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Opinions of Saturday, 18 October 2008

Columnist: Arkoful, Seth

Stop The NDC Now!!!

Major Seth Arkoful

Great Progressive Movement of Ghana

Ghana's cultural code of silence in the face of the National Demons Congress’ nonsense is wrong, and a monumental exhibit of irresponsibility. In our pursuit of a blessed future, we need to abreast ourselves with the hurdles that will be set before us by the National Doom Congress which has nothing progressive to offer the determined people of this great country in their quest for a progressive national life. In times of the National Demolishers Congress’s irresponsible utterances and actions, we the majority of Ghanaians who respect the New Patriotic Party’s development in freedom agenda under President John Agyekum Kufuor, should rationalize our objectives by putting up a civilized demeanor to prove to the world that we are the selfless vanguards of great change from the National Detractors Congress’ (NDC) culture of silence, reign of terror and national retrogression. A journey to a destination of freedom is painful, a situation which many feared in our struggle against the Rawlings/Mills dictatorship and economic bankruptcy. Nevertheless, the numerous loved ones of many decent Ghanaian families brutally murdered by the Poisoned National Direction Congress (PNDC) and it’s extension the National Derailers Congress (NDC),have become heroes whose selfless cause has and shall continue to energize the rest of us to hold the flame of democracy high in the "Ghanaian world". We can no longer tolerate the NDC which detests everything democratic including this open freedom spearheaded by President Kufuor and it’s future enhancement by the next President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo. We need a forward acceleration in the direction the Kufuor-led NPP administration has pointed us to. We need a dynamic NPP sense of direction and not the Rawlings-led,Mills-following and Mahama-licking NDC waste deceptive rhetoric. No prisoner the NDC style, after experiencing freedom the NPP style, with very clear prospects of a progressive future, would ever dream of going back to the dark dreaded days of NDC bondage where the Rule of Law was reduced to the Rule of Hooligans. NEVER AGAIN!!

The Ghanaian people still feel betrayed by the political and socio-economic problems carved by the wicked and reckless NDC political emperors. The NDC must be told in the face that it is pursuing a fruitless venture if it ever thinks that after the good people of Ghana escaped from it’s dreaded iron fists and economic destruction, we would ever heed all the useless noise and acrobatics it is displaying. Ghanaians will no longer countenance any government that will make us primitive economic slaves in a 21st Century world order. It is crystal clear in the minds of the majority of Ghanaians that the primitive brutish confused disorderly nature of the NDC will reverse all progress and global goodwill attained by the NPP in a genuine partnership with the good people of Ghana.

John Rawlings, John Atta-Mills, John Mahama and the NDC leadership are making a mockery of themselves by throwing their weight about and ignoring the reality that memories of their wicked misrule are very much alive in the minds of Ghanaians. The political DNA of the Rawlings-owned and Rawlings-controlled NDC is violence and Atta-Mills is a political trainee of a disorganized home where respect for their fellow Ghanaians citizens is abstract and non-existent. The primary motive of this writing is to elucidatively strip the propaganda campaigns and expose the truth about the concealed evil ploys and deception mechanisms of the Rawlings/Mills jointly-led NDC, who have used their firm hold and weakness on the part of their followers as an effective means of advancing their political tactics of personal interest and survival. Their game is to fool and enslave the masses through the application of rhetoric, and speeches that are indigestible in the congealed minds of the people. The people, who by reason of social poverty are less privileged to catch the true spirit of education, are also collectively weak to discernibly distinguish the real from the unreal.

