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Opinions of Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Columnist: Ahmed, Musah

TEIN of NDC Alumni Must Come On Board


the ongoing political discourse, which undoubtedly explains the zeal of
political parties’ activists to promote their various political parties, most
especially the NPP and the ruling NDC, it is clear that 2012’s general election
is going to be a youthful match as far as various campaign pursuits are
unfortunate state of the youth activism in the quest for victory come 2012 have
been alarming and disheartening, most especially when young adults cast
insinuations against the elderly.
Some of us,
who form part of the youth wing of the ruling NDC party, feel compelled
sometimes to react to some of the unguided statements made by some NPP media
activists (like the High Priest, an NPP activist in the Ashanti region,
who likened the Sitting president to a chimpanzee and that of John Kumah,
the Deputy Communication’s director of the NPP, who also associated the God
fearing President Mills with homosexuality), but think it would not auger well
for the peace that Ghana has been enjoying since time in memorial, as we consider
that to be a recipe for putting our dear
nation in the state of anarchy.
As I have
come to really understand the caliber and the political prestige of President
Mills, I think it is irrelevant for any youth group most especially, members
and alumni of the Tertiary Education Institution Network (TEIN) of NDC, to
follow suit of what the desperate and heart-troubled NPP activists are
currently into, but rather concentrate on projecting the wonderful performance
of the NDC Atta Mills led administration.
Myself, like
many others are of the view that 2012 is going to be issue base, cutting across
the four thematic areas of transparency and accountability, investing in
people, investing in infrastructure and strong economy for real growth.
much have gone under the bridge for the consumption of Ghanaians, with or
without the admission of the opposition NPP, as people who were lacking good
drinking water, polyclinics, medical attendants etc. have been and being provided
with, whiles education in Ghana has received and is still receiving massive
facelift with the countrywide distribution of free exercise books and uniforms
to Ghanaian pupils, which is ongoing.
I believe
stated above and many more efforts, that are being displayed by the NDC
government in making Ghana better, even to the extend of ensuring continuity in
national development by continuing with projects started by the erstwhile
Kuffour administration.
The time has
come for the youth in our party, the NDC, most especially those of us members and
alumni of the Tertiary Education Institution Network (TEIN) nationwide,
to come on board to meet the opposition NPP “word-for-word” but not
“boot-for-boot”, and I mean not with insults and insinuations against the
elderly. This I believe would bring to bare the negative propaganda of the NPP
in trying to make the government unpopular.
admonished myself and other TEIN members and alumni to come on board, I prey
the party to engage and involve TEIN and its alumni in Constituency, Regional and
National activities. This, I believe would enhance
the propagation of the wonderful performance of the Atta Mills led
administration and thus lead to the victory of the NDC, come 2012

Long live
the good people of Ghana.
God bless



past president)
Education Institution Network (TEIN) – Kumasi Polytechnic Chapter.
/ 0267-571-107.