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Opinions of Friday, 4 March 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Some Ghanaians misconstruction of freedom of speech

Captain Smart, Journalist Captain Smart, Journalist

Some Ghanaians who should have known better, claiming to be wiser and more knowledgeable, are rather conspicuously behaving worse than unintelligent fools.

In Ghana as l have always come to observe, especially during the announced government's intention to introduce an electronic transaction levy (e-levy), many supposedly intellectual or ace journalists have come out to express their disappointment.

One can honestly conclude that those airing their dissatisfaction are doing so in bad faith. They are simply being populist, malevolent, and aspiring to achieve their parochial interests and political agenda. They don't actually have the best collective interests of Ghanaians at heart.

I shall be brief in this write-up since l am using the phone but not a computer or laptop for reasons beyond my control hence obstructed by lack of speed, as usual, the problem with old people who are not computer literate.

A whole professor, the Dean of faculty of law at the University of Ghana, Legon, goes public to give a talk on how critical Ghana is sitting on a ticking coup d'etat bomb. He then at the same venue, advised the Minister for National Security, Mr Albert Kan Dapaah, to contact the security expert from whom he, Professor Atuguba, obtained his source of information for help to avert the looming military usurpation of power.

He wanted Kan Dapaah to mitigate the possible coup d'etat hence his suggestion. However, was it the right method and appropriate venue to communicate his concerns to the Minister?

Will any wise person adopt that method of communication to pass on critical intelligence information?

For me as a person with security knowledge, the answer is a big no, unless I have some diabolic agenda to seek the support of the public to obtain such agenda.

Again, there is this irresponsible, although vociferous journalist in Ghana, called Captain Smart of Onua TV, who is permanently spearheading his wicked agenda for his malicious reasons.

In his typical Ghanaian-mindedness of being fearless, the trait of what we call "Akurase taama " to wit, a bushman, he goes on-air every morning of his working day to insult and attack not only the government but the person of President Nana Akufo-Addo.

When l listen to him, l just say to myself, how can Ghana make any meaningful way forward in her economic emancipation with such purposeful saboteurs abounding in the nation?

I wouldn't care if he was saying the truth and being honest with Ghanaians but that is not the case.

This Captain Smart guy asserts he does not support coup d'etat in Ghana but supports uprising.

Does he actually understand the meaning of uprising? He is just throwing dust into people's eyes while actually pursuing his selfish parochial interests.

To many an uninformed Ghanaian, political sycophant, activist or easily misled person, they will swallow the balderdash constantly in propagation by Captain Smart hook, line and sinker.

There are many absurdities going on in Ghana today, all being enabling factors to rather set the clock of the nation's development back.

Let me sound these words of caution to my fellow Ghanaians, be they those wishing the government well or evil that if the wicked person knew he may be eating the head of the game (animal), he would have taken time to roast it properly.

If those calling for an uprising in the country knew how they could end up becoming victims themselves, they will think twice before propagating their pro-uprising ideas.

Freedom of speech does not allow you to act irresponsibly and hope to get away with it all of the time.

Freedoms come with responsibilities. People like Mensah Thompson, Bobbie Ansah, and Baker Avonawor or whoever he is, think they can make any stupid and treasonable utterances with impunity, all in the name of Freedom of speech. Such are the fools l shall be writing to instill a sense of responsibility into their heads which are very likely deficient of grey matter.