The NDC’s continuation of this tactic of injecting large doses of fear in the people through the adoption and application of campaigns of threats and intimidation of the electoral commission and voters, a clear indication of what the NDC is going to do to Ghanaians if it ever came back to power, strongly calls for the Ghanaian electorate to vote massively for the Nana Akufo-Addo-led NPP for a forward march into the nation’s brighter future. The NDC’s record is clear. These crooks who assumed power and promised a paradise on earth, turned out to be political draculas, sucking the blood and feeding on the flesh of their citizens. The very thought of wicked Rawlings and his ailing trainee Atta-Mills being in charge of the helm of affairs of this nation with it’s accompanying political traumas, cause chills in the minds of all. They haven’t even come to power, yet see Rawlings howling disturbingly, insulting fantes once again with a clear spirit of revenge, sowing seeds of division between ewes and other tribes in the nation, even creating chaos all to the detriment of the so-called Mills/Mahama campaign to take power. Can you imagine who would be in charge and the magnitude of chaos should you give the NDC the slightest slip to govern the nation. Rawlings control over all spheres of decision making in the NDC, including the appointment of robotic ethnic favorites and ideological sympathizers, who are themselves unthinking and worthless robots programmed to execute orders, is what the Ghanaian nation should avoid. Even the newly born child can predict Ghana's empty future under Rawlings/Mills/Mahama in a crucial time when most nations of the world are ruled by Heads of State who possess knowledge about civilized politics and the dynamics of relevant contemporary economics. Ghana needs innovative, strong-minded, daring, intelligent and charismatic leaders who would challenge the potential of the nation with ambitious dreams as is clearly inscribed in the NPP manifesto. Ghana is in dire need of political idealists who are also realists like the NPP has proven to be over the last 8 years, not shallow minded. vindictive, loud mouth ones like Mills, Asiedu Nketia, Tony Aidoo, Nana Konadu Rawlings, Kobby Akyeampong, Tsumasi Appiah, Ama B. Doe, Kwesi Pratt, Ato Ahwoi, Adams, Anita, and all the NDC social misfits who only compound the already compounded problems of our dear nation. The NDC’s wishful ‘SANKOFA’ thinking and self-defeating campaigns carved from Rawlings’ politics of lies and deception will on December 7 2008, send them to the political grave forever.

Calling themselves preachers and advocates of change at a time that Nana Akufo-Addo was on the streets and in the trenches fighting for the rights of the down-trodden, the innocent and weak, Atta Mills, John Mahama, Tony Aidoo and Asiedu Nketia were happily romancing with Rawlings whom they knew very well was the architect of armed robbery, political thuggery, oppression, brutalization, and economic bankruptcy. The today loud-mouths under Kufuor’s era of freedom, in those days, stood idle to watch without comment the decimation of the innocent and the weak in Ghana, a genocide clearly attributed to Rawlings their ‘god’ whom they worshipped and still worship like dummies. Until such a time that the NDC rethinks and reshapes it’s primitive thinking from one of hypocrisy to one of truthful action when it is called for such, Ghana has no future under it’s leadership and we will never give them a chance screw us up again – a bitter repeat of history! Ghana, the betrayed nation by the NDC, has adopted a new philosophy after moving on from Rawlings’ political innuendoes against western democracy which has been in existence for centuries. This new philosophy is a refined form of positive thinking in the new world order, one that whole heartedly accepts all Ghanaians either pro or anti in the administration of the state. We need to embrace a philosophy that advocates the creation of state institutions empowered by both the state and the citizens to address problems which may surface or plague the nation and that is Nana Akufo-Addo’s path for a new Ghana. The (P)NDC’s investigative commissions and state controlled tribunals for their lack of legitimacy, only fertilized the ground for eruption of violence and carnage. Like the closing chapters of valuable books cautioning against addition of facts, the acclaimed democracy loving NDC leadership should note that democracy calls for fairness, honesty and further more, the renewal of confidence and withdrawal of mandate after a specified term in office. But for the fact that the Ghanaian nation had all turned against the NDC and were prepared to stand up against it, Rawlings, backed by NDC hawks like Tony Aidoo and Asiedu Nketia were not prepared to hand over power to J.A. Kufuor. The Military and Police refused to execute the evil plan they attempted hatching. The NPP has demonstrated accountability and stewardship to the public, by which future political marks for re-election will be given for good work, thereby boosting public confidence in politics.

