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Opinions of Friday, 19 September 2008

Columnist: Ato Kwamena Dadzie

THE OUTSIDER: Unintelligent intelligence - You are banned!

There are very few men on earth who can thump their chest and say: “I staged two successful coups in one country.” Jerry John Rawlings is one of them. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he’s the only one. “I even gave advanced notice before staging the second,” he can boast. “And no one could stop me.”

Surely, living under the shadow of a man like that will be a nightmare for any president. And that, for me, explains most (if not all) of the Kufuor administration’s rush decisions against this legendary coup maker. Since he assumed office, Kufuor has had this morbid fear that he will wake up one day in the gallows with Rawlings back in charge. Click here to read full article