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Opinions of Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Standing Toe-to-Toe With Corrupt Traditional Leaders?

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his course succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot"------Mark Twain.


Many a Ghanaian reading my published views, aspirations and endeavours to liberate majority of the poverty-stricken Ghanaians from needless autocratic traditional rule, official State corruption and abuse of power by our leaders, through sensitisation, may presume me to be very disrespectful. No, I am not. I have been pushed by the ardency of our leaders to commit crime with impunity, to get tough on them the way I do.


It is about time we put up, stood toe-to-toe with these leaders who have not only been arrogating to themselves powers they have no right to, but are abusing them as well. What is the importance or relevance of those of us living abroad to Ghana if we are unable to stand up for our less fortunate ones back home who have been cowed into submission to the excessively abusive powers exercised by our leaders?


It has been the policy, although illegal, by some of our traditional leaders to exploit others, especially, in situations of deciding who is to succeed a demised chief as it is the current situation with Kumawu. They will do whatever it takes to sell the favourable verdict to the highest bidder, even if that means twisting history, usurping the throne from its rightful owners to give it to the illegitimates who may happen to be the highest bidder.


When we consider the on-going Kumawu chieftaincy dispute, a perfect example of course, one can conclusively say how the Asante Overlord with his Council of other chiefs is determined to render nonsense Kumawu’s chieftaincy history. By their corrupt actions, they vivaciously seek to defraud the original royals of their right to the throne.


I get annoyed to see these elders doing what they do just to line their pockets. Should I remain silent knowing very well their evil intentions that will have adverse repercussions on generations to come? No!


Asantehene, although traditionally has no power over Kumawu, is resolutely determined to enforce a candidate he has collusively agreed with his purported girlfriend, Kumawuhemaa, on us as the Omanhene of Kumawu. He has gone to the lengths to make himself a joke in the eyes of many an intelligent person who knows the history of Kumawu. No wonder that he has many hurdles and rivers to cross without even being able to reach his destination, God willing.


Firstly, he has proved himself a liar much as Alfred Agbesi Woyome has proved himself the swindler of the century. He knows how often he has lied to people in his life in attempts to either cheat them or play on their intelligence. At the moment, I am not interested in recounting them but should it happen in future that they are to be divulged, I will not hesitate a minute to put them in the public domain.


As it's obvious, for a document to be authentic and binding, it has to be signed or a bear a thumbprint. There happened a scenario at Asanteman Council that proves how ignorant our traditional leaders are in their perception of their subjects. They think the subjects are either fools or can easily be deceived through cowing to accept whatever they tell them without anyone bothering to conduct investigations of their own.


Kumawuhemaa, or to be more precise, Dr Yaw Sarfo, on behalf of their Ankaase family, presented a document in support of their legitimate ascension to the Kumawu paramount Koduah Stool. The document was a photocopy supposed to have been taken from an original document archived with Manhyia Palace since the 1920s. The copy bore neither a signature nor a thumbprint. However, Asantehene did accept it in testimony.

Could the supposed document filed with the archives not be a fake since it was not produced before the Asanteman Council for public scrutiny? It is evident that our unlettered parents or grandparents in those days and until today do thumbprint documents to certify their authenticity. Therefore without any such mark, Asantehene and his cronies should know better. Does the whole attempt not raise eyebrows?


Who does Asantehene think he is fooling if not himself? Archived documents can be radiocarbon dated to prove how long they have existed. It amazes me that whenever Asantehene attempts to play his tricks I do come around to punch holes in his attempts. He should bear in mind that there are intelligent ones out there that he can never fool.


Going back to the document under discussion, Kumawuhemaa claims it was written by one Nana Adwoa Serwaah (Kofi Ahenkan’s grandmother), once a Kumawuhemaa from the Ananangya royal family. It states in the document that the Ankaase family members can also occupy the Kumawu paramount Koduah Stool. According to Kumawuhemaa, Nana Adwoa Serwaah certified their legitimate occupation of the throne. The question now is do you get rid of the person inviting you to share their throne? This is exactly what the Ankaase family collusively supported by some rogue chiefs in Asanteman is doing.


I will only advise Asantehene to go back and learn Kumawu history very well as he will reach nowhere with his current determination to do the unthinkable. Why is he allowing himself to be baited with money and Kumawuman land?


I know he has developed a tough skin. He doesn’t care about all that people are saying. However, as said by one of my work colleagues, Alf Wright, "If you don’t hear it, you will feel it", his mum used to tell him when he was growing up.


A word to the wise is enough.


Those who care to know about what invigorates me to come to the defence of the inhabitants of my birthplace, I quote Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia who once said, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."


Rockson Adofo

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