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Opinions of Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw Awuah Boadu

Soaring High!-An Opened Letter to Dr. Addo Kufuor

Dear Dr. Addo Kufuor,

I wish to encourage you with this piece to modestly strengthen your resolve in soaring high like an eagle and leaving monumental legacies to generations as you courageous leave an important and sensitive ministry in our Nation's history to pursue the ultimate office of our land, the Presidency.

The confidence, discipline, sense of hard work and efficiency you had exhibited and brought to bear on the armed forces institution is unprecedented and I believe the institution will be highly honored and Ghana will be privileged to have you as the Commander in Chief of the Institution which had hitherto, been a thorn in the freedoms Ghanaians had aspired for with the dismantling of colonial rule.

The professional, discipline, tact and practical measures you had taken over the years to raise the morale of the Ghana Armed Forces and making them confident in honoring their constitutional pledge and duty to safe guard the constitution of Ghana, makes your leadership style indispensable in building the confidence of the teaming Ghanaian younger population in inserting themselves in the free market democratic legacy the NPP wants to leave Ghanaians.

The stability the NPP had achieved as a government for Ghana and under your leadership of the hitherto volatile institution make you outstanding in the forthcoming leadership contest of the NPP and your good works, discipline and unrivalled integrity and demeanor should be told to Ghanaians. I am of the humble opinion that Ghanaians appreciated your good works and conduct when they voted you twice as best minister.

I believe your team is just doing right by reminding Ghanaians what your leadership had achieved for Ghana and what you are capable of doing. The courageous manner you have being rebuffing and rejecting your detractors, who have nothing against your person and integrity other than your blood relations with the current President of Ghana incite me and many well meaning Ghanaians who have great hopes and aspirations for their children and country folks to aspire for greater laurels in this competitive World. I wonder when hard work, discipline, perseverance and achievement of one's siblings became a limitation. 

I believe parents, teachers, young people and every body who believe in the unique endowment of every individual by his creator and the constitution of Ghana would not take those seeking to frustrate your efforts serious and would work to ensure that you are given the opportunity to continue serving Ghana in that first position. Your achievement of that goal could implant in parents and young people, values of individual hard work, excellence and in a way reduce the clouding out of individual achievement and ambition as a result of successful uncles, brothers, sisters and aunts which had left a sort of vicious cycle of dependency in our country. I am confident and encouraged in your ambitions and that I can tap each of my two children and say you can achieve what ever you dream of and act upon with hard work, discipline and perseverance.

I believe, it is not by incident you and your brother belong to the same party, rather it is the ideals you share the NPP represents-liberty, freedom and equality. I am of the opinion that the great values of individual excellence and healthy competition you have shared over the years enabled you to enter the NPP presidential primaries in two different periods against yourselves and others.

I end by urging you on to continue soaring high.

With warm regards.

Yaw Awuah Boadu A.

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