On the contrary, the previous NDC government with Mills as the number two man and head of it’s economic management team, was one that lived in an atmosphere of political uncertainty and economic upheavals. It built in the minds of the public the "groggy" foundation of "fear" and "suspicion". One can imagine the effect, if this massive fear had exploded. Ghana needs a balanced diet to grow healthy both politically and economically. Wanting power simply because they are hungry, without relevant 21st century plans for the country, the NDC leaders should see the writing on the wall and forget about leading this country over the next two decades. Press and the media are loved by democratic leaders who have nothing to hide from the public and the international community, but this potent medium of information dissemination and education is abhorred by the Rawlings/Mills and the NDC leadership because of his criminal dealings. The NDC leadership has been consistently inconsistent, politically insecure and uncomfortable because Mills is no match to Nana Akufo-Addo. The NDC’s refusal to accept the informative functions of the free press and media always leaves it in the dark and uninformed, surprisingly bringing lapses and embarrassment in their public pronouncements. The NDC leadership could not read the intentions of the public when in power because of press censorship, since it had blocked the open channels of public communication, which is used to register their displeasure and resentment with the government, whom all citizens cannot reach physically. By this childish action, who did the Atta Mills and Rawlings rule? A question posed to all for an answer. "The face seeth not itself, except through the reflection of the mirror" of which the press and the media are the positive tool that "seeth" the face of the government. The NDC colossus should learn to be receptive to criticism, whether constructively credible or groundless before embarking on the search for power enterprise. The receptivity of NPP leaders of the "Free Ghana" to media criticism is worthy of emulation. They use the same machine of communication to deny or confirm allegations by the public. The media and press under NPP comment freely without restraint or fear of dismissals, intimidation or imprisonment for writing about government's shortcomings. The pouring of large quantities of human excreta in the offices of three independent newspapers critical of the Rawlings/Mills-led NDC government was the greatest act of cowardice and a practice of the medieval ages. They have still not changed. A top foreign diplomat remarked, ‘NDC yesterday or today, the value is the same’. They are now operating as sheep in wolves clothing waiting to get to power. Mills will either have to play their wicked game or be liquidated.

People of Ghana, on Rawlings’ Hot list of people ‘to be dealt with’ being circulated by email amongst certain NDC gurus and operatives, are names such as Rev. Aboagye Mensah, J.A. Kufuor, Francess Essiam, IGP Patrick Acheampong, CDS J.B. Danquah, Nana Ama Kufuor, Steve Asamoah Boateng, Archbishop Palmer Buckle, Professor Attefuah, Gabby Okyere Darko, Kweku Baako, Kwadwo Mpianim, D.K. Osei, Alan Kyerematen, Ken Ofori Atta, Yoofi Grant, Oboshie Sai Cofie, Kwabena Agyepong, Paul Afoko, Kwame Sefa Kayi, Egbert Faible, Alfred Ogbami, Ken Koranchie, Akuaba Gyasi, Paul Adom Otchere, Randy Abbey, Adakabre Frimpong Manso, Brig, Gen, Nunoo-Mensah, Haruna Iddrisu, Baba Jamal, Joe Ghartey, Ben Ephson, Benard Avle, Fred Chidi, Joyce Aryee, Dr Richard Anane, Osafo Marfo, Kofi Wayo, David Ampofo, Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, Nana Akufo Addo, Andy Awuni, Maxwell K. Jumah, Kennedy Agyepong, Alhassan Haruna, Abu Jinapor, I.C. Quaye, Catherine Afeku, Prof. Ameyaw Akumfi, Nana Ohene Ntow, Lord Commey, Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, Ben Owusu Mensah, Appiah Menkah, Baby Ansaba, Mustapha Hamid, Sam Okujeto, Kwame Boateng, Dr Sam Amoo, Prof Addae Mensah, Dr Obed Asamoah, Dr Amoako Tuffour, Rev Dr Mensa Otabil, Bid Ziden, Steve Amoah, Rev Asante Antwi, Ursla Owusu, Addo Kufuor, Ransford Tetteh, Freddie & Gina Blay, Kofi Coomson. Kwamena Bartels, Maame Dokono, Peter Mac Manu, Kumi Bruce, Dr Charles Mensah, Nana Ababio, Kwesi Pratt jnr, Nana Akomea, Hackman Owusu Agyemang, Kan Dapaah, Courage Quarshigah, Dr Apraku, Nana F. Ofori Atta, Chief Addo Kufuor and numerous NPP Ministers of State, former NDC Ministers of State, Some Beneficiaries of deals and contracts during the NDC era, MPs, NPP leaders in Northern, Upper East, Upper West and Volta Regions, Social Commentators, Serial Callers, Members of Boards and Committee’s, Service Commanders, NPP Executives, Family members of J.A. Kufuor, Nana Akufo-Addo links, Businessmen and Women, Some leaders of Identifiable Groups, Religious Leaders, DCE’s, Traditional Rulers, Lawyers and Judges. The truth is that the NDC has set people trailing every move of all heavy weights associated with the NPP and the plan is to attack them before and during the election on December 7. See how Mills spoke at the launch of their HOLLOW MEDIOCRE CARBON COPY manifesto? Rawlings in him! Credible Men of God have revealed that should Mills win the election, he will go the mega persecution way to secure himself with the NDC Mafia who want him out without delay. He has to please Rawlings and thugs or be flushed out. Why is Rawlings telling some people that Dr Ekow Spio Garbah should get himself ready because Prof Mills could drop dead even in November due to his deteriorating health situation? And by the way, why did Rawlings choose to surprise Prof Mills with the introduction of ex-service commanders and what is

