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Opinions of Monday, 2 May 2016

Columnist: Bokor, Michael J. K.

So soon, a “victory ram” for President Mahama?

By Dr. Michael J.K. Bokor
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Folks, strange things continue to happen as far as the mindset, attitudes, and direct involvement of chiefs in partisan politics are concerned. President Mahama is on a nationwide tour dubbed as "Accounting to the People" that involves commissioning projects undertaken by his government and meeting the chiefs and people to assure them of what his government intends doing to improve living standards.

His opponents consider the tour as an abuse of incumbency and have even hit below the belt to dismiss it as "useless". Yet, they cringe at what unfolds, especially the massive show of support for him and the declaration of goodwill toward him in his bid to seek a renewal of his mandate at Election 2016.
Wherever he's been so far, the chiefs and people have openly expressed their admiration for him. The pictures are all over the mediascape for us to see. We've also heard utterances of varying import. Those chiefs who have openly shown appreciation to President Mahama for providing development projects to their communities, creating the impression that they support his bid for a second term have been quickly insulted by Kweku Baako as unwise, a euphemism for their being stupid. The NPP has also been quick to condemn them. But the chiefs aren't fazed at all. There is no way anybody/anything can stop the overflowing joy that they have at being given their share of the national cake.

According to the Gospel of Malik Kweku Baako Junior of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, any chief who endorses a President is unwise. And many chiefs have either openly endorsed President Mahama’s bid for a second term or indirectly rooted for him to turn Kweku Baako’s crank. The latest is from Nkoranza in the Brong-Ahafo Region, prompting me to ask whether the Nkoranza chief (Okatakyie Agyemang Kodom) is the most unwise chief In Ghana today, according to the Gospel of Kweku Baako? He has done what will shock anybody who knows what is at stake in our current political dispensation.

Not to be outdone in showing appreciation for President Mahama, the Nkoranza chief is reported as donating a ram he describes as a "victory ram" to President John Mahama to celebrate his victory in the upcoming 2016 general elections. (See
Scary as this gesture may be, especially to the political opponents of President Mahama, it says a lot to suggest that it will take more than mere insults and condemnatory statements to either deter the chiefs or to stop them entirely from siding with the politician of their choice to lead the country. It seems Article 276 of the 1992 Constitution is so toothless as not to have been included in the Constitution at all.

In this case, the Nkoranza chief has gone a long stretch:
1. He has predicted a massive win for the President due to his unparalleled achievements in the Brong Ahafo Region and Ghana at large (which reduces to absurdity all the noise being made by Akufo-Addo and all others dismissing President Mahama as a failure).

2. He has justified his donation of the "victory ram", saying that the first time he donated a ram to President Mahama saw him winning the 2012 election; and he was confident that this second ram will secure the President another victory.

Here we are, folks. The Nkoranza chief has taken the matter a notch higher. Will he come across, then, as the most unwise chief, according to the Gospel of Kweku Baako? Or are other chiefs waiting to express their appreciation come out with other gestures to push them up the ladder of stupidity as Kweku Baako will characterize them? At the end of President Mahama's tour, which chief will win the unenviable title as the most stupid (according to Kweku Baako's Gospel)?

Eyes are watching. Those opposition politicians watching too may be more than worried at this point.

I shall return…
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