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Opinions of Thursday, 13 October 2011

Columnist: Amegashie, J. Atsu

The Brouhaha Of Larry Gbevlo Lartey

By: Selorm Amegashie
A Proud Ghanaian
[email protected]

Events of recent past have brought to the fore very worrying developments within the National Democratic Congress, Government and the security of the state underlying all of which seems to be the untoward selfish interests of very powerful government officials especially the National Security Cordinator. Larry Gbevlo Lartey

Last week Tuesday, a group of NDC supporters comprising men and women as well as the youth, led by one Hajjia Sherifatu, stormed the party head office to protest against the national security coordinator Larry Gbevlo Lartey, among the issues raised were that the national security coordinator has, and is imposing his 23 year old son as the next member of parliament for the Hohoe North constituency, a move the constituency executives except the chairman have vehemently protested against,
The national security coordinator who is also believed to have neglected his duty of securing the state by allowing a huge influx of tuareg rebels parading themselves as Fulani herdsmen who carry dangerous weapons around and is rather busily focusing on developing a 100acre farm in the Volta Region among other things which leaves one wondering whether Gbevlo is probably not telling whoever appointed him that he will best serve the country as the agric. Minister rather than a national security coordinator,
Subsequent to this protest at the party head office, a group of constituency executives also went on some of the radio networks to register their protest at the national security coordinator whose activities, including his avowed aim to see to his son becoming the next M.P. of their constituency though they barely know the said Nestor Gbevlo Lartey within the party at the Hohoe North constituency, they further claimed Larry Gbevlo lartey, who prior to his appointment as a national security coordinator was not known in the constituency has, through manipulations succeeded in dividing the party’s front, by among other things seeing to the removal of the former district chief executive-Victor Herman Condobrey, in order to bring his cronies who he believes will foster his agenda for the son, to claim the parliamentary seat against the sitting MP. . Indeed if this is what the national security coordinator has set his sights on then one imagine the sort of destructiveness it will do to the constituency right from the constituency party members to the sitting member of parliament.
Unfortunately for those who seem not to understand the prevailing brouhaha certain names like Consul Alfred Agbesi Wayome and Nii Lantey Vanderpuje whose interests as I came to understand from the Hohoe constituency executives themselves have been simply to keep the party united at the said Hohoe constituency, Alfred Woyome have particularly rather become the subjects or target of press conferences believed to be motivated by Gbevlo Lartey, in an attempt to simply denigrate their person.
Onto the rather more important issue of national security I bet one remembers how terrorism have become an issue even within our sub region especially with the bombings of U.N bases in Nigeria, Togo and gradually spreading to Benin, one would have expected a proactive approach by the National Security Capo. But rather what do we see? The influx of rebels who parade themselves as herdsmen carrying around very dangerous weapons, one can however not fail to remember how in recent times national security operatives have rather unnecessarily raided movie production houses to seize movies the instead of tackling this growing dangerous menace of the influx of rebels.

Power they say corrupts, but for some the question rather becomes the use of such power, if indeed Larry Gbevlo Lartey is interested in using his very powerful office to only manipulate the system for his son Nestor Gbevlo Lartey to become an MP then all well meaning Ghanaians call on those who appointed him to relieve him, so he can fully assume his heart desire as campaign manager for Nestor Gbevlo Lartey or better still his efforts can also be redirected towards the agric ministry since he probably doesn’t seem to understand the principle of conflict of interest in using state resources for his 100 acre farm whiles in government.