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Opinions of Thursday, 11 January 2018

Columnist: Yaw Gyampo

Special Prosecutor: The most objective political appointment ever

Martin Amidu Martin Amidu

1. The Special Prosecutor suffers from a fundamental challenge regarding autonomy and independence.

2. In my earlier critique of the move to create a Special Prosecutor rather than an Independent Public Prosecutor, I proposed the appointment of a person in the character and stature of Martin Amidu (or Anas) as someone who could do well to surmount the fundamental problem and make some strides in the fight against corruption in spite of the challenges of independence.

3. Martin Amidu has the stature, character, competence, objectivity and all it takes to wield the needed DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD in fighting corruption within the ruling party and outside the party.

4. He has the NAME, MORAL AUTHORITY AND CREDIBILITY as CITIZEN VIGILANTE and I believe he would work to protect not only our money, but also his own name.

5. This is the MOST OBJECTIVE POLITICAL APPOINTMENT that has ever been made in the history of our Fourth Republic. "If you cant find them in your party, go beyond your party to find them all in the name of serving Ghana". Not all positions can or must be filled from within.

6. President Akufo Addo has demonstrated his desire to protect the NATIONAL INTEREST. I am sure he was opposed about his choice by the hawks and the overly partisan apparatchiks. I congratulate him for this bold step.

7. There would be serious autonomy challenges but CITIZEN VIGILANTE, do your best for mother Ghana under the circumstance.

8. I am a very proud Ghanaian today and I thank the President for following one of the key pathways to dealing with Winner-Takes-All politics.

9. Mr. President, more of these appointments. Appointments that even your political opponents can't really oppose.

10. Mr. Amidu, I wish you well. Remember how you took people in your own party on. Take appointees of this administration on when necessary to give you the audacity to prosecute those who aren't in government when you have the evidence.

God bless our homeland Ghana.

Yaw Gyampo.
A31, Prabiw
P.AV. Ansah Street