the game plan for leading the song ‘ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS MARCHING ON TO WAR’?

Ghanaians should not forget Rawlings recent pronouncement indicating that NDC has not learnt any lessons from the past and thus is not ready to take power democratically. We are closely monitoring his moves and those of his Ghanaian and non-Ghanaian collaborators hanging around. The NDC must lay baseless tactics of blame shifting unto the NPP to rest and deal with the Rawlings factor head-on, therefore fully accepting responsibility for their failures. Most of the armed robbers terrorizing this nation are Rawlings/NDC products of rebel organizations in the name of revolutionary organs. Rawlings created private armies all over the country including in residential areas, that could pounce on any Ghanaian including the Ghana Police Service, Ghana Armed Forces, members of the opposition and even NDC functionaries. There were also loads of ghost names on government payroll designed to put money in the pockets of NDC hooligans. Rawlings indifference to signals of political turbulence left him walking into the shadows of fear and insecurity. Fearing conspiracy, he built a special security and defense force for his personal safety, regrettably at great expense to the poor citizens, whom his campaign promised to save. Creating a machine of brutality in the name of security was the game of presidential guards/militias/commandos. These people, well armed and without any notion to their limitations, were armored with false beliefs that they were the same as their master and were therefore immune to the laws of the state. This is reminiscent of the unassailability of Stalinist styled dogs in George Orwell's "Animal Farm. Whilst our East Asian peers were moving economically clockwise and becoming economic giants through hard work, constructive research and thinking, the NDC leaders wasted time on boastful and irrelevant political litigations that offered the nation nothing. The Ghanaian dream and hope for a positive future will forever remain incomplete, if the decayed, corrupt and evil NDC order is not flushed out of the December 7 2008 race for an Akufo Addo-driven revolutionary change, one that despises violence and vindictiveness. The unpopular NDC political ‘ABODAM’ concept forcefully imposed against the wishes of the Ghanaian people in the past, should be ended once and for all. The NDC, in most Ghanaians’ perception, is led by unintelligent political vultures, who

