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Opinions of Monday, 19 March 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Solemn Advice to Alfred Agbesi Woyome

In Ghana today, the name Alfred Agbesi Woyome is currently synonymous with greed and crime. The NDC with Alfred's bunch of parasitic malevolent supporters may choose to believe or disbelieve my gospel truth about the personality and name mentioned above.

The wise old man says, "He who does not know, and knows not that he does not know, is a fool" Based on this adage, I will open up my overflowing fountain of wisdom to Alfred Agbesi Woyome to drink. He should note that the very day he granted an on-air interview to Hon Chairman Kwame Sefa Kayi on Peace Fm's flagship show "Kookrokoo", was the very moment he declared his culpability in the ongoing Woyomegate scandal. When the ace news presenter severally questioned him if he had signed any contract with the Government of Ghana regarding the rehabilitation of CAN 2008 stadia, he each time said NO. Kwame further asked, why then did you sue Ghana government for failing to pay you for your services or work done on CAN 2008? Again, as many times that Chairman Kwame Sefa Kayi questioned him about why he sued for judgment debt, Alfred Agbesi Woyome was fumbling, unable to answer.

He impaled himself on his own sword. He had no contract with Ghana government yet he was successfully able to sue for GHC51 Million or more from the Ghana (NDC) government. This nonsense of daylight robbery emanating from utter connivance with people entrusted to run the affairs of a nation can only happen in Ghana. The political immaturity of a vast proportion of the population that will support personalities, parties or group of persons, regardless of their endemic corruptibility, has given rise to unqualified liars claiming judgment debt payments on Ghana.

I advise Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome to reveal the names of all those with whom he planned and executed that "419" monstrosity on Ghana. He should also name all the beneficiaries of his excellently, but criminally acquired GHC51 Million in judgment debt payment. The earlier he brings all the beneficiaries into the bigger picture, the better it will be for him. Hiding behind an erected smokescreen by his lawyers will never exonerate him from blame but rather compound his problems in the end. He is inextricably trapped in the web of his own lies and criminality. He should not waste his now limited resources on hiring defence lawyers hoping to abscond with the millions of Cedis he has wrongly taken from Ghana. He must bear in mind that same as he sued for interest payment on the delayed judgment debt payment that he was not even due, so will Ghanaians claim from him the GHC51 Million with interest. The earlier he pays it, much the better.

He should not continue to underestimate the intelligence of Ghanaians. The crime he connived with some irresponsible government appointees to commit behind close doors, piling unnecessary pressure on the Finance Minister, has now become an entertainment football being played daily in the open. Is it not rather the toothpaste for those able to afford, to clean their teeth with, every morning, and to others their all time chewing stick?

Alfred, I am advising you same as any senior brother would do to his younger truant brother, to accept your fault, apologise to Ghanaians, and pay back the money. Anything short of this will aggravate your situation. Irrespective of the gargantuan deceits and machismo orchestrated by your brainless supporters and issuance of comical intimidations by your lawyers, Ghanaians will never be scared. They will not allow you to keep the money so fraudulently obtained. They will fight to retrieve the money come what may.

In time, I will respond to a publication in the media about me from your camp. My reply will be a similitude of the lyrics in the song, "Small girl you don't know the thing, I'm teaching you the thing, you are playing with the thing"

An honest word from a true brother to his sibling, if heeded in good faith, is sufficient to change him for the better. Disregard my advice, and you continue to sink in troubles onto death – Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

Rockson Adofo