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Opinions of Friday, 24 June 2022

Columnist: Raymond Ablorh

Stop the Ashanti-Akyem debate over independence struggles

The writer, Raymond Ablorh The writer, Raymond Ablorh

A lot of Ashanti and Akyem youth are feeling hopeless in joblessness and growing poverty today. Thus, arguments about which group of people were part of the independence struggles or contributed more is needless and completely useless.

After 65 years of independence, what's the state of Akyem, Ashanti, Ga, Ewe, Nzima and other communities?

After all the struggles, what's the state of our people? And, which group of people have kept us in this growing mess since our meaningless independence, and how do we lift ourselves as a nation from the concomitant despondency to build a prosperous nation for all?

That's the issue.

As for me, I know that all those leading people who struggled for independence had their own personal interests which, often was greater to them than the collective interest.

That's the main reason we won independence whilst hanging apart as a people. We could never win independence together. We won as divided enemies, and, since then, we've never worked together adequately to develop our nation and people.

Until the Whites, especially, the French oligopoly took over the timeber business in Gold Coast, the Timber Merchant, Paa Grant, a local leader in the industry didn't fight for independence.

His non-violence approach which, J.B. Danquah shrewdly subscribed to for funding was hinged on a concept that wouldn't offend the Colonialists who were benefiting from us.

The timing of Danquah's involvement and the formation of the UGCC could also be explained by Danquah's legal defeat he suffered after the Akyem Abuakwa ritual murder case in which, he defended the murders and later did a strong campaign against Governor Alan Barnes in the mid to late 40s.

When the case went against him and those Akyem murders were killed and others sentenced to live imprisonment, Danquah used that against the Colonialists that they were killing black men. He never cared about the blackman, the Odikro of Apedwa who was killed by those black murderers.

A lot happened here to explain why present struggles are about individuals than about the nation and people.

Even Sagt Adjetey, Corporal Attipoe and co didn't demonstate because they loved the people so much. They did because they hadn't been paid what they were promised ahead of their involvement in the World War and as ex-service men they're fighting for themselves.

About 65 years after our independence, what's its relevance to this and future generations beyond us having our own people worse than the colonialists plundering national resources to go keep in the colonialists' banks?

When these good for nothing leaders get sick, they quickly run for medicare in the colonialists' countries. They go there for leisure and holidays and take their children and grandchildren there for education while running down our healthcare, education and other systems.

Just look at Ghana today and tell me why some people should be concerned about which, ethnic group or tribe was more involved in our independence struggles?

Which ethnic groups or people have contributed most to putting us in this mess? The same groups that fought hard for independence or some who didn't fight hard as much as others?

We are in total mess.

The supposed educated and elites must begin to re-examine their enlightenment. Because, they've provided no light. And, they're darker than darkness.