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Opinions of Thursday, 24 May 2012

Columnist: Adu-Otu, Yaw Asare

The CPP Challenge: To Make Ghana Work Again

Yaw Asare Adu-Otu

CPP Coalition-USA

[email protected] May 21, 2012

Election of Dr. Abu Sakara as candidate for president representing the CONVENTION PEOPLE’S PARTY (CPP) for the December 2012 general elections of Ghana represents a paradigm shift in the political spheres of both the party and Ghana, in general. The bold invocation of human centered socialist principles to guide the campaign manifesto of the CPP resets dynamics of Ghana’s political economy of Ghana to where it ought to be to make the country work again since overthrow of the Kwame Nkrumah regime in 1966.
Nevertheless, leading towards the general elections in December, the CPP faces a crucial organizational challenge. Necessarily, CPP leadership needs to make a definitive declaration to Ghanaians regarding the party’s position on Abu Sakara’s preference for human-centered socialist principles to guide the party’s campaign manifesto.
Is the CPP’s response to Abu Sakara a yes or no?
It must be acceptable for a political party that inherits ideals of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah to abide by human centered socialist principles. Since the CPP cannot be seen to disagree or disappoint its own elected candidate for president on political principles, it is incumbent upon the party’s leadership to translate and clarify what is involved in the human centered socialist principles for national organization. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah was not perfect by all human standards; nevertheless, he provided a blueprint that can be modified for all Ghanaians to access economic and political benefits of society.
A CPP government, guided by socialist principles can oversee and support private businesses that contribute to the potential of the productive capacity of Ghana. Simultaneously, a CPP government may use absolute power of the state to accumulate national resources to provide social amenities for the benefit of everyone in society. In that instance, adequate provision and delivery of necessities such as healthcare and education would not even become subjects for public discussion.
With a CPP government in Ghana, sufficient provision of social means for quality education and abundant delivery of healthcare would be matters of course. Education for school-age children would not be based on parents’ ability to pay school fees. In that instance, school-age children would just have to get up, get ready and go to school up to the level of their abilities, no questions asked. Ghanaians would no longer be afraid of unexpected illnesses because professionally staffed public healthcare facilities would be available to provide unconditional services. In addition, adequate ambulatory service would be available.
A human centered socialist CPP government in Ghana would welcome foreign investment in certain defined sectors of the economy with mutually beneficial caveats. The CPP government would require foreign businesses to be willing to train Ghanaians to qualify them for eventual management positions. There would be legal stipulation for foreign investors to re-invest their profits in the country’s economy instead of transferring them abroad.
A socialist CPP government guided by human centered principles would give true meaning to the idea of rural development. A CPP government would empower graduates from the country’s technical schools, teacher-training colleges, nursing schools and polytechnics to carry the burden of rural development through private enterprise. Partnership between the central government and District Assemblies would be the instrument for rural development.
A CPP government would take measures to modernize production in the agriculture sector as a function of rural development.
By necessity, a CPP government would need adequate public resources to carry out all the socially important programs. In this regard, the regime would use available laws of the country to stamp out corruption in public places. By implication, public funds directed currently into the pockets of individuals would remain in the public coffers for the benefit of society in general.
A human centered socialist government of Ghana would produce development plans for the nation that would be available for public discussion. At the same time, government would respond promptly to evolving dynamic changes in the national economic conditions to serve the people.
Despite negative comments about the CPP from political skeptics, it is possible for the MOTHER PARTY to be victorious as in the days of Hilla Limann. Stacked against V.P Mahama and Mohamadu Dawumia, Dr. Abu Sakara has the chance to win the most votes from the three northern regions in December. If the CPP can win another southern region of the country, (i. e. 4 out of 10 regions) victory is assured or the party emerges as a significant player in the political realm of Ghana.
In the context of the present political moment, What CPP needs is all out effort to win power in order to be able to execute a program to benefit Ghanaians.
