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Opinions of Monday, 13 June 2011

Columnist: Sani, Abu


At Adisadel College the headmaster must be an Anglican. This headmaster however happened to own his church situated at Ekwan junction (near Menya mewu). I hope you know this place I.e. the road from Holy Child towards Aggrey.

Because he wanted the headmaster by all means he had to become a member of the Anglican Church. After he became the headmaster he adopted a new strategy and that is to look for opportunities to visit different Churches to preach; to make it look as if he is an evangelist who visits different churches. By this strategy he would not be pinned down to the Anglican Church alone and can have the opportunity to be at his own church as well.

It was on one such escapade that he came into contact with this guy called Arthur Panyin (Payne). The guy happened to be the Secretary to the Maranatha Assemblies of God Church in Cape Coast here and was in charge of such arrangements. (Time Table for Preaching Schedules) Just around that time the guy was having problems with his former school –St Augustines College apparently for the same offence. The guy was working with the wife known as Regina who teaches English Language. When the alleged sodomy case unraveled at Augusco, he was released from there and because the school didn’t want him in the school, they relocated the wife to SSNIT flat at Elmina so that he could not use her as an excuse to come to the school. They have 3 boys, 7, 5 and 2 years olds.

Ordinarily, any husband would have had to stay with the wife but because of the favour he did the headmaster, he was admit to Adisco on the pretext that he is an experienced Mathematics tutor and had taken St Augustines to the mathematics and Science Quiz and won so he was the best for the school. Within the next two terms he was giving accommodation and awarded as the most promising tutor. (Other teachers on the waiting list for accommodation have been waiting for over 4 years now.)

Some where in the middle of last term, the sodomy case came up when a student refused to attend a class with the guy in his house. A concerned tutor asked the student why he refused free tuition from the guy and that when the student revealed what he had been doing to some of the students. The tutor reported the incident to the Senior Housemaster and he in turn reported to the headmaster but no action was taken or the headmaster tried to shelve the issue until one of the victims got ill and the doctor detected the cause. Questions are welcome.