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Opinions of Thursday, 3 February 2022

Columnist: Bismark Kwabla Kobi

Spending huge money on town hall meetings to approve e- levy is very unfortunate and poor mindedness

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta

Open Letter To:

Chief of Staff

Ministry of Information

Speaker of Parliament

Chief Justice

Is it that we have a high appetite for corruption hence we always crave for avenues to create such loopholes to loot the state coffers for our greedy and selfish interest, or we don't see beyond our comfort zones?

How can a country that is begging for monies and more levies and taxes be wasting huge taxpayers' monies on useless and lazy town Hall Meetings in the name of soliciting views and urging the people to accept the E- levy for approval?

Oh GHANA, who has cursed you so badly that we are still wallowing in consequences of that curse to the extent of we not thinking about the ordinary citizens but our glutton taste for shortcut wealth and riches that we don't care if our actions and inactions are affecting the very people we are claiming to be serving?

Many State V8 Land cruisers will be driven to all such regional Town Hall Meetings across the country, expensive hotels will be lodged in, expensive foreign dishes/ meals will be consumed, expensive alcohol beverages will be drunk, many slay queens will be sorted and above all fat allowances will be taken in the name of organising such programmes, yet you will hear the people's whose destiny and future are being drained to poverty defending such unwise decisions?

Why can't the government listen to diverse opinions in the Media and social media outlets, from CSOs, political parties, businessmen, and ordinary citizens to inform their decisions but go after the expensive path to the detriment of the already marasmus economy and ailing poverty in the country?

It is time for all to speak to our future or we live to regret it since this country is on the verge of kissing the ground in all sectors.

I am calling on all discerning Ghanaians to speak now or we all suffer the consequences in a few months and future. Government must as a matter of urgency halt the ongoing Town Hall Meetings to save the little monies we have.
Some nurses and teachers as in salaries arrears, NABCO trainees not paid for about six 6 months now, so why spend the monies on such stuff? Say no to Town Hall Meetings for now.

God, please, grant us common sense and a heart of conscience to be able to have little mercy on Ghana.