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Opinions of Thursday, 15 July 2021

Columnist: Abdul Rahman Odoi

Songs of bewilderment

The author expresses sentiments about politicians in the country The author expresses sentiments about politicians in the country

O young politicians,
who begged for votes at midnight,
gained power, and forgot our basic right.
And now, with so many mansions,
still telling us the same old stories.

O young Politicians,
referring to politics as a game,
but can’t play it like Paul Kagame.
Politics made you “Honorable”.
Hence, you make men look feeble.

O young politicians,
upon all this golden opportunity,
you want us to cheer your mediocrity,
for holding state resources hostage.
Where from this silly courage?

O young politicians,
should we call the opticians?
Maybe you can’t see people crying
Individual dreams are crawling
This isn’t time for relaxing

O young politicians,
reading this chorus.
Stop rendering us aimless
Rethink of becoming assertive
Then you can change the narrative