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Opinions of Friday, 5 November 2021

Columnist: Gafar Abdul Aziz

Solving the Wa Central constituency puzzle: Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori factor

Wahid Bampuori is a member of the National Democratic Congress Wahid Bampuori is a member of the National Democratic Congress

It is a well-known fact that the Wa Central Constituency has been a puzzle in the minds of the constituents for quite a significant time now. Fair comparative analysis has always pointed to a certain monumental lagging as against other constituencies across the country.

There is no commensuration between the constituency’s potential and the representation it is given in parliament. This undoubtedly is a sad spectacle that worries the average constituent in the Wa Central Constituency. As such, there have several spirited attempts using intra and inter-party elections to change the status quo.

Unfortunately, these have all proved futile as a result of inconsequential considerations. However, we cannot be deterred as a people if we really mean to change things for the better in the Wa Central Constituency.

In view of this general craving for a better representation of the Wa Central Constituency in parliament, there is the need to have a Member Of Parliament who fits perfectly into the mindset, expectations and aspirations of the constituents. Such a member of parliament must possess the relevant skills set that allow him/her to have a firm grasp and understanding of the expectations, needs and challenges of the constituents.

Beyond this requisite firm grasp, the prospective candidate must have a robust character, be well-grounded, cross-connected and resourceful enough to initiate programmes and projects that could help ameliorate the sorry plight of the vast majority of the Constituents.

The Constituency needs a brave, bold, vocal and charismatic person who can appeal to and attract the necessary attention that will yield positive interventions.

The best fit for these credentials is Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori who has never shied away from the prospect of representing the Wa Central Constituency in Parliament.

Mr Wahid Bampuori as a member of the NDC has paid his dues diligently as a founding member of the Tertiary Institutions Network of the NDC (TEIN). He has placed his education and training at the doorsteps of the NDC since the inception of the party in 1992.

As a longstanding and staunch member of the party, he has immersed himself in every noticeable program or activity of the party right from the national level through the region down to the Wa Central Constituency. He has partaken active roles in presidential and parliamentary campaigns for NDC candidates election after election. This has seen him avail his physical strength as well as logistical and financial resources to prosecute the party agenda.

Lawyer Wahid Bampuori is results-oriented and a go-getter who prioritizes the collective interest and good of the NDC over any other consideration; the reason for which he made significant donations to the party even after failing to get the nod to lead the party as a parliamentary candidate for the Wa Central Constituency.

Having built considerable goodwill within the NDC fraternity locally and internationally coupled with his global corporate appeal as a seasoned lawyer, his political brand is better placed to move the Wa Central Constituency onto a higher pedestal both in and outside of Parliament.

There is no gainsaying that a member of parliament worth his/her sort can only meet the aspirations of a cosmopolitan constituency such as Wa Central if he/she is able to market the constituency and draw significant players such as corporate entities, philanthropists and NGOs to take up programs and projects that hinge on making life better for the constituents. For Wa Central Constituency to dream of any such revolution in the constituency, Lawyer Wahid Iddrisu Bampuori must come in handy.

The several self-sponsored initiatives that he has embarked upon in the constituency to bring relief to the Wa Central Constituency stretching from health, education, empowerment to sports are ample testimony to what he can do if given the opportunity to occupy the office of Member of Parliament.

It is instructive for the rank and file of the NDC in the Wa Central Constituency to ponder and reflect deeply on the dwindling fortunes of the party election after election and make an informed choice bordered on general appeal to voters, track-record, competence and capacity among others.

This is the only way by which the party can continue to enjoy the trust and confidence of the electorate in the Wa Central Constituency. Indeed, the fallouts from the last general election that has seen an equal numerical strength between the NDC and the ruling NPP in parliament should awaken us to the reality that there can be no room for any gambles in 2024.

It calls for the party to present its most potent arsenals in the 2024 elections to deliver a resounding and unassailable victory that cannot be overturned by any amount of maneuvering and arm-twisting by state-sponsored actors like what was seen in 2020.