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Opinions of Friday, 8 July 2011

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.

Tenant “Betu” Landlord In Sunyani?

From: Stephen A.Quaye, Toronto-Canada.

Is the Member of Parliament [MP] for Lower Manya Krobo Constituency in the Eastern Region[ER] Michael Teye Nyaunu okay? Are you sure you are not telling me a lie that he is okay? Well let me take it so since you are saying he is okay either than that I would have thought he was not okay.
No but how can a whole law maker representing a section of the Krobo people who are described as very respectful, principled and pacesetters in Presbyterian education be on the offensive which no one knows what he wants?
Ah, is this man an honourable member of parliament? The law making house of the country where representatives of the people in all the constituencies meet to enact laws for the ordinary Ghanaian to abide by it? And he goes about insulting the sitting president free of charge without anybody calling him to order?
I personally do not think so that is why initially I quizzed whether he was okay. What is the cause of this guy pouring invectives on the president that he is right in doing so I may ask again?
Right from day one when the NDC party started to pull its resources to organize its presidential primaries this man started to use coarse language on the president without anybody standing up against him to say you can not do that Rasta man.
Because of that he has been pouring more vituperative words on the president calling him names and our friends from the media have also been wasting quality air time, energy, communication resources to trumpet the trash that pours out from the mouth of this not honourable man.
Yes our friends from the media are contributing to misbehaviour because even in the U.S.A where the republican early presidential hopeful Donald Trump made false allegations against President Barack Obama, it was the press which stopped him by investigating and exposing his lies which dashed his hope of becoming a president of America.
No one would have known what was wrong with Teye Nyaunu, if he did not in one of his unacceptable speeches alleged that the president promised him a ministerial appointment should he be voted into power during the 2008 general elections of which he failed to honour.
He even went ahead to mention names of big men around the president as those who blocked the first gentleman from honouring his promise made to him therefore he has an axe to grind with the president.
The axe to grind with the president is to run him down by joining forces with his opponents and see to it that he is defeated in his bid to win the party primary and move further to win the general elections come December next year.
Although no one knows and can tell for sure whether there was an agreement reached between the president and Michael Teye Nyaunu, of a ministerial portfolio which never came, if a person thinks he is a ministerial material but never got a called up by the president to serve in whichever capacity, does it give him the chance to pour invectives on the president?
No but excuse my words to say that this nasty behavour exhibited by the MP from Krobo area plainly depicts the sort of greedy mindset he has already natured and would be approaching the so called ministerial appointment therefore the president outsmarting him said” NO” “WONYENEDEM”.
But do not be surprise to know that the Rawlings have always been contracting people who have long beaks to praise them and run down their opponents in various elections so as to create the winning platforms for them.
No but have you forgotten the Toni Aiddo’s, Alhaji Issaka Inusah’s, Victor Smith’s and now Michael Teye Nyaunu. You remember the propaganda work Toni Aiddo did for former president Jerry John Rawlings?
Oh as for Alhaji Issaka Inusah,[may his soul rest in peace] you will not forget about his work because of his last minute defection from the NPP as former president Kufuor’s right hand man to the NDC IN 2000 election which shook the NPP foundation.
His usual prelude “SAA NPP PARTY NU, ENTRO” of his campaign speeches will not be forgotten as he went to every nuke and cranes of the country to run Mr. Kufuor down for Professor Atta Mills who still lost the elections.
Then his position was taken over by Mr. Victor Smith now ambassador to Czech Republic who also during the 2008 general election swore heaven and earth that if the NDC did not win the elections Ghana would burn to ashes.
Currently, Mr. Smith has switched camp from the Rawlingses to Atta Mills’s camp and Nyaunu is now doing the dirty work but this time to his own party because the president is the leader of the party of which until July 10, will be different from what the Rawlings camp believes in.
Michael Nyaunu, has recently described the president as a ‘tenant’ in the NDC party. But has he forgotten that the lords were there when his master introduced the tenant as the overlord of the party and he paid homage to him?
This guy is well known of using false propaganda to defeat his opponents either than that he will not deceive the electorates in Lower Manya Krobo Constituency to vote for him in 2004 election by alleging that his opponent then Madam Dedo Duffuie Agyarko, never went through Dipo customary rights therefore it was a taboo for them to vote for her to lead them.
Now he has gone high-tech by attacking the president describing him as a sleepy UTONG driver, blind and can not read important documents and now as a tenant in the NDC.
But what are the NDC delegates going to tell this greedy propagandist of the Rawlingses through the ballot box? Are the delegates going to tell him “TENANT ETU LANDLORD” by voting massively for president Atta Mills or just be allowed to make a wrong decision by voting for the Rawlingses?
As that decision lies in their hands we can only use a popular cautious statement of a Fante parent to his son whenever they goes to town saying” EYAA HWE ADE NATO ADE PAPAPAA” meaning look out for good quality stuff before buying them.
Over to you NDC delegates