perching on leafless trees, claim to see all corners of Ghana, but ironically and stupidly cannot see the bug or flea stuck in the rim of its eyes. The unintelligence of Rawlings, Mills and their team of gangsters comes under scrutiny, especially in a situation where the untutored leaders try to philosophize their dead points by giving them a sense of rationality, which in actuality is not practicable. Under the reign of terror and economic stagnation of the NDC, the Ghanaian population overseas were frustrated and ashamed of their leaders, and many shared the common idea and thought that they had betrayed the Ghanaian people. Some Ghanaians who had acquired a little capital and desired to come home to help, were fearful and suspicious of their homeland's political and social systems. They felt at home on a foreign land, rather than come home to witness the bitter enslavement of the families whom they left behind and were pitifully awaiting their time to die and enter the new world of the unknown. The absence of revolutionary innovations in the NDC’s manifesto, and it’s refusal to give way to NPP positive intelligence to fuel the nation's machine of development gives a depiction of the physical hell already preached by the ancient prophets should the NDC ever get into power. We must never allow them to put ‘SAND SAND’ into out delicious NPP gari. In times when the strongest nations were cutting costs to boost their economies, the Rawlings/Mills and the NDC thugs thought of their security and armed protection, importing second world war's ammunition, at a time that Ghana had no war to fight. Statistical estimates of arms expenditure under Rawlings was 100% higher than the total cost allocated for development. The exportation of the (P) NDC’s barbaric political game to some leaders of neighboring African states, notably The Gambia, created the monster Jammeh regime that murdered 44 Ghanaians and numerous Gambians. Rawlings, Kojo Tsikata and the NDC recruited criminal sympathizers to toppled legitimate constitutional regimes who disagreed with their evil political direction and this led to very frosty relations with most of our neighbors. Thank God for President Kufuor, the choice of the Ghanaian people, who demonstrated true leadership and statesmanship.

The Ghanaian public should guard against the evil campaigns of the so-called NDC saviors who for their personal ambitions and interest care little about the people, even if it calls for their decimation to make their black dreams come to reality. Truthfully, Ghana's political stability will be shaky if the National Doom Congress refuses to realize that civilized politics has no room for them especially because it has no intention of coming to power legitimately and constitutionally. Funnily, the politics of the NDC makes it tough to distinguish between an armed robber and a coup plotter (both are armed criminals) who inflict pain and terrorize the public all in the guise of enriching themselves at public expense. Calling himself a revolutionary, a notion misconstrued against civilized standards of definition, Rawlings stole the achievements of the English, French and Russian revolutions to falsely substantiate his claims. The poor people of Ghana with a weak perception of his hidden objectives failed to realize this but embraced his ideology later to become victims of a system they once hailed. Rawlings is a CUN MAN and we all know that a crab does not give birth to a bird. CUN MAN Rawlings can only beget CUN PARTY NDC. Mills as head of state will not be the "icon of change" he claims to be, but a dictatorial apostle of Hitler in disguise (Rawlings in disguise), who only sees violent oppression as the potent measure of suppressing dissent. The indifference of NDC’s leaders to our problems raises the question as to whether it’s leaders have the welfare of their nation at heart. Notice how under President Kufuor, we have made significant progress from near absolute dependence on foreign assistance to a much better local revenue generation and global private capital attraction era. Until 2000, we were catered to almost solely by other countries, despite our natural resources, fertile land and intelligence, all because NDC leaders failed to give the academic elite the chance to participate in the construction of a strong nation, for fear of being outclassed by their unsurpassable academic wealth. Economic frustration and hardship stole the soul and pride of the Ghanaian, leaving a strong reason for concern for our future generations. With President John Agyekum Kufuor, we have been able to incorporate and establish the intellectual community into national development. This is a result of Ghana being ruled by the educated who truly believe in education as the bedrock of a strong nation. It is heartening to know that the presence of new jobs in Ghana including the National Youth Employment Programme, a result of the NPP’s prudent management and expansion of the economy, and Akufo-Addo’s sworn determination to create more, has led to a new rise in hope in our youth, thereby guaranteeing a brighter future for future generations.

