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Opinions of Sunday, 25 September 2011

Columnist: Abbey, Michael Nii

Tema East Ndc Executives & MCE Lied

Tema East Ndc Executives & Mce, Mr. Kempes Ofosuware Lied And Continues To Lie……… the campaign to the primaries gets intense

The competition to the upcoming Tema East NDC Parliamentary Primaries gets hotter and hotter as I can confidently say that Hon. Eben Anuwa-Amarh (Eben Tee) is however strongly recommended by majority of the delegates and observers to massively win the primaries and subsequently become the Parliamentary Candidate for the Tema East NDC in the 2012 General Elections. But it is very sad that, the campaign to the primaries has been associated with lies and political innuendos which may not auger well for the party in the 2012 General Elections.
Hon. Eben Tee is however, highly recommended to win the primaries because of his high and solid academic background, his origin as a native of Tema, his huge and rich experience in human resource development and relations, good negotiation and lobbying skills, his unflinching love for the NDC and his relentless desire to help the NDC party, his appeal to floating voters due to his truthfulness, gentility, calm and intelligence and above all his respect for everybody regardless of age. All the majority of the delegates keep saying is that, “Eben Tee is the only candidate in the competition they can trust”
Hon. Eben Tee is widely known within the Tema Metropolis and strongly known among the youth of Tema and beyond. No wonder, a crop of young guys have been calling on Hon. Eben Tee to contest since he is the only candidate they know that has respect for everybody.

Mr. Robert Kempes Ofosuware, the Tema Municipal Chief Executive also somehow intends to contest the primaries though according to political observers in Tema and Ghana, Mr. Kempes’s chances in the primaries are slim and narrow. But I feel that, this is democracy and as such the tenets and beauty of democracy allows any body at all to contest regardless of the perceived or real chances.
It is however worrying that, the camp of Mr. Kempes Ofosuware will spew lies to the general public and yet have the constituency executives mute on setting the records straight but will quickly and hypocritically jump to the defense of Hon. Kempes Ofosuware when allegations are made against him. What hypocrisy!!! Interesting developments prove to the hypocrisy of a section of the Constituency Executives who until today have a lot of questions to answer to controvert their seeming hypocrisy.

According to a story written by one reporter by name Mark Boye entitled “Tema East Party Executives Call For Ceasefire”, in the Thursday 1st September, 2011 edition of The Enquirer, the reporter asserted in the fourth paragraph of the story that “ so far, four persons, namely Kempes Ofosuware, the Tema Metropolitan Assembly Chief Executive, Eben Anuwa-Amarh Alias Eben Tee, the 2000 Parliamentary Candidate, Nii Bediako Krakue, a United States based NDC organizer and Baba Abu Abdulai, constituency secretary have all picked up forms to contest in the primaries”.
It was however surprising, embarrassing and disgraceful to later hear that Mr. Kempes Ofosuware picked up forms on Friday, 9th September, 2011 when the reporter had earlier said on Thursday, 1st September, 2011 that all the parliamentary aspirants have picked up forms.
I strongly suspect that there is something fishy going on among the Tema East Constituency Executives and the Tema Mayor. Why should a reporter give a report when it is not the case? Is there something the executives are hiding from the good members of the Tema East NDC? I feel the constituency executives have a lot to explain in order to restore their confidence and trust with the majority of the Tema East NDC Members.

Moreso, it gets so muddy and worrying when in the same press conference by the constituency executives on Wednesday, 31st August 2011, the deputy constituency secretary, Mr. Sampson Ahoto said that “it is on record that Mr. Kempes Ofosuware resigned from NPP to join the NDC on 8th November, 1999”. Granted that this unsubstantiated comments by the deputy constituency secretary is even true, then how come the camp of Mr. Kempes Ofosuware boldly and shamelessly lied to the press and the Ghanaian public that Mr. Kempes Ofosuware contested the NDC parliamentary primaries in 1996, 2000 and 2004 before getting the chance to contest the parliamentary seat in 2008. (Source: The Finder, Thursday, September 15, 2011).
The seemingly absence of a clear message to the delegates to the upcoming parliamentary primaries on the side of Mr. Robert Kempes has resulted in telling naked and unqualified lies to persuade the delegates and the public to his side. This act is a blatant lie and an affront to the democracy we uphold and practice. If one vow to lie to delegates in order to have his way through to parliament then how can we trust him that he will not lie to us when opportunities come? We need people we can trust and not crop of liars to represent us in the August House.

Only God knows the reason for which the Tema East NPP will be running everywhere wishing for Mr. Kempes Ofosuware to get the nod for the NDC as Parliamentary Candidate. What good relationship actually exists between Mr. Kempes Ofosuware and the NPP to the extent that the NPP in Tema East will desire that he wins the primaries to become the candidate for the NDC in the 2012 elections? Could that attest to the fact that, Mr. Kempes Ofosuware will be a loose and running over candidate for the NPP? I feel that majority of the Tema East NDC Delegates have taken a very wise decision to elect Hon. Eben Tee as their Parliamentary Candidate since the NPP will never feel comfortable with Eben Tee. Many of the members of Tema East NPP keep saying they have a lot to say against Mr. Kempes Ofosuware in the General Elections should he get the nod but will be difficult to have anything to say about Hon. Eben Tee when he gets the nod. Could that be the reason why the NPP is allegedly championing the course of Mr. Kempes Ofosuware?
With these gross lies and inconsistencies emanating from the camp of Hon. Kempes Ofosuware and the apparent determination to sideline and gag the very true NDC members in the constituency is extremely provocative and unfortunate. As I write, a whole former propaganda secretary of Cape Coast Polytechnic Tein, Mr. Theophilus Kugblenu has been dragged to court by Mr. Kempes Ofosuware demanding a total sum of five billion Cedis (5,000,000,000) for alleged damages. Some are beginning to wonder if the Tema MCE, Mr. Kempes Ofosuware is so financially broke to the extent that he will start to sue people and demand for damages which money he will use for his campaign activities?
Some people say that when we speak the truth we will be taken to court so we should shut up. I want to put on records that “I and for that matter we, are above these “feminine threats” and shall forever remain truthful to the NDC and exercise our democratic right of freedom of expression” as TRUE NDC Members. LET THE PSEUDO NDC MEMBERS MOVE TO THE COURTS at the least opportunity.

NDC Youth Activist

Long Live Hon. Eben Anuwa-Amarh (EBEN TEE)
Long Live Tema East NDC
Long Live NDC
Long Live Ghana

Michael Nii Abbey
NDC Youth Activist