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Opinions of Monday, 18 July 2016

Columnist: Anyidoho, Koku

So Bawumia lied about the Togolese voters register?

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

I do not doubt the fact that he has a PhD; I do not doubt the fact that he may have been a good banker; I do not doubt that he may have some good qualities: but, can he be trusted as he moves around canvassing for votes to become the Vice President of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana?

In the event that he ever becomes Vice President of Ghana, can he be trusted to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces in case his boss is unable to execute his mandate?

I am sure my preamble is enough of a pointer that I am referring to none other than Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the running mate to the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Flagbearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo.

It is common knowledge that it was the Press Conference held by Dr. Bawumia at the Alisa Hotel sometime last year sparked off the unfortunate mayhem that the NPP and its assigns/acolytes have continued to unleash upon Mother Ghana and innocent Ghanaians vis-à-vis the issue of the voters register.

At the said Press Conference, it was Dr. Bawumia who out of his own volition (I do not want to believe that he was being used as pawn in the NPP’s chess game) produced a fictitious document claiming that it was a Togolese Voters Register which proved that many registered Togolese voters also have their names on Ghana’s voters register.

At the said Press Conference, Dr. Bawumia said that the fictitious Togolese register was “10% of work-in-progress”, and that in a couple of days, he was going to produce the extra “90% of the work-in-progress”, from, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, etc., to prove to Ghanaians that Ghana’s voters register was over-bloated with “foreigners”.

The NPP as well as its assigns/acolytes latched onto the fictitious wheel of Dr. Bawumia and have stopped at nothing to hound the Electoral Commission (especially its Chairperson, Mrs. Charlotte Osei), and also disturb the equilibrium of the eardrums of Ghana and Ghanaians.

When push came to shove, and the NPP was asked by the learned justices of the Supreme Court to adduce reasons (i.e., bring forward in argument or as evidence and cite pertinent and conclusive reasons why their call for a new voters register must be upheld), they were found wanting once again as happened when the self-same Dr Bawumia led the NPP to the same Supreme Court and wasted 8 precious months of the nation’s time, after they lost the 2012 General Elections.

The badges of dishonor that Dr. Bawumia wore after the NPP got draped in gross ignominy after losing the election petition case are, “you and I were not there”, and “Pink sheet”.

One cannot forget how Dr. Bawumia demeaned the NPP’s polling agents by referring to them as “Glorified Observers”.

The issue has lived out its lifespan, and it is as obvious as daylight that the NPP had no case and SHALL NEVER have any cogent argument/s to support their false claims.

I ask; where is the “90% of work-in-progress ” that Bawumia promised to provide to the good people of Ghana?

Where is the “90% of work-in-progress oooo; where is the 90% of work-in-progress”?

With the NPP and its assigns/acolytes now walking around with rotten eggs all over their faces; has Bawumia not only succeeded in making blight; his already blighted political path?

Has Bawumia not only succeeded in engaging in a comical circus-act that only proves the more that the elephant is an animal best suited for circus-acts?

It is ipso facto that Bawumia has all over a sudden “pleaded the fifth” on the voters register issue.

In other words, Bawumia, has deliberately stopped talking about the voters register and is using his brother-in-law, Abu Ramadan, as a surrogate to fight a battle that was dead ab initio.

My people; if Bawumia failed to glitter at the Supreme Court during the Election Petition case because he produced fake documents to support his legless case; if Bawumia faked the Togolese register which was “10% of work in progress”, and has failed to produce the “90% of work” as he promised to do; can we in all honesty trust Dr. Mahamoud Bawumia?

Should Bawumia not be blamed for all the cacophony that sought to inflict gross lies on the conscience of Mother Ghana?

Should Bawumia not be blamed for all the war-mongering that is coming from the camp of the NPP?

Should Bawumia not be blamed for all the vulgar and vile language that has been directed at the Electoral Commission in general and Mrs. Charlotte Osei in particular?

If it is really true that a young man was misled into joining a demonstration calling for the change of the voters register that resulted in he losing an eye, should Bawumia not be blamed for it?

If the vulgarity of Kennedy Aygyepong, walked in directions of malady and reached the doorstep of Mrs. Charlotte Osei and also ended up debasing womanhood, should Bawumia not be blamed?

