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Opinions of Friday, 15 January 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

The Arrogance, Weirdness and Naivety of These NDC Leaders are Beyond Imagination

There is not a single passing day that a member of the NDC government and, or party, does not shock Ghanaians with their exhibition of ignorance, malevolence, mischievousness or acts of nonchalance. The other day, it was President John Dramani Mahama saying, any Ghanaian who has never been the President of Ghana has absolutely no right to lecture him on governance because they do not know what it takes to govern a nation. Today, it is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs Hannah Tetteh, displaying her nonchalance and ignorance for the entire Ghanaian and the worldwide public to witness in utter bewilderment.
From a publication on Ghanaweb under their General News of Tuesday, 12 January 2016 titled, "Gitmo ex-convicts were Al-Qaeda 'foot soldiers' – Hanna Tetteh" (, Hannah Tetteh is seen showing complete disrespect to the people of Ghana.

The majority of Ghanaians are expressing concern about the presence of two ex-detainees from Guantanamo Bay dumped on Ghana by the United States of America (USA). The officially sanctioned presence of Mahmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef, 36, and Khalid Shayk Mohammed, 34 in Ghana, by President Mahama is causing disquiet among the Ghanaian population the world over.
Instead of Mrs Hannah Tetteh saying something more reasonable to justify why the above two mentioned individuals are in Ghana, she is rather denigrating Ghanaians by behaving in the same irresponsible manner as did President Mahama and as indicated above. She says among other things that "...They were low-level fighters with no operational functionality in put it in simple terms, they were foot soldiers of AI Qaeda... captured in the early days and put behind bars for 14 years,". Subsequently, she goes on to lambast Ghanaians by questioning their authority and that of the parliament for demanding to know why the government did not inform the public prior to accepting the two US ex- Guantanamo Bay detainees into the country.

Who or what is a "foot-soldier?" A foot soldier is "a dedicated low-level follower or an infantryman" An infantryman is a soldier who fights on foot.

If those two individuals were dedicated followers of Al-Qaeda, and Al-Qaeda is known to be a dangerous terrorist organization fighting for a genuine or an illegal cause, are they not themselves terrorists by way of their DEDICATION to that cause? Do they not share or harbour the same ill-sentiments towards the non-Muslim world, especially America and Western European Countries, like any other member of the Al-Qaeda?
What is dedication, one may inquire? Dedication by the dictionary definition is the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because it is important.
Have we seen how ignorant Hannah Tetteh is by fobbing our concerns off with her shallow-minded explanation of classifying the two ex-detainees as foot soldiers? If a foot soldier does not share the concerns and aspirations of his master, will he follow him in the first place? No, he won't! If he does follow the master for one reason or the other, and does perform errands for the master, then the foot soldier is as equally dangerous and guilty as his master that he follows. Am I right?
Why should I waste time, no, sorry, I should have said, spend my precious time, on this completely misfit lady who lacks public-relations skills in communication? Does she not know that there are educated Ghanaians or security experts out there who can interpret or read deeper into their hollow-minded utterances and explanations?
The NDC guys are pompous. They do not respect the mandate the Ghanaian electorates have given to them. They think they have the unrestrained, if not the absolute, right, to do and speak as they want when they want to Ghanaians. How can a Minister for Foreign Affairs speak in a manner as she did to Ghanaians?

If she was a Minister in any of the civilized Western countries, she would have resigned or been forced to resign by allowing such two dangerous individuals into the country, let alone, making preposterous statements as she did.
These lawless, nonchalant, incompetent, and nepotistic members of government and NDC party are the same individuals and party aspiring to get Ghanaians vote to maintain them in power come election 2016. How is that possible?
If they think they can rig the election to stay in power, let them go ahead. If they do, as disrespectful to the laws of Ghana and abusive to the populace as they have shown, they will suffer not only the wrath of God but also, the anger of the Ghanaian public.
Her behaviour is quite weird. It is not credible for her to portray such behaviour of a weirdo. Is she not being naive and arrogant, same as her other colleagues in government and in the NDC party are?
For how long are Ghanaians going to sit on their arse doing nothing while these NDC rogues in government take us for fools?
Ghanaians need to rise up "wake" to liberate Ghana from the hands of these political ignoramuses.

Rockson Adofo