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Opinions of Sunday, 18 April 2010

Columnist: Adade, Mary Bolus

Stranded passengers what can Ghanaians do!

I would suggest that people living within 20 to 30miles radius from the all Airports in Ghana. t should all chip in to offer bed and breakfast for the stranded passengers in Ghana. If we show this hospitality Ghana will lead the way in demonstrating to the world what we can do when disaster of this nature happens. Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the stranded passengers, with no money yet they have to put up a face until the Airport are open for planes to take off. Come on fellow Ghanaians let roll up our sleeves and just offer this crucial help to show this human nature of Ghanaians. We should not expect anything back so please offer this help only if you are capable.

Thanking you all back home for this May day message.

Let’s bring hope to others where there is despair.