of the payment, GHC3,600,000.00, could have been better put to rehabilitating the children's ward of the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital or any other health project for that matter. Clearly, incompetent President Mahama has lost his way.

At the time economic hardships due to the incompetence of the Mahama-Arthur Amissah administration; increase in utility tariffs; increasing unemployment and general economic hardships, Ghanaians do not expect such blatant act of corruption even from an incompetent and failed government.

The public must rise up!

Aluta Continua

Victoria Acerta!