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Opinions of Saturday, 4 June 2011

Columnist: Abugri, George Sydney

The Bloody Showers Of June 4.

By George Sydney Abugri

At first it seemed
A day dream
The sound of boot on bone
Bone on stone
The miracle of agile obesity
Till the sight of an Abongo Boy
Drawing an unspecified map
In brilliant steel
Dripping human red
On the bare back
Of a cedi bloke
Drew a loud scream
And cracked the bad dream
...June Four 79

At first it seemed
A day dream
Elegant dame all spruced up
From a smiling Benz comes
Rolling boot aided
In the mud
As if to humour the anger of guns
Speaking their raging dialect
Over the tree tops
But the smell of blood gun-smoked
Choked the air
And sobs and teary pleas
And the gasping ‘oh, please, please...’
Cracked the bad dream
...June Four 79

The skies are smoking
The blood is flowing
The air is electric
But where were they..?
The cat-sized mice
Who inflamed this beast
To feast on innocent martyrs
And set our land ablaze
Where were they
On June Four 79?

{From the poetry collection SOUL BLAST, by George Sydney Abugri, ALL COPYRIGHT RESERVED}