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Opinions of Saturday, 14 November 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Thank God Damoah Has Been Axed!!! (Part 1)

If there is any good news that has me in recent times, it is the news that Col. Kwadwo Damoah has been released from the Ghana Armed Forces.

Yes, I am so happy that the Ghana Army is getting rid of one of the key architects of the destruction of the Army during the period of the NPP.

Between Col. Damoah and some NPP officers, the Ghana Armed Forces was left flat on its face by the time the NDC took over.

Addo Kufuor will have the world believe that he built the image of the Armed Forces but the facts have it that the likes of Col. Damoah supported Addo Kufuor to destroy the Army.

It is a fact that some cocaine barons were using the Armed Forces to do their cocaine business.

They were supposedly importing items for the Army when indeed, they were importing cocaine into the system. John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor and brother Addo Kufuor, supported foolishly by unprofessional officers like Kwadwo Damoah, chopped the Armed Forces’ money and left our Armed Forces penniless. For example, money was released for the purchase of new sets of instruments for the Armed Forces Central Band but to date, not a single instrument has been bought. This Damoah character, he was so unprofessional because of his links to the NPP and so had the effrontery to disobey orders from superior officers. This Damoah character, he was the main architect behind the “Akanisation” of the Ghana Armed Forces.

Damoah’s policy was to turn the Ghana Armed Forces into a tribal army with Akan’s having over 70% representation.

As the Director in-charge of Manpower at the General Headquarters (GHQ), Damoah was the brain behind denying Ewes, Gas, and Northners the opportunity to enlist in the Armed Forces.

Apart from preventing non-Akans from joining the Army, Damoah and his group also made sure that lots of Ewes, Gas and Northners who were already in uniform, were frustrated out of the Military.

Ghanaians should make some basic enquiries and they would be shocked at the number of fine officers who resigned (dropped their uniforms) from the army during the period of the NPP.

Fine officers were hounded out of the Military because they were not Akans. Indeed, some Akans, who were not prepared to sacrifice their professional competence on the altar of Damoah’s stinking “Akanisation” agenda, were also hounded out of the Army.

The non-Akans who are still in the army, decided that they will not allow themselves to be thrown out of a profession they committed themselves to; and today, they are breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Of course, there are some Akans who are also breathing a sigh of relief because they were not in cahoots with the stinking agenda of Damoah and the tribalist nation-wrecking goons who were prepared to turn the Ghana Army into an Akan Army.

As for the Airforce, their story is pathetic.

Just because President Jerry Rawlings took pains to build the Airforce, Kufuor, Addo Kufuor, Damoah, J.B Danquah and co, deliberately destroyed the Airforce thinking they were destroying Jerry Rawlings.

It is really sad that the once bluffing Airforce, has lost a lot of its fine pilots, thanks to Damoah and co.

Ghanaian officers are scattered all over the world working for the United Nations and other reputable organizations just because of what AddoKufuor and the likes of Damoah turned the Armed Forces into.

Can you believe that a certain category of officers could just dip their hands into army funds and chop?

Well, that was what was happening under the watch of Addo Kufuor.

At the right time, we will expose Damoah for the things that he did with monies belonging to the Ghana Army.

We will ask Damoah what happened to the monies that the Armed Forces was making via the sale of envelopes to people who wanted to enlist into the Ghana Armed Forces.

We will go ahead to ask him how he and Dua Adonteng, then MD of Ghana Post, mismanaged the said funds.

And we will also ask Damoah whether he remembers how he pocketed lots of pounds sterling and jumped onto a plane to go and have fun with a lover in London. We know it for a fact that there was a time that the then Commandant of the Military Academy and Training Schools (MATS), Major General Abdulai, was told in the face by Damoah that he (Damoah) does not take orders from anybody apart from the CDS.

A colonel can look in the face of a Major General and disobey his command? That is the extent to which Damoah and co destroyed the command and control structure of the Ghana Armed Forces.

As for the info doing the rounds alleging that Damoah was a very immoral character who used to do so many things to ladies before enlisting them into the Ghana Armed Forces, the least said about those things the better.

At the right time, we will ask Damoah to tell us whether or not he used to have sex with females before getting them into the Military Academy.

At the right time, we will ask Damoah whether or not a lady who did not go through the 11 steps required to be accepted as a cadet, was allowed to train and become an officer because Damoah was sleeping with her.

Indeed, we know at least two women who cannot get over the fact that they had to allow Damoah to have sex with them before getting them into the Academy, and they are prepared to testify in open.

Go and check the number of female who are walking around Burma Camp doing nothing.

I am definitely not against women being enlisted into the Armed Forces but Damoah and co enlisted all kinds of “comforters” just so they can be used to satisfy the sexual appetite of the NPP officers and their civilian political bosses.

Indeed, because of the practice of officers sleeping with Other Ranks (ORs), there was nothing like discipline in the Armed Forces.

A female OR, who was sent back to Ghana from peace keeping operations in DR Congo because she was caught selling military ration on the open market, had the audacity to tell her Commanding Officer that once she arrived in Ghana, she will make sure that the CO also returns to Ghana.

True to her word, once the Other Rank arrived in Ghana, Damoah and co made sure that the CO was recalled.

If there had not been a change of Government, only God knows what Damoah and co would have turned our Armed Forces into.

Through divine intervention, President Atta Mills is restoring the dignity of the Ghana Army and today, no Other Rank can dare look a CO in the face and talk rubbish.

And no Colonel can look a Major General in the face and say that he takes orders from only the CDS.

Today, Damoah is out of the Ghana Armed Forces and it is the hope of Nana Biakoye that all the Damoahs in the Armed Forces are released in accordance with the Service Regulations so that the once professional Ghana Armed Forces will reclaim its lost glory and rebuild its shredded pride.

Lt. General Smith, Defence Minister, and Major General Blay, CDS, must make sure they clean up the image of the Ghana Armed Forces and it must be done with alacrity.

Damoah should go away and never come anywhere near our Ghana Armed Forces. We repeat; we thank God that Damoah has been axed from the Ghana Armed Forces. People should please stay glued to this space because I am really going to “go to town” on this character called Kwadwo Damoah. Damoah has asked for it, and he will get more than he bargained for!

PS. Kwadwo Damoah should know that some of us know it for a fact that he is the one who has been writing certain things about Lt. General Smith, Major General Anyidoho, Major General Adinkrah, Lt. Col Gbevlo Lartey, Lt. Col Atachie and co in Ken Kuranchie’s Searchlight. At the right time, we will show Damoah a copy of a script in his hand writing which was published in the Searchlight. As for Prince Prah, who allows his byline to be used by Kwadwo Damoah in the Searchlight, he is just a pawn in Damoah’s failed chess game. Nana Biakoye (A True Patriot)