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Opinions of Saturday, 4 June 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Stop your June 4th nonsense – NDC

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The NDC had better stop hiding behind the yearly celebrations of their useless June 4th revolution to perpetrate and perpetuate their lawlessness and wicked intentions.

The June 4th revolution only unleashed murder, well defined sanctioned tribalism, intimidation and the pitting of one tribe against the other in Ghana. It introduced many defence committees such as the People’s Defence Committee (PDC), Workers’ Defence Committee (WDC), etc.; all on intent to exercise stranglehold on the populace by the military junta and the lawless lot identifying with the fantasies of the leaders of the military revolution headed by the late President J. J. Rawlings, formerly Chairman J. J. Rawlings.

Every serious and sensible Ghanaian could tell the pain the revolution brought to bear upon Ghanaians. It had the good intention of ridding Ghana of official corruption but it ended up doubling, if not trebling, the official corruption in Ghana.

All the monies announced to have been collected from those who had really duped the country, could not be accounted for by the leaders of the revolution. The millions collected from corrupt officials in the country by the military government could not be traced. The Chairman of the revolution, J. J. Rawlings, could himself not account for the said money until his death.

The revolution further hardened the criminals in the country that hurried to join the defence committees, organs used to intimidate the populace, coerced them into total submission to the roguish demands by the military junta.

All those that identified and continue to identify themselves with the revolution think they are tougher than others hence can commit lawless acts with impunity.

Look at this potential coup d'état plotter, Oliver Barker Vormawor, still canvassing people to join his “Fix the Country Movement” and to march down the streets of Ghana to celebrate today’s June 4th revolution anniversary, using their personal private security operatives with their members carrying their licensed guns for their protection, and then proceed to one of the important TV stations, probably GTV, to announce their intentions and purpose to Ghanaians.

Can one not see how stupid and criminals these guys fronting for John Mahama’s NDC are?

Is Oliver Barker Vormawor and all his ilk, - Captain Blessed Brain Smart, Mensah Thompson etc; not intending to use the June 4th to carry out their plot to subvert the ruling NPP government that they hate with inexplicable passion?

The NDC should not think the country is theirs and that they were born to be head but not tail, hence always devising evil plans to remove the government from power to take over.

The June 4th revolution resulted in the confiscation of the businesses of many a Ashanti or Akan rich man. Many an innocent person, was killed or vanished from the surface of the earth to never be traced.

I am tired and need to retire to bed so I shall only ask the NDC to stop their malicious infatuation with the June 4th celebrations for all evil intents. Many of us whose family members, parents and friends, suffered death and inhumane treatment all in the name of June 4th 1979, still do remember the pain inflicted on us.

Shame on the likes of Captain Smart, one corrupt and senseless individual, Oliver Barker Vormawor, Mensah Thompson and Sammy Gyamfi for using lies and populist politics to finally subvert the democratically elected NPP government.

June 4th revolution was a complete farce. All those poor people who hurried to join the defence committees ended up rich persons. They became richer than the very people they suspected to have corruptly enriched themselves hence seizing their properties and or, killing them.

For their stomach, many people joined the PNDC and continue to join NDC in the name of implementing revolutionary measures to rid Ghana of corruption. Nevertheless, the players themselves finally end up more corrupt and criminals than those they perceive to be corrupt.

The June 4th celebration must be abolished for all the evil it stands for.