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Opinions of Sunday, 10 February 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Absurdity of the Audacity of the NDC Fanatics

I wonder if some of the fanatical behaviours by the NDC are down to the fact that those exhibiting such characters are simply bionic humans programmed to execute certain functions and tasks as desired by their programmers. I find it absolutely irrational the way some people perceived to have the backing of either the government, or the NDC bigwigs, carry themselves audaciously about in Ghana currently. They believe in being the law onto themselves, do whatever they like irrespective of how it infringes the laws of the land, with impunity. I listened this morning, 8 February 2013, to a young man by name Mr. Attuquaye, of a supposedly newly formed Movement called, “Young Democrats”, on Oman Fm radio exhibit his total intimidating ignorance with matchless exuberance. He threatened to deal with the leaders of another newly formed organisation called, “Let my Vote Count Alliance”. This Movement is agitating for the veracity of Election 2012 to be unveiled by the Supreme Court. Additionally, it seeks the drastic reform of the Electoral Commission and electoral processes in Ghana to reflect the reality by way of eschewing the scale of electoral irregularities and fraud as perceptibly ongoing in Ghana. On the other hand, the “Young Democrats” are seeking to ensure the current peace enjoyed in Ghana since the NDC government of Jerry John Rawlings is allowed to continue. They are vehemently against the Supreme Court processes instituted by Nana Akuffo-Addo, Dr. Bawumia and Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, to seeking justice in Election 2012 deemed rigged in favour of President John Dramani Mahama. The “Young Democrats” are of the childish, devilish and clearly unjustified assumption that Nana Akuffo-Addo &Co with the NPP are on the path to derail the peace in Ghana if they are left unchecked. What an absurd presumption by Little Minds woefully doubling as “educated illiterates”. They are of the belief that the legal pursuit of justice in the courts by Nana Akuffo-Addo & Co. amounts to endangering the peaceful atmosphere in Ghana. What a pure silly thinking by great fools who are good for nothing, but best for being manipulated to carry out the Devil’s atrocious desires? Mr. Attuquaye threatened on air to deal with the leadership of the “Let my Vote Count Alliance”, mentioning Alex Owusu-Bempah of NDP, Abu Ramadan of PNC and a few others as those in imminent trouble in his calculations. How is he going to deal with them talking in that authoritative voice? I see people like that young Attuquaye as simply being senselessly manipulated by some NDC bigwigs. They expect him to do a dirty work for them. They have succeeded baiting him on his own infantile capriciousness to play stomach politics. These are the people that I will not suffer kindly when instilling senses of self-respect, societal values, and comportment as human beings into their big, but shallow skulls.

One could observe the sharp difference in intelligence, wisdom and maturity when one Mr. Asante from the “Let my Vote Count Alliance” spoke on same Oman Fm radio platform. The man made me proud by his in-depth maturity full of wisdom and intelligence, coupled with the caring manner in which he went about trying to wean the NDC senseless fanatics like Attuquaye, off their whimsical preparedness to do as their evil paymasters bid them to do. I am left with one rhetorical question, are there rational human beings living side by side with wild beasts under the same roof in Ghana? By the atrociously audacious attitudes of some ideological and political party fanatics in Ghana, I can conclude that some people are beasts, if not worse than wild beasts living in the jungle. While the gentleness of others makes them the perfect human beings worth my adoration, the attitudes of the likes of Mr. Attuquaye make me cringe at their bestiality. The humans know themselves and the beasts of Ghana also know themselves. I still remind the good people of Ghana who seek JUSTICE to remain RESOLUTE and rally behind Nana Akuffo, Dr. Bawumia and Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey. I believe justice will reign supreme at the end of the needless ongoing wrangling and heckling brought about by the gargantuan election fraud initiated and executed by Kwadwo Afari-Gyan and the NDC in favour of John Mahama. Their evilness committed under the cover of darkness will soon be exposed in the broad daylight for the whole world to see. On that day, Afari-Gyan will be drowned in utter shame!

Where is Honourable Martin Amidu, the once or recently “lone Ghanaian vigilante?” Have the NDC beasts silenced or rendered him weak having started to devour him limb by limb? I yearn to know what has become of this lone star that rose visibly in that dark Universe but now dimmed or completely disappeared from sight for good. He was a real STAR Ghana should always be proud of.

Rockson Adofo