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Opinions of Sunday, 17 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Acting Kwahumanhene Nana Asiedu Agyemang III Needs Urgent Psychiatric Examination!

It is all over the media, and an ongoing topic of discussion in the country that the Acting Kwahumanhene Nana Asiedu Agyemang III has publicly declared his unflinching support for President Mahama. This declaration came following the President’s bid to seek a second term which to me is a two-and-a-half term, if not a third term, in office as the President of the Fourth Republic of Ghana.

Why do I see it as a third term that President John Dramani Mahama is seeking to stay in the presidency? Was he not the one who on own volition came out to declare to the public that while the late President Mills, his boss, was in office, he, then Vice-President Mahama, was in total charge of the affairs of the nation doing everything because of the apparent incapacitation of President Mills? This is just by the way.

Let me cruise on to flay the Acting Kwahumanhene alive to prove to him how ignorant, selfish and absolutely absurd his behaviour and intentions are.

Even though chiefs by the Chieftaincy Act are not to involve themselves in active politics for obvious reasons, it does not bother me much if a chief or king goes his own way to publicly announce his support for a President campaigning for re-election, a Presidential candidate or a political party. Such a declaration automatically comes at a cost or at a profit to that particular chief and their locality hence the Chieftaincy Act barring them from such spurious open political affiliations.

I do not care which person or party the chief supports, however, I find his invocation of curses on his supposed President Mahama’s detractors very offensive, if not criminal and nonsensical.

He is understood, according to what I have read on the news, to have cursed the detractors of President Mahama by invoking 77 gods (river deities, stones, trees, ghosts etc.) on them. I find his attitude very stupid and unworthy of a chief. Check the underlying web link:

Let me read into his mind to tell why he did what he did.

1. He is an Acting Chief. He wants to seek the support of President Mahama to be confirmed the real Kwahumanhene
2. He is doing that so as to be seen as a great supporter of the President and the NDC in order to be showered with gifts (cars, money, etc.) by the President.
3. He is doing that in order to have an unfettered access to the police through the help, or orders, of the President to intimidate anyone in Kwahuman who will rise up to challenge him in any way. Like all the NDC rogues who are law unto themselves, so this Acting Chief wants to become.
4. He is not civilized but an ignorant person seeking the easier way to climb to the top.

The chief can be rich like any other rich person from Kwahu but he is completely out of his mind hence requesting a psychiatric attention and treatment for him. Any sensible chief who is worthy of his salt will not come out publicly irresponsibly as Nana Asiedu Agyemang III has done.

Let me then reverse the curse upon his head and that of his family on to their third generation. If the gods he has invoked are as powerful as he believes, and the gods known to adjudicate cases before inflicting punishment on the guilty party, then let the gods judge him according to his character, whether he is honest or not. If he has personally benefited from, or hopes to benefit from, what he has said and done in support of President Mahama (declaring his public support for him amid invocation of curses on the President’s detractors) then the deities so-invoked must sacrifice him as a thanks offering on their altar.

If the majority of the subjects of Kwahuman are suffering either socially, economically, financially or politically because of the corruption, incompetence, practice of selective justice, intimidations, fondness for lies or any irresponsible character, initiatives or undertakings by President Mahama and the NDC party and government, then the curse he has invoked must be his family’s portion with himself included, from his generation on to their third generation.

If he has accepted anything, or stands to gain favours, from President Mahama and his government and party hence raining curses on the President’s detractors, he should suffer the repercussions of the curses he has himself invoked.

Let it be known to this Acting Chief of Kwahuman that President Mahama is his own greatest enemy and detractor. Has he not appointed mostly incompetent persons, crooks and thieves as his Government Ministers, Presidential staffers etc. to help him govern the nation? Are his appointees not stealing from the public funds in a way or the other? Does he not pay people to go on air or public telling lies to the public? If President Mahama has done any of these hence bringing economic and financial hardships to the people of Ghana, then the curse must be upon the head of the Acting Kwahuman chief, Nana Asiedu Agyemang III.

Finally, may all the painful curses in the bible be his portion had he invoked his curses in bad faith, thus, seeking favours from President Mahama and his NDC government and party while it is clearly known that the majority of Ghanaians are suffering.

I do not suffer fools kindly. I dedicate this publication to the people of Kwahuman.

Rockson Adofo