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Opinions of Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

The Case Against 6th March, 1957 (Our Independence)

After accusing our colonial masters of a plethora of things, finally the day came.The date forever etched in stone and the memories indelible in our minds. The indictment we face as Ghanaians in this case is; WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED AFTER 53 YRS OF (PSUEDO) INDEPENDENCE.

A careful retrospection of the past and an introspection within settles this case before it's logical conclusion, but I must admit that will not suffice. On 6th march 1957 Nkrumah and crew mounted the podium, declared independence and said after all the black man is capable of handling his own affairs. That ill-advised statement has been our demise. when we look back in chronological order concerning past events, the question; WERE WE CAPABLE OF HANDLING OUR OWN AFFAIRS becomes all the more pertinent in this epic of our democratic dispensation.

A couple of yrs ago, the brother of Tabo Mbeki (former president of south Africa) who is a prominent businessman in an interview to the BBC said Africa was better and would have been much better under colonial rule than in independence. When I heard the interview at first blush I asked how could a man with a platform of prominence make a jejune assertion like this, but after looking at things through the prism of perspective ness, I have come to the humble conclusion that he was right. What is Independence when we depend on the west for handouts, depend on the west to govern and depend on Obama to tell our politicians to bring a cessation to corruption after 50 plus yrs of so called Independence. We should be embarrassed of having virtually nothing to show for.

Today, tribalism posses as one of the threats to our fledgling democracy and if we are not careful what happened in Kenya will pale in comparison to what looms on the horizon for us as Ghanaians.

I'm not being pessimistic, just being realistic. The foundational stuctures for a nation to be Independent were not there, hence our demise. Had we allowed our colonial masters to groom us properly. and give us independence at the ripe time, ooh how sweet and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in peace and unity. With that I rest my case.

As we approach the birthday of our independence it is my prayer that the Lord in His mercies, gives us a sense of direction coupled with His peace that surpasses all understanding. May God bless my homeland Ghana and make Ghana a blessing.

Kwadwo Poku N Y