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Opinions of Friday, 5 February 2010

Columnist: Akamani, Prince

Stop fooling us and yourself--- Akufo Addo

The old adage says, “Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.” At times, you can fool the people but not all the time. If Akufo Addo thinks he is fooling Ghanaians, he better think again because we know the pattern and his tricks now.

This Akufo Addo’s private bodyguards are the ones that once attacked and ruffled i) former President Jerry Rawlings at the city hotel, Kumasi, ii) these same boys were about to attack former president President Kuffour at manhyia, iii) now attacking his own people at his own Party's headquarters.The very people he wants to lead and to protect in his own party.

Then, ask yourself this question: What is going to happen when Akufo Addo becomes the President of Ghana? We would be beaten of the smallest things we say about him.Trust me, this is really scary. I believe these are some of the reasons Ghanaians are afraid to give this polished politician the nod and the mantle to lead the country. Simply because of his temperament.They are afraid he will cause turmoil and divide the country.

If Akufo Addo is not able to control his own bodyguards now, or not aware of what the boys are doing, then, we're in trouble when he becomes the President of Ghana. How can he control twenty three million (23 million) Ghanaians, including the armed robbers, and not knowing what is going on in his own camp?

The amazing thing about this is, when NPP needed men to protect them last year when the NDC Youth at Accra and Cheriponi were gushing our skulls, where were Akufo Addo’s boys? The time you need them the most, you do not see them but available when it's time for barbaric and stupid acts on their own party members.

When the NDC boys were shooting, beating and killing our boys and girls at Cheriponi, his boys and some of the NPP gurus were at the field giving speeches about their future Presidential ambitions. At cheriponi, when NDC were shooting our boys and girls,it took almost twelve (12) hours for Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng and a visiting doctor from United States (a friend of his) to save these Ghanaian Children (NPP and NDC Youths) at Yendi’s Hospital operating room/ Theater. Where were Akofo Addo's bodyguards when they were needed the most to fight the NDC boys?

When these candidates were giving speeches for their presidential ambitions, Dr. Frimpong-Boateng was busy working, doing surgery and saving souls of these wounded and near to death Ghanaian Children. He never got the chance to speak at the funeral. Simply because he was busy bringing somebody's life back.

This is what I call grateful, honorable, humble, and selfless leader. The act that no one from both parties appreciated including the President of Ghana. This is a person I call a great leader.

One would have thought an act of this magnitude and calamity would have caught the attention of the President of Ghana. And thank these doctors for their patriotism, merciful and providential acts as true Ghanaian citizens and heroes but, nothing, zilch and kaput happened. Not even a phone call from President Mills as a friend told me.

I do not even think the President of Ghana ever thought about that. Well, I do not blame him; he is busy fighting within his own party's enemies. What a country. Remember,these children were Ghanaians.

The attack at the NPP headquarters is nothing but intimidation to scare the other contestants of the NPP flagbeareship candidacy by Akufo Addo. This is to say” look here, do not get in my way, am capable of crushing you at anytime, anywhere, and use whatever means possible to win.”

This is a scare tactics to intimidate the other candidates and their supporters because Akufo Addo is afraid to lose. Some even calling for early election but that is not going to happen because we have a constitution to follow. Do not get me wrong about Akufo Addo. I love him very much, a great statesman and a nice Ghanaian icon but, we have to be factual.

Why would anyone be afraid of insults as a politician? People will always say something negative about you no matter what you do and once in the public eyes.One must be able to cope with insults and have tough skin to stand the heat. Being a politician takes lots of courage, wisdom, and criticisms to lead. Not everyone or all the people will like you. Running a country involves with maturity, confidence and insults.It is just part of the game.

Go to the speaker’s corner England, and listen to what they say about the Queen and the leaders there. Go to America at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and listen to what they say about the President of United States. At 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, somebody has pitched a tent camp directly in front of the White House, protesting against the President and the Great United States of America.

Akufo Addo please stop the intimidation. It wouldn’t help you but create more enemies for you. Why do want to beat the very people you want to protect and to lead?

Do you really want to be the President of Ghana? I don’t think so. I love you but.............

Your apology is too late. We have already figured you out.

Price Akamani,