So as it stands now; is it not proper for me to conclude that Bawumia is the root cause of the vitriolic attacks on Mrs. Charlotte Osei and the EC?

Did Dr. Bawumia and the NPP as well as their assigns/acolytes (especially those in the media), provide any shred of evidence to support their false claim?

Is it not based on the false claims of Dr. Bawumia and the NPP’s evil tunnel-vision cum wall-hitting nation-wrecking agenda, that, the picture is being created that all NHIS card holders are foreigners and so those who used the NHIS card to register, must have their names deleted from the voters register?

To the extent that Dr. Bawumia used the Volta Region as the “guinea pig” in his false claims of foreigners being on the voters register; does the Volta Region not have the right to say that the Dr. Bawumia and the NPP only sought to create hatred for the Volta Region, and to continue to feed into the NPP’s fascist agenda that Volta Region is not part of Ghana?

Indeed, out of the 56,000 names that the EC produced; can Dr. Bawumia and the NPP point to any foreign name on that list?

Is it not also very sad that instead of the media, asking Dr. Bawumia and the NPP to, justify the “10% of work-in-progress”; and also compel Dr. Bawumia and the NPP to produce the extra “90% of work-in-progress”; a greater section of the media is swimming in the inchoate waters of the destructive NPP propaganda, and rather pointing fingers at the EC?

The section of the media in Ghana that is licking the destructive spittle of the NPP must look to the Almighty for forgiveness because; they are worse than the destructive agenda of the NPP.

Would Bawumia be happy if, out of the false ranting of someone; his pretty wife, Samira, is viciously and maliciously maligned and literally referred to as whore who uses her backside to seek favours from men?

Certainly not!!!

I have met Dr. Bawumia one-on-one on not more than two occasions and I must confess that on the surface of it, he comes across as nice man.

However, beyond the warf-thin veneer of his niceness, it is ipso facto that Dr. Bawumia is not carving an image of possessing the virtue of ‘truthfulness’ as far as the Election Petition Case and the fake Togolese Voters Register issues are concerned.

Is it not right for a school of thought to hold the view that Dr. Bawumia wakes up believing in his dreams, and, self-induced nightmares; which he uses to attempt to hold the nation to ransom?

Why should Mother Ghana and Ghanaians be made to suffer needlessly because of the flagrant and extreme untruth the NPP continues churning?

Nobody is claiming piety on the on the political terrain; but as politicians, we must not employ lies and subterfuge to insult the intelligence of the electorate.

As politicians, we must act in ways that will engender TRUST!

Can we TRUST Dr. Mahamoud Bawumia on the twin issues of the Election Petition Case and the fake Togolese Voters Register?

By the way; has Dr. Bawumia been able to tell the good people of Ghana how muc the re-denomination exercise cost the nation, when he was Deputy Governor of the Central Bank?

I am just asking a simple question!

To all intents and purposes, if Dr. Bawumia fails to produce the “90% of work-in-progress” he promised on his own volition and under no duress; he should know that he shall forever have question marks hanging around his head.

Politics CANNOT be built on lies and fiction.

As politicians, we must give credibility to our actions and deeds lest we incur the violent angst of the people we seek to lead.

I pledge that the day Dr. Bawumia produces the “90% of work-in-progress”, he will be one of my heroes.

Until then …

I rest my case for now and pray that by the kind Grace of the Most High, we can meet again soon for another conversation.

In all we do; let us remember that we are only continuing from where the Founding Fathers left off; and we must commit ourselves to the “GHANA First!!!” axiom so we do not destroy the Motherland and heap the curses of posterity on our heads.

I heap no curses on anyone: but may the God of Ghana, punish all those who want to use their veiled and open evil tactics to destroy this dear Motherland of ours because they want “Power At All Cost!””

Rain or shine, I remain under my Umbrella!!


PS. I know I will be insulted by the NPP and its apparatchiks: but do I care? The more I am insulted by the NPP; the more I know I am working hard to send the destructive elephants farther into the deepest ends of the bush. Dr. Arthur Kennedy must be smiling; Lol!!!