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Opinions of Sunday, 4 August 2013

Columnist: Baafi, Alex Bossman

Supreme Court Has the Remedy

Alex Bossman Baafi

There is no doubt about the fact that our country became deeply divided after the 2012 general elections. There is political tension and uncertainty hanging over our country. These have done much damage to our economy because at least, they have curtailed investments and hence job creation in the country.

In the midst of all these are political, social and economic rots that have become deadly and contagious on the lives of our people. One could see and feel waste and corruption everywhere. Businesses are dying because of high operating cost born out of high utility bills, insufficient availability of power and excessive taxation. Cost of borrowing is sky rocketing because the government is competing with the private sector in borrowing from our banking institutions, thereby crowding out investment in the private sector. Joblessness is on the rise as government is seriously in debt to contractors in many sectors of our country.

I know that beyond these challenges, there is hope for all who are afflicted with disappointment, disillusionment, indifference and apathy in our governance system because the Supreme Court is about to lift the spirit of the nation by pronouncing its verdict of the 2012 Presidential Electoral Petition before it.

Once Supreme Court comes out with its true judgment, the lukewarm attitude, apathy and hopelessness facing the majority of our people will soon be over. It is the expectation of many that as the ultimate arbiter with power and authority to cure the economic and socio-political uncertainties facing our dear country today, the Supreme Court cannot afford to let our country down.

It is the expectation of many good people of our country that it is only the Supreme Court that has the remedy to restore hope, justice and peace in this country. This is because they believe that as an independent body filled with professional men and women of integrity, their verdict will be nothing but bold, just and nothing but the truth. Truth cannot contradict itself and that is what will guarantee peace and set the people of our country free.

The seven solid months of living in anxiety, uncertainty and suspense at long last is fading away and fast heading towards extinction. There is now hope for all who have been waiting patiently for truth and justice and peace. That is exactly the remedy the Supreme Court is preparing for the good people of our country.

It is the conviction of the writer that the Supreme Court remedy will surely bring to an end to the lukewarm attitude of government towards taking immediate and bold steps to curb waste and corruption in the system.

The verdict will surely bring renewal of the political life that will shake the minds and hearts of our people from political death and apathy facing our country. The remedy should lead to a change in ideas, beliefs, habits and practices of our people and also reform our electoral systems that have become an enemy of progress in our democratic journey toward the land of freedom, peace, justice and prosperity.

The Supreme Court remedy must bring revival and transformation in our socio-political, economic and electoral systems that will guarantee freedom, social justice, rule of law and above all peace for the good people of our country.

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