After Kufuor’s globally acclaimed leadership of the nation into a real democratic culture, what Ghana needs is a civil democratic revolution, a non-violent change, a popular demand for Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo’s revolutionary-style democratic leadership to propel the nation with giant steps of development. With undiminished hope, the Jewish people outlived Hitler to create the State of Israel, one of the regional giants in the Middle East and sustained a people who are the wealthiest in the world. All men irrespective of their race, religion, creed and social standing are of inestimable value, and no other human being has the right to take their right and life from them for whatever personal reasons or motives. Ghanaians should resolve to fight to regain our respect in our homeland, which shall be a lesson to subsequent Rawlings-like/NDC dictators that they cannot toy with the will and freedom of their people. If the United States of America has become a democratic giant for the past two hundred years and has become a powerful nation which all nations respect and fear, Ghana must partner Akufo-Addo to take off from the internationally respected place Kufuor is leaving us, so that the future generations shall use our past history to compare to the present and become proud of us too. Socialism, Communism, Leninism, Marxism, military revolutions, etc., have failed the Ghanaian dream and compounded our problems, which we should fight together. Ghana belongs to all who live in it and not a distinct class of people who stole power against the wishes of the masses. The circumstances which were condemned and galvanized popular revolt have not changed anything, but rather led to unnecessary killings compounded grief and bitterness towards one another. Under the (P)NDC, Ghanaians never had the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of justice in the courts of law controlled by their government, since courts were staffed by the favorites and sympathizers of the ruling Rawlings government. The dignity of judicial independence was stripped from the courts, in that judges had lost the objectives of impartiality in dealing with cases by a citizen against the government. Ghanaian citizens never had justice against their NDC rulers, even when their lives were on the line. Justice in Ghana was based on the will and wishes of Rawlings and gang, who passed their verdict before a case was brought before the courts. The courts of Ghana were used to punish political opponents to bring their social reputation into disrepute and destroy public confidence in the opposing force.

Laws enacted by Rawlings/PNDC were not ones carefully deliberated by the parliament, but statues sanctioned by abusive leaders who took delight in the enslaved countrymen's submission to their illegitimate power and authority. Defiants and challengers of the injustice of Evil Rawlings were harshly treated. The Ghanaian nation still has fresh in it’s mind government sponsored killings of judges and lawyers who tried to defend the rights of their poor and naive countrymen. Many advocates of justice were abducted without any trace, a tactic intended to create an atmosphere of pandemonium. How safe were the Ghanaian people, if the courts empowered to defend them against the excesses of government were powerless to defend the killing of members of their own judicial network. Isn’t it ironical that Jerry Rawlings, Nana Konadu Rawlings, Atta Mills, Kojo & Tsatsu Tsikata are crying foul after due process in competent courts of law, a right they denied numerous Ghanaians? Ghanaians should be weary of the "grace" of Mills/Rawlings who promise them justice, even if that empty promise brings them "gifts". In a century when the world is undergoing political evolution and all holding hands towards a destination of peaceful co-existence without contempt by one against the other, the politics of hate and revenge that the NDC is preaching should not be tolerated. The intransigence of the NDC leaders who plunged this country into hell and are still bent on impeding creative efforts, thereby reducing the likelihood of positive development, shall not be tolerated any longer. Their bid to keep Ghana in the cave and cut her off from a prosperous future strengthens the resolve of the Ghanaian people who are willing to pay a high price to protect their precious nation from rogues. Our NDC political detractors’ attempt at assuming leadership once again must not be permitted to succeed, and they will not succeed in pursuit of their wishful "Animal Revolution" which the Ghanaian nation has rejected being part of. The policy of industrialization, technological competition and commercial privatization throws Ghana a big challenge. Nationalization of industries and collectivization of land under states' control except for interventionists purposes, is an order of the past and incompatible with ideals of the new orders of human development and economic prosperity.

