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Opinions of Monday, 6 September 2021

Columnist: Doctor Kwadwo Ye-large

Something must be done to stop the murder cases in Ghana

According to the author, the law must not spare anybody guilty of any murder case According to the author, the law must not spare anybody guilty of any murder case

Murder cases in the country are becoming too much recently. The murder cases in the country keep increasing every day.

This had made some women to come out vehemently to issue a threat of going on a naked demonstration; they have issues with how some married men murder their wives to death.

They stated their grievances by giving references to some murdered cases which were being perpetrated by some married men against their wives. They stated the murder case of a married man who shot his wife to death in the Ashanti Region.

Last week also, a man called Thomas Konthoh in Gbetsile in the Kpone Katamanso Municipality had butchered his wife, Lydia Amponsah to death, and also hanged himself in mankessim too. There was a dangerous murder action by an unknown murderer who beheaded a pregnant woman's head, and aborted her pregnancy.

Naked demonstrations won't solve the murder cases in the country, and besides, it will be a total disgrace to the entire womanhood.

What is making some married men murder their wives to death?

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the causes of this unaccepted crime.

The major component of it is the temperamental problem. It is about time some men take things easy and desist from quick tempers, attitudes and calm their tempers down, for uncontrollable anger can lead to a murderous action.

Divorce is unbiblical and the scriptures are not in support of it. This means God's word is against divorce.

I will plead with both married men and women that if your partner is troubling you emotionally and physically,the best way for you is to exit from the marriage,than to be murdered by your partner.

Murder is an act of wickedness to the highest level.

The murder caused by married men will sacred most unmarried women to venture into marriage.

Specifically, we have people who trade in murder in terms of business. We have contract killers who are always hired for a contract killing.

On the other hand, also, we have occultic people who used human parts for evil sacrifices.

It is alleged that there are some secret places in the country, that trade in human parts as a business.

Looking at what happened at abisem, a sports journalist and footballer Richard, popularly known as Fireman, murdered three junvinal footballers to death, with human parts also found inside his refrigerator.

He is now in police custody for further interrogations and investigations.

A journalist from United kingdom was also murdered in the Northern Region when he went to do a documentary about politics and entertainment in the region.

The image of the country will be dented in the eyes of the international community that Ghana is in a state of insecurity.

When the murder cases continue like this, it can stop and drive away investors from the country.

Every investor wants to invest and stay in a safe country. The country may lose certain opportunities when it is spelled out clearly to the international communities that Ghana is not safe, security-wise.

Fear has gripped most Ghanaians, for they are sacred of the day after day murder cases in the country.

Some people are of the view that most Foreigners who are living in the country, also have a hand in the murder cases going on in the country.

This is the time the security operatives should be more proactive to fish out those who are directly and indirectly involved in murder cases.

This is also the time for citizens to trust in the security services, and feed them with intelligence and vital information about murderers.

The law must also work swiftly to persecute all those involved in murder cases, to serve as a deterrent to others.

The law must not spare anybody guilty of any murder case.