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Opinions of Saturday, 24 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Telling about my NPP-intent Campaign Trip to Ghana

Finally, the most senior member (Rockson Adofo) of the “Mahama Must Go” movement formed in the heat of the Election 2016 campaign to elect the President and the Members of Parliament to form the next government starting from 7 January 2017 has returned from Ghana to London on 21 December 2016.

Like any other journey one makes full of many expectations, there will always be some successes and disappointments. However in my case, all the few unexpected issues that turned out into disappointments, did pale to nothing in the face of the massive support Ghanaians across the entire country and the ten regions gave to Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP.

My primary objective when going to Ghana on 20 November 2016 was to go and campaign alongside the NPP leadership and faithful and all Ghanaians wishing for a change in government from NDC to NPP for our dream to come to pass. That main goal of seeing Nana Akufo Addo, the most publicly-acclaimed and certified incorruptible personality in Ghana, the biblical Joseph, Moses or David of our modern times, elected as President with NPP forming the next government has been attained.

The downside of my trip, with some relatives and then perceived trusted friends in whom I had the hope to fall on for succour and solace in case of any unexpected eventualities, turning into somewhat bizarre entities, could not bother me that much.

The joy and comfort from Nana Akufo Addo’s election as the incoming President of Ghana to glorify God and to prove that our predictions, expended efforts made day and night writing copiously to share our noble views about him in persuading people to vote to give him a chance to come to serve Ghana and the people of Ghana, was more than enough to soothe my pains of disappointments from any persons or issues.

While waiting to tell my experiences and how I have resolutely determined to double my efforts to ensuring the success of Nana Akufo Addo’s presidency and NPP’s government, I should like to be grateful but not ungrateful to the following people who helped in diverse ways and in various capacities to make my purposeful trip to, and stay in, Ghana, a success.

My first acknowledgment of people and unseen powers to whom I owe much gratitude is God Almighty. He granted me life, protected me and touched the hearts of people to look after me.

My wife, children and close family friends like Doris, although feared about my safety and security because of my bold political and chieftaincy expressions about Ghana, they still supported me in prayers as they could do nothing to stop me from going to Ghana to join hands with the suffering Ghanaian masses to boot out President Mahama and the NDC from power.

The Management and Editors of Ghanaweb and Modernghana have been very instrumental in helping me propagate my views. Without them, my love for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP and my unquenchable desire to be of service to my people and country wouldn’t have gained any public recognition and effectiveness.

Julie and her sons and daughters in Juaben fed me. Her sons were always at my beck and call. I was always flanked by them alongside my younger brother Kwaku Osei and Kofi Basoah. These big boys gave me the necessary protection as might be directed by God. Kofi Basoah finally sorted out the problem with my laptop when it started playing up; needlessly freezing on me and doing my head in.

There are two Saviour Church of Ghana prophets that I trust so much. I shall for some reasons not name them here. They became my spiritual shield through the directions of God so while in Ghana, I was more than a conqueror and could walk to anywhere and at any time although I was always extra cautious.

One Angela Nkrumah allowed me to use a laptop her brother had asked to be taken to her by me when I was going to Ghana. Her laptop was of great use to me without which I could not have written to publish my views and to update the reading public on certain things as they were unfolding.

Have I forgotten my friend Mr Owusu at Agona Nsaba who changed his mind and that of his friends who were strong NDC supporters to finally vote Nana Akufo Addo and NPP after my two days visit to him? He further helped me buy a medication that can have immense impact on a friend’s fight against an existing health condition.

The list of names with those of my sisters and nephews and nieces etc. will go on and on if I decided to mention all of them but I think it will not be all that necessary.

I shall simply say, thank you, to all those who made my one month stay in Ghana a success especially, my brother-in-law and his household in Accra and Oliver and his sisters, Theresa and Joyce in Juaben. I do greatly appreciate the services they provided to me. May God replenish everything that anyone lost on me while being of unqualified service to me.

There was a certain lady in Juaben who later was identified as a former student of Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School, leaving the school in 2015 and going by the name Janet Boakye. She had the unique opportunity to take a picture of me on her smart phone when I was dressed up in my NPP campaign uniform. She approached me in the street and said, I love your dressing, could I please take a picture of you for keep? After I second of hesitation and herself being an ardent NPP supporter, I said, why not, go ahead. A few days later when I met her in the street and from the ensuing conversation, she turned out to be an alumnus of my former school, Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School.

I shall in the hours and days following this first publication of mine on my return from Ghana, write about some of the things that I saw in Ghana which will need addressing by the incoming government without which the administration may encounter needless problems. We shall all have to volunteer information that will help the incoming NPP government detect problems, find solutions and to eradicate them.

I am now back in London but my heart is still in Ghana. I have to help Nana Akufo Addo and NPP to succeed and as long as God Almighty lives to continue to grant me wisdom, good health and long life, I shall!

Rockson Adofo