No nation has the strength to individually build a perfect economy if it does not solicit the services and the contributions of its citizens locally and abroad. With limited wealth, the state should involve all who are willing to invest in the nation, rather than bar them and cry for foreign investment which does come overnight without the initial foundation having been started by its countrymen. Nana Akufo-Addo is clearly the man carrying this message and indeed the only one who has dared Ghanaians to reach for the sky in competition with the world. The primitive thinking NDC leaders should not forget that the cause of it’s permanent demise from power was the absence of humility and respect for the citizenry as done in all civilized nations, where leaders are part of the society and their people, and not supermen who are worshipped and feared by their panic stricken slaves and concubines indicative of typical NDC politics. Listen to Rawlings (whose shouts of accountability stop short of accounting for the source of fees paid for his kids education in expensive schools abroad and that of his mistress Tracy Opoku for her piloting course), Asiedu Nketia (who owns a $500,000 house in Canada, bought when he was in power), Tony Aidoo (the chack-man), Tsumasi Appiah (chief 419 and gold scammer) and lately, Atta Mills (the so-called Asumgwehene whom Rawlings told close ones would die and a couple of credible men of God have revealed would go on the revenge path if given power. He and his brother Cadman Atta Mills are very bitter and have no plans of letting opponents go scot free).Their wild pronouncements are a caution of things to come. The NDC is very desperate to get power not because they want to better the lives of Ghanaians, but as they have told a couple of Ghanaians, they have been hungry for long and their lives have deteriorated with quite a number aging very rapidly. They acknowledge that the NPP is far more creative, ambitious, daring and business inclined than they are, thus the NPP has a better advantage in the art of wealth creation, wealth sustenance, rapid accelerated growth and appeal to the middle-class and floating voters. How shameful it was that the NDC government lauded one hundred and twenty metre dug pit latrines crossed with a two by four wooden bars as the governments' commitment to the rural folks, without having inspected it to assess the health and human dangers it posed to the poor village, whose favour they want to buy in the upcoming election.

See the water closet toilets, modern school blocks, medical facilities, community centres, roads, bridges and other infrastructure the Kufuor-led NPP government has constructed all over our rural areas. The bottomline is that the NDC political world stinks with corruption and deceptive campaigns. The infestation of offices of responsibility which incompetent tribesmen of Rawlings is an NDC political cancer very much alive in recent pronouncements of vintage Jerry John Rawlings and Atta Mills when he sewed seeds of discord between ewes and other tribes and between Fantes and Ashantis. Rawlings even went a step further to insult Fantes as corrupt bribe-takers from President Kufuor, a wild claim under a civilized era of the rule of law, he has not been able to substantiate. Progress cannot be achieved by building the fortress of incompetent tribesmen in the discharge of sensitive duties that calls for the competent and the learned. Our story would be woeful if we permit the dubious and unpatriotic deeds of the satanic NDC leaders, which in massive revolt will explode in the carnage seen in Rwanda. Ghanaians may not have as yet experienced the kind of economic liberation they desire but one fact remains true; they have enjoyed and cherish very dearly, a level of freedom unprecedented in the history of this country over the last 8 years under the Kufuor-led NPP government. Under this type of open democratic system, everything good or bad is laid bare unlike the (P)NDC’s oppressive and terrorizing culture of silence that had everything covered, to give a false impression of peace and security. See the level of expression of Ghanaians today, not only in words and movement, but in the number of commercial properties springing up all over the place which is also a sign of confidence in the economy. And by the way more Ghanaians have a better standard of living today, evident in the amounts they are investing in education, entertainment, fast food, more sophisticated lifestyles, ever-increasing number of entrepreneurial activity on every street in the capitals of every region in the nation, high increase in accessing both small and big business capital, better infrastructure, better, accessible and more affordable health care, government social programmes….. Mother Ghana has suffered on a long journey of pain and discomfort in the hands of the black children calling themselves revolutionaries; A revolution, the benefits of which the Ghanaian nation never saw nor enjoyed. Rawlings, the HALF-BLOODED Ghanaian, has consistently insulted and disrespected the good people of this country.

