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Opinions of Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Supporting brother Amidu to retrieve the GHC51.2 million from Woyome

Martin Amidu, Former Attorney General Martin Amidu, Former Attorney General

President Mahama and his Attorney General are colluding with the NDC party to not compel Alfred Agbesi Woyome to refund the money he so fraudulently obtained from the Ghana government. The money he duped Ghana out of was indeed the taxpayers’ but not any personal money from President Mahama, former President Atta Mills or the NDC.

I have always expressed my disgust at Alfred Agbesi Woyome criminally fronting for NDC to cheat Ghana out of such a huge sum of money to finance the NDC party. He self-styled himself as the major financier of the NDC party; using the State’s money he had obtained dubiously. Yes, he is of course, a major thief of the 21st Century Ghana.

As I once wrote and which publication landed me in a court suit, I shall say it again today that Alfred Agbesi Woyome defrauded Ghana of the money to benefit certain individuals within NDC and the party itself. Betty Mould-Iddrisu, the then Attorney General who acting in complicity did facilitate the payment of that gargantuan money to Alfred Woyome by piling pressure on then Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Hon. Dr Kwabena Duffour, did benefit from the fraud to the tune of about GHC5 million. Can she deny this accusation?

There are other highly-placed people within both the NDC government and party who might have had handsome handshakes from Woyome on his acquisition of the money hence the obvious difficulty we face in retrieving the money from him despite the Supreme Court’s order to him to pay back the money to the State. They fear being named by Woyome if they dare force him to pay back the money because they will not only be named, shamed and face prosecution but also, they will have to refund whatever share of the money that went to them.

This is why the present and former NDC government Attorney Generals, except former Attorney General Martin Amidu, have shown no firm interest in collecting the money but rather playing tactics that will finally culminate in Woyome keeping the money for good.

Subsequently, I support Brother Martin Amidu’s current filing for leave at the Supreme Court to be allowed to examine Alfred Agbesi Woyome personally. This act by him is to thwart the deliberate attempts by the NDC government to cunningly let off Woyome in peace to continue to enjoy the GHC51.2 Million he has swindled the State of.

Check the underlying web link.

Woyome can run but he cannot hide. The NDC can try to shield him from paying back the money but they will fail.

Ghanaians, let us all please rally behind Brother Amidu in his efforts to oblige Woyome to cough out the money. Woyome is not a rich man but a pure thief!

Rockson Adofo