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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Columnist: Apostle E. K. Mensah

Social distancing must be observed in all facet of life

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We are all battling with the 'cancer' called coronavirus.

As a preventive measure, social distancing must be observed in all facet of life.

My concern is that this order given by the President is becoming one-sided and discriminative by the enforcers.

Now, to be Frank, it is mostly the church that is pursued, victimised and intimidated by the law enforcers.

The police is arresting pastor's who are having simple administive meetings with least than 10 members.

Sundays have become a roaming day for these law enforcers in order to intimidate and extort money from Christians as though it is only in Christian gatherings that this sickness could be contracted.

Before writing these observations, I went through markets like Juapong, Dededo, Ho, Kpetoe.... Where no social distancing has been observed under the nose of these police officers who are roaming in churches.

Let the right authorities come clear if they are banning churches from operating.

How can you arrest a pastor because you saw a speaker box on his compound, or because there is an allegation that he is praying in the night.

What is going on? Let us stand for the truth. I have some few pictorial evidence of human gathering that no authority has condemned thus no arrest has been effected.

From Apostle E. K. Mensah, The Harvest Ministry International.