He always discouraged his kids from hanging out with Ghanaians including confining them to swimming only in a western ambassador’s residence. Are you surprised Ezenator married an Irish bloke? The Rawlings factor in Ghanaian politics, and the clear doubts as to his allegiance to Ghana, raises serious questions as to whether we should have ever commited this nation into the hands of a half-blooded Ghanaian? Rawlings used Ghana to get back what in his fickle mind and evil heart, he believed he had been deprived of including the white blood connection. It is all about himself and nobody else otherwise his one man one toilet vision wouldn’t have ended up in Jacuzzi’s, Powerful Cars, Kick-Backs from German and other White businessmen whom his administration awarded contracts to. Nana Konadu Rawlings who is a silent partner in numerous businesses spanning from mobile telecommunication, through real estate, hotels to commodity trading also has collaborators like E.T. Mensah her chief errand boy. Does the name SEEL Ghana Ltd ring a bell? Are the Cantonments residential properties of which she is a silent partner, not sitting on GA lands? Hear them talking today when President Kufuor truthfully honors his word to the GA people by handing over lands to them. What did they do when we gave them the opportunity? Under the (P)NDC, Ghana, a lovely home once blessed with traditional hospitality and an unshakable love, became an evil empire of selfishness and tribal divisions. The rosy future of the Ghanaian motherland became an ill-fated one where tears filled the eyes of the hungry. The confinement of NDC leaders attention only to the needs of NDC people confirms the Ghanaian's personal misgivings that they are divisive dictators who do not deserve the responsibilities of state administration. Ghanaian’s within and outside the nation should be made aware that the line up of the NDC leadership are not selfless leaders with the nation’s interest at heart, but are sycophants ornamenting their promises, campaigns with deceptive slogans that are empty with real offers to the poor majority. The visibility of Ghana’s disorganization during the previous NDC rule, heightens fearful pessimism that if mistakenly allowed to slip into power, Ghana’s economy shall be dead by a decade, because we would have permitted ourselves in submission to be ruled by incompetent, inexperienced, mediocre-thinking, bankrupt power holders . The misdeeds and mismanagement of the nation's wealth by the Rawlings/Mills-led NDC government has made our journey a very long one, which, without the stabilization intervention of the Kufuor-led NPP administration and the future acceleration-oriented leadership of an Akufo Addo-led NPP government, an era of anarchy will be revisited.

An impenetrable darkness of ignorance is looming over the "Dark NDC’, one that will glue the nation to economic servitude and political explosion if it is not speedily shown the exit from the December 7 2008 polls. The current democratic dispensation, laudable as it is, is not the ultimate desired by the Ghanaian people, if it does not come with self reliance and resources that empowers the people to feed their hungry mouths, so that idleness does not come in the form of social vice and violence because of unemployment. With his widely-acclaimed track record, which includes a crucial role played in the necessary foundation for a major Ghana take off laid by President J.A. Kufuor, it is clear in the minds of the majority of Ghanaians, who are democracy-loving crazy, that Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo should, must and will be the next President of our beloved nation. With victory for the NPP eminent, the young Ghanaian intellectuals who shall be blessed to assume power with Nana Akufo-Addo, should still be part of the people's problems, and not forget them. They should not be too sophisticated for the common Ghanaian, taking into consideration the level of illiteracy, ethnic diversity, inferiority complex and other fundamental problems that underline Ghana's plights. They must fight to install a civilized political framework that respects the dignity of citizens and one that calls for the full restoration of their Ghanaian pride. The clock of advancement is ticking and the hands are turning fast against recalcitrant regimes, signaling a positive change at all cost and means, this time not a violent revolution that lynches their opponents, but a civil democratic change based on democratic blue prints that appeal to the good senses of the people irrespective of one's ethnic background and political affiliation. With the future prosperity of every country dwelling so much on education, agriculture, health care and other viable infrastructure, it is worth noting that all leaders shall die as time passes by, and their greatness will be judged by their legacy and selfless duty to their nations whilst in office. Ending on a promising note, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo assures Ghanaians of leaving a legacy of UNITY and not DISUNITY, one of HOPE and not DESPAIR, TRUST and not SUSPICION, and atmosphere of PROSPERITY and not DESTRUCTION and finally a Ghana of PEACE and not WAR by the time his two 4 year term as President of Ghana ends. Ghana can outrun all nations to become a recognizable giant, if all can join hands in peace to live the NPP manifesto.

To the present and next generation, Nana Akufo-Addo promises with an unshakable belief, True Freedom, Justice, Relevant Quality Education, Good Healthcare, Inustrialization, Rapid Accelerated Development, and Properity. It is his dream that the masses of Ghana who were kept in the dark for decades under Rawlings/Mills-led P(NDC), and have come out to see the light under J.A. Kufuor, will take firm hold of the promise of Ghana. NO NO NO to the NATIONAL DOOM CONGRESS, for there is hope for the future of Ghana under an Akufo Addo-led NPP government!. ONE TOUCH FOR NANA AKUFO ADDO ON DECEMBER 7, 2008.