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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

The Bane Of Alan Is Nana’s Virtue: Rejoinder

The Ghanaweb article published on Friday May 7, 2010 “The bane of Alan is Nana’s virtue” by this so-called Demtey Daniel is using propaganda smear tactics to castigate Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng for his position opposed to Akufo Addo, who is a visionless, violent, arrogant, womanizer as well as a traitor. This strategy is total nonsense. As I have said before and I will say it again politics is not a street business. One needs to learn from a classroom in order for those who wish to become good politicians and assimilate into political ideology. One needs political science education This Demtey Daniel has no basic knowledge in politics. He had better look somewhere else and find something better to do with his life. He also needs one hundred level studies in political science because his level of education in making these political comparisms and contrasts between Alan and his 70- year- old man Akufo Addo stinks.

My fellow countrymen and women majority of these Akufo Addo supporters know that their 70-year- old man has no record to run on after his disastrous 2008 campaign which sent the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from power to the opposition. This third class economics graduate Akufo Addo could not retain the party in power for the third time even with all the 8 years of astronomical economic achievements from the NPP in which the nation has never seen before since our independence. Now John Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng has become their victim. Anyone of them will just jump to insult him for unjustifiable reasons. While this 70- year- old man Akufo Addo’s supporter Demtey Daniel could not think well that Ghanaians reject their political hero due to his pride, which is clearly evident in the way, he refers to “We the people. He calls his fellow Ghanaians “ you Ghanaians” instead of “we Ghanaians, reflecting his lifestyle of violence, arrogance, womanizing and his lack of vision for the nation.

How on earth could a party like the NPP, a party that turned the nation’s economic status around from a 2 billion a year economy in 2000 to a 20 billion a year economy in 2008 in just eight years in office—how could such a party lose an election to a presidential candidate who was very sick and a party that has 19 years of disastrous economic records, records which are there for every Ghanaian to see.? Akufo Addo could succeed to knock Attah Mills down but if you think now that Mills is in power that this Akufo Addo can oust him then you are joking. This Knucklehead Demptey Daniel state “ Now, come to think about Nana’s main contender, Allan Kyeremateng. It is no secret that Allan indeed did resign from the New patriotic party before being prevailed upon to rescind his decision”. He went further to say, “But what do we hear from the great Allan himself? That he did not resign from the NPP. That because the then chairmen did not accept his letter, it means he did not resign”. As I have always said, common sense is common but it is not common to many people. That is why we ought to call it uncommon sense. If Demptey Daniel really has common sense he will see that if one sends a letter to a party chairman for his resignation from the party and the party chairman refuses to accept such a letter, does that means the person has resigned from the party? Even a six years old child will knows that once the chairman did not accept the letter, the person has not resigned. Here is the case the chairmen himself going down and begging him for his actions towards Alan that led to his letter. It is very sad for people like Demptey Daniel with his feeble mind to claim to be a politician. Demptey went on to say, “ A leader must be bold to face the consequence of his/her actions/utterances: Fear is a trait of weakness while boldness is a mark of virtue. In other words, show me a man living in fear and I will show you a weak person. And show me a virtuous man and I will show you a bold man.” Very interesting indeed. If your Akufo Addo is man enough and the bold man to which you are referring, he should have come out and defended his drug addict charges, which have surrounded his head from 2007 till today or is he really living in fear?. I agree weak fearful men run and hide rather than face up to their responsibilities. If your Akufo Addo is a man of integrity’’ my question to you is, Do you understand the word integrity”? If your Akufo Addo has any integrity in his life he should have faced the media and defended his drug addiction charges, period. For your information whatever God has ordained no one can deny it Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng will lead the NPP for the 2012 general election and also become the President for our motherland. Alan is a progressive who soared across the politically divided spectrum, the man who will unite the nation as well as the NPP. This NPP servant Alan Kyeremateng is not divisive as your Akufo Addo who has third grade in economics.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)